Pastor Dowell Tells It Straight

NEW YORK, NY – JANUARY 28: Protestors rally during a protest against the Muslim immigration ban at John F. Kennedy International Airport on January 28, 2017 in New York City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

Old-School HatePoaster Squirrel reappears to take issue with yesterday’s observation, that Christians hate us. No, brothers, I wasn’t trolling. It’s a flat fact that Christians hate America, Christians hate healthy families, and Christians are generally immoral and untrustworthy in every context. There are endless examples of Christian evil, and I’ve been posting them constantly for nearly a year.

Squirrel points out that there is apparently a pastor named Dowell, who speaks truth on YouTube.

Pastor Dowell sez:

You don’t have to beg for permission to get married. Getting a marriage license gives the state power over your children. George Washington never had a marriage license.

Guess what? The Pastor is correct.

Pastor Dowell sez:

If you were going to go skydiving, and I gave you a chute, with a 50/50 chance of it working properly, would you jump out of the plane?

I don’t want to get married with those odds, either.

(Note: Start the magic countdown until all his videos disappear. Google hates the truth so much that it could double as a Christian church.)

While the O.P. posted Dowell’s video as a counterexample to my claim that Christians Hate America, Pastor Dowell in fact agrees with the atheist, Boxer. He isn’t a Christian, either.

I can’t blame him. When I go looking for Christians, I find feminists like Beth Moore, and con-artists like Benny Hinn.

I might think there are “alt-Christians” on the internet, but extended study reveals them to be liars, like Dalrock, and slanderers, like Cane Caldo. It seems every dishonest man makes a lot of noise about how he represents the “true” version of Christianity, and that all other Christians are “communists…” or some such nonsense.

It is true that Christians critique each other, but their arguments always turn out to be unsound, and driven by emotion. Moreover, they all act in precisely the same dishonorable fashion; so, it becomes basically impossible to spot any meaningful difference between one Christian and another, and each will bury the questioner in McCarthyesque ranting about how he is the genuine article, and all his competitors are communistic frauds.

In the end, Christians most resemble a bundle of hateful, poisonous snakes, tied tightly around the middle, all hissing and biting each other. Sorta entertaining to watch their raging and spitting from the cheap seats, but it’s thoroughly undignified, and nothing I want to be a part of.

I’m glad to see Christianity continue to wither, and I hope it’ll be replaced by Israelites like Dowell.

28 thoughts on “Pastor Dowell Tells It Straight

  1. Communists did infiltrate the Catholic church.

    The gospel of ‘social justice’ is basically socialism. True Christianity about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  2. The gospel of .social justice. is basically socialism. True Christianity about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Nonsense. Social justice Christian cucks want open borders because their rich friends make money from cheap labor. That’s the opposite of socialism.

    In contrast, Dowell’s group is practicing communism now. Incidentally, did you watch his videos? They’re definitely pro-click. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the content.

  3. Boxer ..

    (Real) Christians have always been hated and a small remnant .. they hate traditional Ametican life / families.

    (re: marriage and no marriage license) ..

    Mexico has a two tier marriage system. With and without a marriage license.

    It’s a racket for the government.

    And if you think we can vote ourselves out of this mess .. how do you think we got into this mess?!

  4. And if you think we can vote ourselves out of this mess .. how do you think we got into this mess?!

    I’m actually way more nihilistic than you guys imagine.

  5. ‘Nonsense. Social justice Christian cucks want open borders because their rich friends make money from cheap labor. That.s the opposite of socialism.’

    Not really…how socialism really works once it is implemented is the people running it get all the money and everyone else is equally miserable with nothing but poverty and starvation.

    Now I know in theory that’s how it shouldn’t work…but that’s why it’s never ‘truly’ worked when implemented.

  6. So you think Christians arguing tend to wind up in the “No True Scotsman” fallacy, eh? Well, I’ve never met a group of Christians who didn’t have a lot wrong with them, and to judge from Paul’s letters to various churches, neither did he. But I will say that I have seen along with the crud a lot of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in the churches I’ve attended. (Some churches more than others, certainly.)

    I hope you won’t consider it too impertinent that I pray you come to Christ; at least know that it means I wish you well, since I believe that only in Christ is truth and salvation. Should you do so, I think you won’t be able to help loving other Christians, your brothers in Christ. But then, too, you’ll be even madder than you are now at people like Beth Moore, who is most definitely a false teacher. (Whoops! Is that me saying that another self-proclaimed Christian isn’t really a Christian? I guess it is, by golly. We are to expect lots of false teachers as per 2 Tim. 4, Jude, other places, so I stand by my comment.)

  7. Be very careful when dealing with this man. Sounds like he used to be a black Israelite and they do hate white folks. Also, he appears to be a polyamory type deviant.

    All religious people are bad, but these are some of the worst.

  8. Video #1: This video is correct, except for the part about the marriage contract. No Christian should have a marriage contract, for its only purpose is legal enforcement. The Christian must follow Jesus’ procedure for conflict resolution (Matthew 18:15-35). It is the job of fellow Christians to enforce the marriage.

    Video #2: Most of what he says is just stating facts, but the “50/50 chance of divorce” statistic is false. You can use Google to show this. Now, individual divorce risk is often significantly higher or lower than 50/50. The incentives to marriage depend on your specific individual divorce risk. Men should first determine their risk before marrying, but they should not avoid marriage. To say otherwise undersells the importance of family to a man. Even if my wife turned evil and divorced me, it would still be worth it for those 5 kids.

    Video #3:

    I have a lot of sympathy for his perspective. He’s correct when he says that today’s clergy won’t debate with you in public. Most of the time they won’t debate you at all, even in private (Disclaimer: almost nobody will debate me for very long). The RCC denies that individuals even need the Bible, so what’s the point of debate? I agree that “the Apostles didn’t create new revelation, they echoed what the prophets said.” Of course many can, and do, claim that their particular newly revealed rituals and sacraments echo what the prophets said, so YMMV.

    He makes a big deal about the term “Christian” as if it matters. It doesn’t. Early Christians called their sect “the way”, as it was clearly new and different. It was considered a Hebrew sect, but still a separate sect, by the Romans. If you wanted to call Christianity a Hebrew sect today, it changes nothing. He makes a big deal about the Bible writers being Hebrew as if this is suprising or important. Paul was a Roman citizen, and that isn’t meaningful either. Moreover, the co-opting of pagen symbolism (e.g. easter, Christmas tree) just indicates that Christianity has a certain masculine nature: it’s able to completely defeat opposing religious traditions and take their symbols as spoils.

    He claimed that the “Hebrews are still God’s people.” This is correct, but doesn’t invalidate Christianity. God can’t revoke his promises to the Hebrews, but he can (and did) create a new covenant for the Gentiles. He doesn’t seem to realize that even the ancient Hebrews understood the OT regulations as only applying to fellow Hebrews. The rituals of cleanliness only applied to Hebrews. For example, certain bodily fluids of Hebrews could make a Hebrew unclean while those same fluids of Gentiles would not. The “Sabbath didn’t change” comment goes along with this. It simply doesn’t apply to Gentiles. The words of Paul make this dichotomy clear for those paying attention. Considering the big debate in Antioch between Peter and Paul on this choice and the ruling by James, you’d think the issue was settled. Apparently not.

    In summary, nothing he says is a particularly good reason not to be a Christian. No wonder no one wants to debate him.

  9. The new normal: Don.t hire a woman

    I don’t .. nor have I ever hired a womminz .. period.

    Glad everyone else finally got the memo.

    PS .. #METOO now has a different meaning .. ROFL .. suck it fembotz!

  10. I know what Boxer is saying in these last couple posts. The simple fact that Christianity is correct doesn’t convince people. Most folks need to see Christianity put into action by people who act like it’s true even when, especially when, it hurts before they will take a risk on it being true themselves. That’s a reasonable demand to make when you think about it. Most so-called Christians lay hands on each other for a stubbed toe while pretending little Johnnie isn’t being groomed by pedophiles in the public school next door. Who wants to believe in that religion? And it doesn’t help the outsiders when you say the fools are just doing it wrong. Humans work like Missouri, “the Show-Me State”.

    The restoration of Christianity will come only after great persecution. Nothing less will convince the world that we believe what we talking about. Until blood gets spilled, why should an atheist care any more about the Bible Book of Fairy Tales than the Bible Thumpers apparently do?

    We must suffer for Christ’s sake because talk is cheap.

  11. I can agree with some of what this man has to say.

    1. Yes, modern Christians ignore much of the OT and tend to treat it as “the old stuff” that can be generally ignored with the exception of the ten commandments and tithing. ESPECIALLY tithing, which is treated as though it were one of the ten commandments itself.

    2. If I had known in my youth that I didn’t need a marriage license I wouldn’t have gotten one. If anything my years of listening to Rush Limbaugh as a kid (Of my own free will) taught me that nothing the government offers or makes it a point for you to acquire comes for free, there is always a cost. Now, I dont know if that cost is ones children, but I will do as he says and look up some information on my own.

    3. The whole thing about the sabbath on Sundays and stuff is where he starts to lose me. A pretty general reading of the scripture reveals:

    16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
    17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

    Jesus even got onto the Pharisees when they accused his disciples of doing “work on the sabbath” for picking corn to munch on while walking, telling them:

    27 And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:
    28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.

    Essentially telling them: “I AM the sabbath”. (Insert picture of Sheev Palpatine here if you want).

    Also this whole business of hating Christians, I can understand where you are coming from, but whats in a name? I mean, sure the disciples were called “disciples”, but that’s a general term. Christians are called “Christians” because they are followers of Christ. As with anything, however, you have those who talk the talk and those who walk the walk. Its like someone proclaiming they are die-hard fans of ‘x’ sports team yet they can only tell you the team colors and their mascot, and maaaaybe what city they originate in. Who cares what you call Christians, they have been called many things: Disciple, Followers of The Way – it doesn’t matter because regardless of what you call them its their actions who determine what they are.

    I’ve known “Christians” my whole life. They know the drills, they know how to dress, act and talk. They’re down with all the lingo, but they don’t live it out. They bend. They break. They see wearing the name of Christian as a get out of jail free card, not a “I’m still a slave but not to sin” card. I spent too long in that camp and now I can see them for what they are. Not because God gave me any special powers or visions, but because I simply read the bible and put it into practice.

    I’ll still call myself a Christian because that’s what I am: One who follows Christ. You can call me an asshole if you want, so long as, in the end, it is said: That asshole followed Christ, and it showed.

  12. I hope you won.t consider it too impertinent…

    Trolling encouraged in this post code.

    But then, too, you.ll be even madder than you are now at people like Beth Moore, who is most definitely a false teacher.

    I’m not mad at Beth Moore (I understand why you’d be mad at her). I consider people like her to be purveyors of priceless entertainment.

  13. ‘Incidentally, did you watch his videos? definitely pro-click. I.d love to hear your thoughts on the content.’

    I got off work so I was able to watch them.

    In regards to his statements about marriage license and why men are going MGTOW.. No disagreements there. In fact I was just thinking about MGTOW really is in explaination form (as opposed to saying ‘going your own way’) it is men taking their frame back as opposed to submitting themselves to a woman’s frame. That’s pretty much what dating and ‘Marriage 2.0’ is all about as opposed to how God created it. With MGTOW you may still be with a woman if you choose…but you aren’t submitting to her. And as such I think that’s partly YOUR hangup with Christians. They are often submitting to women’s or the world’s frame as opposed to Christ. This religion isn’t WOMANanity.

  14. Old joke ..

    Question .. Do you know what the similarities between monogamy and poligami are?

    Answer .. Well poligami is one to many wifes .. and so is monogamy .. (drum roll)


    Marxists / Socialists / Commies / Leftists are the omnipotent moral busybodies described by CS Lewis.

    They love to antagonize, pick fights, harass and [kill in the name of tolerance (hundreds of millions)] then act indignant when you return fire.

  15. “Moreover, they all act in precisely the same dishonorable fashion; so, it becomes basically impossible to spot any meaningful difference between one Christian and another, and each will bury the questioner in McCarthyesque ranting about how he is the genuine article, and all his competitors are communistic frauds.”

    While there is a lot of truth to this, it’s also somewhat of a false dichotomy. I’ll make my logical arguments and aggressively pursue them. To outside appearances, perhaps it appears that I’m just ranting and squabbling. So while I’ll get into a heated argument with Brother earl on Twitter over doctrinal issues and biblical interpretation, at the end of the day he’s no fraud. I’d freely put aside our differences and worship alongside him.

    I don’t hate heretics. They are sinners who are just as much in need of Christ as anyone else. God can manage those (including myself) who are mistaken and come by their heresy honestly. The ones deserving of the harshest criticism are those who aggressively support apostasy and unbelief and flaunt sin and brag that it’s a good thing.

  16. ‘The ones deserving of the harshest criticism are those who aggressively support apostasy and unbelief and flaunt sin and brag that it.s a good thing.’

    It’s why the homos in the Catholic clergy trying to make sodomy into a good thing need to go…into a lake of fire.

  17. Once again @Boxer your perceptive analysis of the current situation amongst Christianity is spot on……Don’t ever stop what you do

    I found out that Dalrock is a deceived liar and a hypocrite so I no longer peruse his material
    Yours is a bright spark amongst the myriad voices out there and I always look forward to each of your threads

  18. Speaking as a convert to Catholicism .little over a decade. I went from becoming thrilled each time to discover someone is Catholic to now feeling dismay that I.ll have nothing in common with them.
    It.s sad what the Catholic Church has come to. Invasion of the body snatchers.

  19. Whether you sign a marriage or birth certificate is quite irrelevant. You gain citizenship by place of birth: the state will lay claim to your children regardless. Cases in point:
    1) United States: officials driving minors across state lines to get abortions without parent permission (or knowledge).
    2) Canada: looking into euthanizing minors without their parent’s permission.

    You can’t prevent the state interfering with your children if it wants to, but you can try to stay out of its way and be as actively involved in protecting your children as possible. In most cases, you can move to a state with superior laws.

  20. ‘It.s sad what the Catholic Church has come to.’

    The church and the dogma itself are sound. That’s the richness of the faith.

    What’s sad is what the state of much of the clergy and laity have come to. They certainly make no effort to follow church teaching it seems…especially in the sexual arena. It’s very worldly. They’d rather talk about social justice for feelz and popularity than the Gospel of Jesus Christ which might produce bad feelz and persecution.

  21. ‘So while I.ll get into a heated argument with Brother earl on Twitter over doctrinal issues and biblical interpretation, at the end of the day he.s no fraud. I.d freely put aside our differences and worship alongside him.’


  22. I read some of the comments on the MGTOW one…the one I often see that makes me cringe is saying women need to be ‘property of men’ again.

    Women are human beings…they are not property. Property implies owning land or a house or car. That’s the disagreement I have there. However they do need to be educated and act upon the education they are to submit to God the father…their father or male legal guardian and then eventually their husbands. I think what most men miss in their ‘hypergamy’ analysis is that all the equality in marriage feminism tries to place in it is that women naturally want to submit to their husband (and will get a lot of programming they shouldn’t). If the husband goes along with the sham of equality in marriage when he is the head or she thinks rebelling against her husband is the norm…’hypergamy’ in the wife will reveal itself.

  23. Baseline advice I’d give…a man should never go for ‘equality’ in marriage and a woman should never go for ‘rebelling’ against her lawful male head especially her husband.

  24. Earl sez ..

    I read some of the comments on the MGTOW one.the one I often see that makes me cringe is saying women need to be .property of men. again.

    1st .. It’s a mis-understanding on their part. A partial truth but a mis-understanding thru more than ignorance on their part. They’ve been trained to be stupid. (Stay tuned to the end for a solution.)

    2nd .. Marriage was established (by our governments) contract / property right laws. [In short ..] She was entitled to his excess labor. He was entitled to her reproductivity. This is why adultery was so bad. It was theft. [End of short version.]

    There is so much to say about the original terms of marriage. But, they took some truth and misplaced it thru a complete loss .. in translation of property rights .. via a purposefully neglectful government education (and media) system.

    But who can blame them .. the Supreme Court has infringed on property rights (and so much more). No doubt young people mis-understand when they have trouble with / grasp of basic definitions of terms .. much less the more complex issues like The US Constitution .. or contract law .. or anything else.

    These same folks vote btw .. so if you expect voting to chamge anything .. you first have to take the education of our youth back from the government .. which they have no constitutional rivht too btw.

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