15 thoughts on “Torvalds Can’t Quit Cucking

  1. .. sigh ..

    What a whacked-out Train-Wreck ™ this has become .. and it has exceeded my expectations on train-wrecks thus-far.

  2. If you can get through the hamster…poor carousel rider can’t find the beta bux of her dreams.

    Perhaps the tide is turning. You dabble with Chad Cads…you get no Brads.

  3. WIMMINZ are incapable of going 30 days without a man [1] .. much less a lifetime.

    Perhaps the tide is turning.

    Or perhaps they are getting an education in .. how to become better chameleons.

    But rest assured .. they aren’t gonna change. For starters .. they all have to experience this to understand it .. it’s to late to learn from others mistakes once you yourself made that mistake.

    Men need to stop placing male virtues on wimminz.

    CONCLUSION .. ALL WIMMINZ (i.e. 99.9999999999%) will be cock-ridden whores by the time they get to the e-pif-uh-knee stage of their lives.

    Don’t expect them to change .. there is zero insentive for them to do so .. barring a complete collapse of modern life / society. [2]

    [1] .. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/a37gx5/i-tried-to-give-up-on-men-for-a-month

    (Spoiler Alert .. she didn’t make it 30 days.)

    [2] .. https://babe.net/2018/02/21/ive-cheated-on-every-guy-ive-ever-dated-and-i-dont-feel-even-a-little-bit-sorry-37120

  4. She needs to shave at least one of those eyebrows; maybe both? She looks like Mr. Spock in quizzical mode.

    How chicks can just sit down in front of a webcam and just fucking talk and talk and talk about their feewings is just the craziest thing to a simple guy like me. Do they really think anyone really cares?

  5. Wow, think how “dope” the guy Jesus is saving for her is gonna be.

    Geez, how old is she? 10 years of relationships and then single for 7… So mid-30s at least. Over the wall and into the parking lot.

    “I’m super fulfilled right now which is why I’m crying into the internet.”

  6. Wow, think how .dope. the guy Jesus is saving for her is gonna be.

    When I was a little kid, that term was already out of style among the older hooligans.

    Geez, how old is she?

    Skank ho is dating herself as member of the “New Kids On The Block” generation.

  7. ‘But rest assured .. they aren.t gonna change’

    I wasn’t talking about wimminz…I was talking about ‘dope’ beta men committing to wimminz. That tide might be chang8ng.

  8. Oh .. well in that case .. still .. nope.

    Someone will wife’em up .. it just won’t be Big BETA Dollar Signs of her dreams. And the number of menz that have moved on is a small percentage. When it hits 25% plus then we will see the real gnashing of teeth. This is just the warm-up. [1]

    The current market of locking desireable men out of hiring / good jobs has created a physical and mental dis-in-scent-tive for men to earn for future skank-ho wimminz.

    She’s only upset the current BETA’s that are available are way below here even lowering “settle-down” standards.

    I’m with ya’ Earl .. be an optismist .. or be a realist .. or just watch the world burn. I’ve been thru all three stages now. I’m ready to add an accelerator to the dumpster-fire.

    [1] .. Before we get to a real melt-down (of th wimminz due to NO Beta providers) the puppet masters of the internet cnesorship will ban all male opinions and thought. We aren’t close to critic mass yet. If we were .. they’d already pulled the plug on MGTOW / PUA dissent and thought.

  9. She.s only upset the current BETA.s that are available are way below here even lowering .settle-down. standards.

    When women push men out of their responsibilities or punish responsible men…this is the life they get. Cads and cats.

    The tradcons and white knights can try their ‘man up’ tactics…but they are a dying breed. Nobody wants to marry their slutty independent daughters they created because they thought they could be more of a man than the men they loathe.

  10. If you have a strong stomach, you can read Torvalds extensive groveling

    He’s a Swedish Finn. That HAS to go a long way towards explaining toward explaining things.

  11. When women push men out of their responsibilities or punish responsible men.this is the life they get. Cads and cats.

    100% agree. (BTW .. buy cat food stock.)

    The tradcons and white knights can try their .man up. tactics.but they are a dying breed.

    They’re not dead yet .. or a dying breed .. expand your scope of male friends .. they will be most certainly BP and Plantation type men whom Pedal-Style-Lies all or most all wimminz. If we are actually effecting 50% of the young-men currently then it would be game-over for the wimminz .. that would get us to critical mass very soon. I don’t think it’s that high though.

    There may very well be a t’sue’nom’ee coming .. but it’s not enough to cause mass panic in da wimminz or government or we would see more than just REDDIT MGTOW threads being affected.

    Nobody wants to marry their slutty independent daughters they created because they thought they could be more of a man than the men they loathe.

    This is a mixed up statement .. I do this sometimes when I get to typing fast on my phone .. so ..

    I agree WE RP menz don’t want to marry these (independent) sluts. But there are (still) tons of BP menz that will .. I agree more menz are waking-up to our current womminz problem .. sad really .. it’s been going on since Mo-Don-Uh sung .. “Like a Virgin” ™ in tye 80’s .. I’m happy for these menz .. I truly am ..

    BUT we haven’t reached critical mass yet. AND before that happens ALL the Man (safe .. lol) Zones will be shut-down.

    That’s how we know we’ve gotten there.

    We need more wimminz to never marry .. when that gets to 25% plus of wimminz over 40 years old .. then we have hit critical mass .. maybe.

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