“No Rude Comments!”
Cometh now the immoral Christians, to shame sensible men for refusing to play a rigged game.
(CNSNews.com) – Seventy percent of American males between the ages of 20 and 34 are not married, and many live in a state of “perpetual adolescence” with ominous consequences for the nation’s future, says Janice Shaw Crouse, author of “Marriage Matters.”
A Christian CONservative wimminz is bemoaning the scarcity of willing victims for the ongoing scam called “marriage,” imagine my shock!
“Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood,” Crouse, the former executive director of the Beverly LaHaye Institute, wrote in a recent Washington Times oped.
While it is certainly true that some of these men are maladjusted, lazy slackers, the majority are probably represented by the hundreds of boys I’m paid to rub shoulders with daily.
These young brothers are refusing to be enslaved and ripped off. In that regard, they are the absolute opposite of “perpetual adolescents.” They are free-thinking, savvy consumers, who won’t settle for the raw deal which is contemporary American wimminz.
The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come. “It’s very, very depressing,” Crouse told CNSNews.com. “They’re not understanding how important it is for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation to have strong families.”
Oh, those poor, poor wimminz. They’ve taken thousands of cocks, beginning at the age of thirteen, and now they’re crowning thirty, and finding the paucity of hunky millionaires willing to pledge their lives and fortunes in return for a banged-out, disease-ridden stinkhole very inconvenient.
Won’t any of you brothers be a good white knight for one of these disgusting prostitutes? She deserves to have that dream wedding come true, ten years to the day before she serves you with an order for lifetime alimony.
She pointed out that there’s “no data” to back up the common assertion that a lack of jobs during and after the Great Recession is the primary reason so many young men have been reluctant to tie the knot. “The problem with marriage was long before that,” she pointed out.
That’s correct, bitch. The problem began when our grandmother’s generation started whoring around and sending our grandfathers the bill for their shit behavior. I learned from their misfortune, and from the looks of things, the generations coming up now are harder than I ever dreamt of being.
Read this dumb slag’s opinion here; and, scroll to the bottom of the page to see who is writing this drivel. (Hint: she’s a looker.) Finally, remember boys: Say “no” to the ho’.