15 thoughts on “Christians Hate America

  1. Communism is dying; but, before it goes, it wants to dissolve our national borders, break up our families, and crush us under the weight of false guilt.


    This zombie Christianity out there is nothing more than communists in clergical clothing.

  2. Oh, and on the subject of Christianity dying in America: “Christendom has had a series of revolutions and in each one of them Christianity has died. Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave.” G.K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man”

  3. That is a very true statement. Last time I went to the Baptist Church they were talking about sponsoring refugees. They already packed my grandma’s block with hateful muzz and job stealing spics but they needed to bring yet more of them in at our expense. Jesus Christ is the demon behind a whole lot of hell and damnation. No other religion has ever done so much evil.

  4. “Christianity is dying”

    Boxer, you do like to troll your readers. chuckle, chuckle.

    Our family just abandoned the United Methodist Church I was attending due to its apostasy and neglect of children. (I probably should have taken Boxer’s advice and left it immediately after the predictable Father’s Day single-mother praise.) The United Methodist Church is one of many Christian sects that continue to hemorrhage parishioners in conjunction with their abandonment of traditional principles. If you look at the UMC membership numbers, you’ll find that it is actually being propped up by the church in Africa. Christianity is thriving in Africa and Asia.

    Meanwhile, the church our family switched to has seen 20-30% YoY growth for the last 6 years. Unlike the UMC, it embraces more traditional theology. We’ll see if it sticks.

    Christianity on the whole is not dying, but the branches that fail to bear fruit are being aggressively pruned. This is by design and it is welcomed. It’s pretty consistent among the Mainline Protestants, but it remains to be seen how the pruning will turn out in the RCC.

  5. ‘It.s pretty consistent among the Mainline Protestants, but it remains to be seen how the pruning will turn out in the RCC.’

    Given the rise I’ve been seeing in the younger laity wanting more tradition rather than promoting the latest homosexual agenda or communist clergy using the church to be homos and get our donated money I’d say a pruning is coming there too.

    A few photos I’ve seen from the homo friendly clergy speakers bring only in small numbers of aging boomers who think the 1970s never ended.

  6. “…I.d say a pruning is coming there too”

    I sincerely hope and pray for this result. We Protestants and Anabaptists can leave our churches and find plenty of solid, thriving, baptist-style, non-denominational churches scattered all around America. Catholic options are more limited. It needs to be cleansed from within, and it needs to be done more intensely and globally. The Philadelphia archdiocese doesn’t seem to be particularly healthy, let alone the rest of the state (ahem, Pittsburgh).

    One of the reasons I follow a number of Catholics on Twitter is to follow this very thing: to see the fight being fought. Its outcome is a huge barometer for where Christianity as a whole lands.

  7. ‘ The Philadelphia archdiocese doesn.t seem to be particularly healthy, let alone the rest of the state (ahem, Pittsburgh).’

    Yeah that whole state had a big problem…in fact it was first to finally reveal rumors I’ve heard for years (thankfully never personally experienced…some sick clergy out there). Why Wuerl isn’t in jail is beyond me.

    I’m sure it wasn’t the only one.

  8. BIOLA seems to churn out a lot of fools. I know a lot of people who went there, and they’re nuts. Every one of them. Perhaps they put something in the water there.

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