Epicureanism For The MGTOW

Down below, our brother honeycomb found the following homosexample of fag entitlement on the grauniad…

tl/dr: Asian homo gets on the swingers sites, looking for some strange. Someone tells him that he won’t bang gooks. Somehow, this is news.

I have never been on Grindr, but only because I don’t prefer gay dick. I have been on Tinder, PoF, Stumble, OK Stupid, and Snatch dot com, for years. As a dude who is down with brown, I often get declines from hot black chicks, who prefer black dudes.

Guess what? I don’t cry about it. I definitely wouldn’t go public, with my real name, whining in the press… especially if my name was Sinakhone.

I have also been approached by Asian chickies. Like the unnamed white queer this whining nancy is crying over, I don’t have yellow fever. Now, I’m never as rude as that guy, but that’s beside the point. When my short little slant-eyed sister asks to get down, I always politely say no. There are millions of men (including dudes as white and as tall as I am) that will jump at the chance to bang a chinawoman. They’re but one swipe past my profile. She can choose from among them.

The next thing I expect to see is mainstream press articles, castigating guys like me, for not having gay sex on demand. How dare we straight men not suck dick? That’s, like, discriminatory.

I don’t need an excuse. The dick knows what it likes. My dick likes wimminz, not fags, and my dick sees in black-and-white. That’s just how it always has been, and there isn’t a damned thing in the world that is going to change it. I was “born this way,” as Lady Gaga might say.

The wealth required by nature is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity.

My man Epicurus knew what was what. History suggests that he never married, and he had no children. Wimminz and fags: full of vain ideals, and never happy with what they’ve got. Be like Epicurus. Stay away from them.

21 thoughts on “Epicureanism For The MGTOW

  1. Guess what? I don.t cry about it.

    The gays…much like the wimminz…when they aren’t doing drugs or having immoral sex are looking for ways to bring attention to themselves.

  2. Kristen Kreuk is about as far down the skin tone gradient(?) as I’m able to go. Be 10 times hotter with green eyes though. Brown eyes pretty much equals a hard no from me. Just amazingly hot when she was young, but doesn’t seem to be aging very well.

    Is there anything that fags don’t whine about? How is Fag-finder liable for racism? Do they not let certain races on their site or charge them more? No? Well then go fuck yourself, faggot.

  3. Kristen Kreuk is about as far down the skin tone gradient(?) as I.m able to go. Be 10 times hotter with green eyes though.

    That woman is incredibly attractive. She’s not black, though. She’s a white chick with one black great-grandparent, maybe.

    This chick is black-ish. I don’t fault you if you don’t find her attractive (we must obey the inborn imperative) but I would drill her on the reg, and if I were a few years younger, she probably could have gotten a great divorce payout from me:

  4. I can see why other people may find some brown women attractive, such as Stacy Dash or Zoe Saldana, but I just find them to be too “other”, so no response from missile command.

    Kristen is a mixture of Dutch and Chinese ancestry I believe.

  5. If we are talking skin suits…sure I prefer the white one.

    However I know when a woman is physically attractive no matter what skin suit she wears. There’s a black woman I see on one of the weather channels I think is one of the most attractive looking I’ve seen in a while (plus she actually smiles and doesn’t seem to have that ‘queen bee’ attitude in her presentation). Being fat with a butch haircut looks good on no woman.

  6. ‘Originally, Barker told police that two men came to her trailer, attacked her and took Levi from their home; however, a lieutenant with the State Fire Marshal’s Office testified that the scene appeared to be staged. Officials reported that her statements had inconsistencies.’


  7. As a toddler (I jest) .. I guess I was around 5 to 6 years old (and till I was out of the house) .. when Mom would have car problems .. she would tell Dad she had car problems .. of course then the fun started.

    Dad would ask her what the car was doing. She would tell him. And we would leave Mom to house work and go out to fix the car.

    The very first thing my Dad would do is .. (every-freakin-time mind you) .. once we were on the job site or shop .. or just out of Moms hearing range .. Dad would ask me what the car was doing.

    And only then would we start work on the car.


    Boy Mom could burn up a set of brakes .. and thank goodness gasoline was so cheap back then .. ‘cuz Mom had a lead foot.

  8. Dear Earl:

    Hot weatherchickie has an on-point body, and looks extra nice in a dress (femininity is a huge part of female attractiveness, girls… just FYI). To me, though, she’s got sort of a horsey face, and she has cut her biceps too aggressively.

    Not saying I wouldn’t jump at the chance to meet this woman, particularly if (as you point out) her demeanor is sweet and modest, but there are subtleties that women don’t seem to understand.

    When girls hit the weights too hard they start to look sorta masculinized to me. Maybe it’s a personal thing, but I think your example would be a full point more attractive if she skipped arm-and-chest day a couple times a week, and did cardio instead.


  9. Boxer .. I don’t know about her arms being to toned ..

    But, look at the Trade Winds blowing toward her and the water she is obviously warming .. HEH .. she’s a one womminz wrecking crew ..

    Heck she is causing a Bermuda High to develop thus punishing everyone in the area around her arms and hips.

    I’ve found the cause of Global Warming .. (at least) in the Gulf of Mexico .. heh

    (She’s not my cup of tea .. but a lot of fun to analysis .. weather related of course.)

  10. ‘Maybe it.s a personal thing, but I think your example would be a full point more attractive if she skipped arm-and-chest day a couple times a week, and did cardio instead.’

    Probably…while I loathe the women who go too far and have 7% body fat, 6 pack abs, linebacker shoulders and biceps like me…I like a woman with a little muscle. Especially in the hips & arms…helps making carrying kids easier.

    Compare her to the large scale physical attractiveness of black women…she’s top 3% based on not being the combo of being a queen bee and land whale alone.

  11. Point is men know what an attractive looking female looks like even if it isn’t the skin suit you prefer. They look female and are feminine.

  12. Maybe taking out the still frame will help…note she doesn’t sound like she has that smoker-contraception type voice either. Another plus.

    Now I have no clue what happens when the cameras are off…but I would think it would certainly be difficult to go from feminine professional to feminist ghetto queen without the effects starting to spill over.

  13. Brother Earl comment

    .Originally, Barker told police that two men came to her trailer, attacked her and took Levi from their home; however, a lieutenant with the State Fire Marshal.s Office testified that the scene appeared to be staged. Officials reported that her statements had inconsistencies..

    Before I I clicked on dalrock and found red pill community, I had Gone to a seminar were I learn how woman justify the in cfnsistesses: they are in shock their minds cannot remember because of the Trumatic experience.
    It.s not lying, if if you believe it hard enough……

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