Another Heroic Single Mom

Our brother Honeycomb would like to introduce us to Hanna Barker, mother of the late Levi Ellerbe. Let’s read about this proud single mom…

Natchitoches, Louisiana A mother whose baby was found burning in July is in jail without bond. Hanna Barker, mother of 6 month old Levi Ellerbe, was kept in jail based on presented evidence.

Originally, Barker told police that two men came to her trailer, attacked her and took Levi from their home; however, a lieutenant with the State Fire Marshal’s Office testified that the scene appeared to be staged. Officials reported that her statements had inconsistencies.

Felicia Smith, Barker’s girlfriend, told investigators that it was Barker who asked her to help get rid of Levi. She said there is video evidence of the two meeting at IHOP, including phone recordings and text messages that support her claims.

Three whole paragraphs to obscure the truth. Skank-ho single mom and bulldyking bitch sex-partner tortured a baby to death. No word in the press from Mr. Ellerbe, the unfortunate father of this corpse. Our journalists don’t want to go there, and he’s just the dead kid’s dad. Nothing to see here. Move along…

These are two of the ugliest bulldykers I’ve ever seen.

Barker is charged with principal to first-degree murder; Smith is charged with first-degree murder.

6 month old Levi Cole Ellerbe was rushed to hospital in a critical condition after he was found with severe burns on the night of July 17th.

It was claimed he had been kidnapped less than 90 minutes earlier when two people turned up at his mother Hanna Barker’s trailer door. She told officers the pair ‘beat’ on the door, before she was sprayed in the face with a chemical substance she believed to be mace, and claimed she immediately fled her home to escape from the alleged attackers, but when she returned, she discovered Levi missing.

Officers received a 911 call at around 9:10pm, sparking a massive search for the baby boy in the Natchitoches area.

Just over an hour later, at about 10.20pm, police received a report of a fire near railroad tracks. Arriving at the scene, they discovered Levi with “obvious burns”.

The ‘smiley’ youngster was taken to Natchitoches Regional Medical Center, fighting for life, before being airlifted to another hospital. He passed away from his injuries on July 18th.

Single mothers are the most destructive force to ever plague our unfortunate society. They’re far more dangerous than the combination of radical islamists, neo-nazis, antifa, and influenza. When are we going to have a national conversation about single moms?

Don’t worry, dear. In the land of the cunt pass, I’m sure you’ll get probation.

18 thoughts on “Another Heroic Single Mom

  1. ‘When are we going to have a national conversation about single moms?’

    Perhaps when people finally realize that women can be just as evil as they think men are.

  2. Single mothers are the most destructive force to ever plague our unfortunate society. far more dangerous than the combination of radical islamists, neo-nazis, antifa, and influenza. When are we going to have a national conversation about single moms?

    Truth Boxer (re: most destructive force is single moms).

    As for a convo on the issue .. I can’t imagine how the mono-lith-ick wimmimz and the simp men get there. Wimminz are a majority .. and simp menz jus’ want wimminz (i.e. not men or children) to be happy .. that’s gotta be 85% of the population. 15% won’t cut it on forcing a debate that they don’t want.

    We are about as relavent as the Dad’s they don’t want to comment.


    It’s up to single Dads of these battle-cunts to get their perspective in the articles.


    AND .. I know it’s tough to read .. BUT that lil tyke was a fighter. The MSM praise these single witches .. and the MSM refuse to do a piece on the Dad and his side of the families loss .. and we should be morning the Dads loss and that lil tykes painful death.

    Verdict: The MSM is the enemy of the American People.

  3. Let’s see how much time these women serve. Liberal ol’ Huffington Post noted 6 years ago that women receive shorter sentences than men for the same crimes:

    And society is much kinder to women killing babies than to men committing other criminal acts:

    And of course, this heroic single mom merely got the timing a little wrong. If she’d killed the baby oh, maybe 9 months earlier, she wouldn’t be facing anything but applause from the left for her courageous choice.

    I have found nothing on the father of this child. It is quite possible that he never knew that he was a father, and if this is the case, I hope no one enlightens him.

  4. Look at those dead eyes, like the eyes of a shark. There is something evil there.

    And boxer I will try to write something on the feminism issue in Israel when I get some free time.

  5. May the bulldyke bitch muderers face the same form of death that they visited upon that poor baby boy. And no, it is NOT “cruel and unusual punishment” to execute someone in the same barbaric manner in which they murdered another innocent person. The punishment in such cases is fully proportional to the crime committed.

  6. ‘It is quite possible that he never knew that he was a father, and if this is the case, I hope no one enlightens him.’

    If she was a bulldyke from the beginning…that is certainly possible. She perhaps was looking for a sperm donor and that was it.

    In any case that lesbian is the mother of a dead kid from her own will…much like any other woman who aborts her children.

  7. ‘Bucy told her ex-husband.s father about the illicit relationship in August, telling him that she needed to .confess her sins,. according to a police report obtained by the station.’

    That’s what the confessional is for. What’s her ex’s father going to do?

  8. @Boxer

    Just a heads up my friend……it’s me kryptonian51
    Some faggot got my account suspended so I’ve made this one

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