Skank Arrested. SSDD

Not being widely reported today: An unscrupulous skank-ho bureaucrat has been arrested and charged with unlawful disclosure of suspicious activity reports (SARs).

The mission of FinCEN is to “safeguard the financial system from illicit use and combat money laundering and promote national security through the collection, analysis, and dissemination of financial intelligence and strategic use of financial authorities.”  Among other things, FinCEN manages the collection and maintenance of SARs regarding potentially suspicious financial transactions, which, under the Bank Secrecy Act, U.S. financial institutions and other parties are required by law to generate and deliver to FinCEN.  Under the BSA and its implementing regulations, willful disclosure of a SAR or its contents by government employees or agents except as necessary to fulfill official duties is a felony.


Beginning in approximately October 2017, and lasting until the present, EDWARDS unlawfully disclosed numerous SARs to a reporter (“Reporter-1”), the substance of which were published over the course of approximately 12 articles by a news organization for which Reporter-1 wrote (“News Organization-1”).  The illegally disclosed SARs pertained to, among other things, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, the Russian Embassy, Mariia Butina, and Prevezon Alexander.  EDWARDS had access to each of the pertinent SARs and saved them – along with thousands of other files containing sensitive government information – to a flash drive provided to her by FinCEN.  She transmitted the SARs to Reporter-1 by means that included taking photographs of them and texting the photographs to Reporter-1 over an encrypted application.  In addition to disseminating SARs to Reporter-1, EDWARDS sent Reporter-1 internal FinCEN emails appearing to relate to SARs or other information protected by the BSA, and FinCEN non-public memoranda, including Investigative Memos and Intelligence Assessments published by the FinCEN Intelligence Division, which contained confidential personal, business, and/or security threat assessments.


At the time of EDWARDS’s arrest, she was in possession of a flash drive appearing to be the flash drive on which she saved the unlawfully disclosed SARs, and a cellphone containing numerous communications over an encrypted application in which she transmitted SARs and other sensitive government information to Reporter-1.


*                      *                      *


EDWARDS, 40, of Quinton, Virginia, is charged with one count of unauthorized disclosures of suspicious activity reports and one count of conspiracy to make unauthorized disclosures of suspicious activity reports, both of which carry a maximum sentence of five years in prison.  The statutory maximum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencings of the defendants would be determined by the judge.

Apparently, skanky thought that she’d aid Mueller in his investigation to “take down the orange cheeto” by publicizing confidential information. I wonder which pseudojournalist served as her handler.

Here’s a photo of the lovely career wimminz…

Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards

The last mediocre skank arrested for similar stuff was named “Reality Winner.” I suppose “Mayflower Sours” is almost as fun a name, and it’s the same scenario. Skank is bored with her overly generous salary in her make-work job, so she flushes her career down the toilet in order to OWN DRUMPF!

One wonders why they do this. Is it merely an attempt at virtue signaling? Are they motivated by childhood trauma? It’s certainly a curious phenomenon. In the end, such people accomplish nothing other than their own ruin.

27 thoughts on “Skank Arrested. SSDD

  1. Her before and after are interesting ..

    (Re: why she did it) .. She probably stopped getting attention .. she found a way to get attention ..

    “An AW (attention-whore) is gonna AW.”

  2. “One wonders why they do this.”

    What else? No-strings-attached sex and unrestricted access to abortion. As I’ve written previously (e.g. the previous guest post), the connection between abortion, sex, and feminism is tight. No threat, real or imagined, can be permitted.

    Those that are a potential threat to the feminist lifestyle must be attacked by any means available. I was in a doctor’s office the other day and a woman asked, in disbelief, why no one had shot the president yet. It’s the same thing that drives a woman to make up sexual assault accusations while having voted for a sexual-assault enabler.

    Why did she do it? Since everyone else gets away with it, Ms. Mayflower assumed she would get the pass too. With the trial pending there is still plenty of time for that.

    “Is it merely an attempt at virtue signaling?”

    It can’t be virtue signalling, because it’s not just empty posturing.

    “It.s certainly a curious phenomenon.”

    It’s irrational and thus ultimately self-defeating. Anything done for the cause is justified. The ends justify the means, or alternatively, feelingsy-feelings justify anything. I know you don’t agree, but the answer should be staring you in the face as obvious as anything. The denial of the objective moral standard is the cause, being replaced by the subjective and the utilitarian.

  3. To avoid plagiarism, I thought I should declare the sources of my summarized thesis above. We all build off the backs of others.

    The Wintery Knight blog points out time and again that most of what drives the left (feminists, millennials, etc.) is a pursuit of no-strings-attached sex. The Shadow to Light blog is dedicated to highlighting the irrationality of atheistic social justice activism in a subjective moral framework. (Ms. Mayflower is just another in a long line of SJ activists fighting for the cause). And let’s not forget Boxer’s favorite person Bruce Charlton who covers the metaphysics of religion, especially as pertains to the real source of this dysfunction: the abandonment of Christianity. Lastly, my father for showing me how to spot the irrationality in moral relativism.

  4. One wonders why they do this. Is it merely an attempt at virtue signaling? Are they motivated by childhood trauma?

    It seems 9 times out of 10 when wimminz do something it’s for male attention that daddy didn’t give her. Perhaps a smooth tongued cad promised her tingles if she took down Drumpf.

  5. EDWARDS, 40, of Quinton, Virginia, is charged with one count of unauthorized disclosures of suspicious activity reports and one count of conspiracy to make unauthorized disclosures of suspicious activity reports, both of which carry a maximum sentence of five years in prison.

    I’ll go out on a limb and say her “prison” time was already completed during the booking process, assuming there was one, and that we should expect her fund me account online any day now.

  6. “…and a Hillary .hater.”

    I hate to be wrong, but those are the breaks. Looks like her motivation is not sex (like so many others) but instead just fighting for the cause (“whistleblower”). Just not sure what cause it is just yet.

  7. Derek ..

    In the original article I thought it said she had a MS in Education.

    Which would’ve over qualified her for CSO at Equifax .. HEH .. (CSO at Equifax had a MS in Music I thought) ..

    Anyway .. the HEAVY article just proves the point she’s an AW (Attention Whore Skank-SLAP-A-HO .. she is in an indian tribe after all).

    I bet she’s slept a few under age students as well as a number of her co-worker’s / Boss’s. When she no longer got the previously undeserved attention she took matters into her own hands.

    She was out for a scalp. (What .. to soon?)

  8. With a PhD in Philosophy, she has all the qualifications needed to be the Chief Security Officer at Equifax.

    So says a keyboard jockey.

  9. I bet she.s slept a few under age students as well as a number of her co-worker.s / Boss.s. When she no longer got the previously undeserved attention she took matters into her own hands.

    Truth right there.

  10. h/t to BV at spawny’s blog ..

    Tooooo funny ..

    She’s shocked but not phased .. go figure .. full-speed-ahead on SA .. (wimminz double down on their mistakes) ..

    This story reminds me of a joke ..

    An airline pilot makes a PA address to the passengers at cruising altitude.

    After he finished he continued to tell the other pilot that what he really needed was a cup of coffee and a BJ. Not knowing the mic was still hot and everyone onboard could hear him.

    A flight attendent started running forward to the intercomm and tell the pilot he was still in PA and the mic was hot.

    As she hurriedly started moving forward an elderly women yelled .. “DON’T FORGET THE COFFEE HONEY!”


  11. One wonders why they do this. Is it merely an attempt at virtue signaling? Are they motivated by childhood trauma? It.s certainly a curious phenomenon.

    The short answer: they’ve never been held accountable for anything in their lives and don’t even begin to grasp the concept. TL;DR version: got a vagina = Get Out of Jail Free card.

  12. VERDICT:

    What happens when wimminz rebel against the patriarchy and are ‘liberated’….They get the tyranny of evil men.

  13. My version is basically the cleaned up version of honeycomb.s.

    Earl .. it might be possible I’ve been a Bachelor for to long .. but ..

    I feel compelled to say neither one of us (or any man for that matter) are responsible for the clean-up on the “isle of vagina” ..

    Let’em ride bicycles .. HEH!

  14. It was one of the few ‘red pill’ things about women my father told me I took to heart when it came to divorced women and single mothers.

    ‘Never clean up another man’s mess.’

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