So Many Dope Guys!

This is truly a pro-click video. Thanks be to Earl for such an entertaining view.

There were definitely a number of guys who were a part of my life. I definitely gave my heart to a great number of people during that time, but as far as being someone’s “girlfriend,” that didn’t happen…

Man, look at all these super dope guys I’m bringing into my life…

So, this wimminz was a jizzrag for the male population of her county for seven years. Don’t you ladies think that she’ll be a great role-model and source of advice for you? Make sure to do just as she says.

32 thoughts on “So Many Dope Guys!

  1. Don.t you ladies think that she.ll be a great role-model and source of advice for you?

    All they learned is she isn’t as amazing as they are .. status quo for little miss special snowflake (watching .. if these snow-flakes watch at all .. they probably think .. how great .. party time with all those menz .. we can worry about marriage later .. wash rinse repeat).

    Make sure to do just as she says.

    They will do as she did .. exactly .. to the letter of future disappointment.

    When will yenz fella’s understand .. THEY (th wimminz) DO NOT WANT SAVING .. [until they have no options left.]

  2. It’s a dyed streak of hair .. at least that is what it looks like ..

    She also has a nose ring ..

    All the better to identify th skank ho’s .. a 40 year old skank ho is worth what exactly in today’s current MMV exchange?

    That’s right contestants .. ZERO

  3. When you remove the scab of social disease, you’ll usually find a degenerate Jew underneath. In this case, we find her role model in (((Sarah Jessica Parker))). It was Parker that glorified the cum-guzzling lifestyle in “Sex in the City”. Parker’s show was then applauded by a thousand other Jews in the press, talking about what an important show it was for young women.

    Meanwhile the trusting and gullible goyim followed her Jewess lead, falling one by one into the pit of existential despair. And the best thing for Parker? She got to collect all the shekels!!!

  4. ‘It.s a dyed streak of hair .. at least that is what it looks like ..

    She also has a nose ring ..’

    Just wait until you point that out to wimminz…they go ‘that’s cultural’.

    Nose ring is a tell…like clown colored hair or tats.

  5. ‘When you remove the scab of social disease, you.ll usually find a degenerate Jew underneath.’

    When you remove the blinders of the temporal world…you’ll usually find the devil underneath. This particular lifestyle leads to death because it is sinful.

    ‘Meanwhile the trusting and gullible goyim followed her Jewess lead, falling one by one into the pit of existential despair.’

    If they are constructing your life around a tv show…I fear they have more problems going on.

  6. The hell is that white streak down her face?

    I don’t know why imgur links don’t work half the time, nor why Sharkly and Jason keep getting tossed in the spam folder. WordPress just seems to be a buggy format.

  7. When you remove the scab of social disease, you.ll usually find a degenerate Jew underneath. In this case, we find her role model in (((Sarah Jessica Parker))). It was Parker that glorified the cum-guzzling lifestyle in .Sex in the City.. Parker.s show was then applauded by a thousand other Jews in the press, talking about what an important show it was for young women.

    I honestly don’t follow the “Jews be the source of all our troubles” argument. In fact, it’d be more convincing to me to have you just replace the word “Jew” with “Mormon.”

    I remember going to the outermost fringes of Deseret — the place of Mitt Romney’s family — a town called Colonia Dublan, in Mexico. There’s an old school mercantile store on the outside of town, owned and managed by members of the tribe. Wandering in, I was somewhat shocked to see a wall full of cheap mexican porno. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I noted that behind the counter was hard liquor for sale. A bronze colored family was picking out overpriced canned goods on the other end of the aisle. I left.

    I asked one of my cousins about this, later that night. “Does it reflect well on us to be peddling this sort of trash?” He laughed and answered: “Who cares? That’s for the gentiles. They’re a bunch of animals anyway.”

    A couple of years later, I met one of the largest distributors of pornographic magazines in the Portland, OR, USA area. Another Mormon, of the LDS variety, who is a returned missionary, and who holds a stake-level calling.

    Everything you talk about the Jews doing to you… we actually do it to you. You could stop this immediately, by 1. controlling your women, and 2. shutting us down. You don’t stop it, so we’ll keep doing it.

    Frankly I wish you (Christians) would put a stop to it. We would be better people without the temptation to live at your expense.


  8. ‘I don.t know why imgur links don.t work half the time, nor why Sharkly and Jason keep getting tossed in the spam folder.’

    Make sure it’s a .jpg file. If it is a .png it wont work.

  9. I asked one of my cousins about this, later that night. .Does it reflect well on us to be peddling this sort of trash?. He laughed and answered: .Who cares? That.s for the gentiles. a bunch of animals anyway..

    Seems your cousin answered your question…it doesn’t reflect well on Mormons.

    God commanded us to love your neighbor as yourself. Not love your tribe and consider everyones else trash that you can sell your booze/pron to.

  10. It really doesn’t matter about the format .. be it .. jpeg .. jpg .. png .. gif .. etc .. those all work for me ..

    Except for whatever reason .. sometimes it’s fin-yuck-ee no matter what I do ..

    A couple of things I’ve learned are ..

    1) It always puts me in moderation with 3 or more links. And .. again sometimes with just 2 links.

    2) Some wordpress sites require the numbers after the format .. and some don’t like the numbers at all. So figure out which likes which.

    Summary .. I’m not a wordpress sme / expert .. but I attempt stupid stuff all the time .. it’s nice to have help one post away .. ….

  11. Dear Earl:

    Mormons are a lot like Catholics — very legalistic. Let me put my face in the magic hat and channel one of my cousins down on the collective farm for you.

    God commanded us to love your neighbor as yourself. Not love your tribe and consider everyones else trash that you can sell your booze/pron to.

    Not only is this in the New Testament, it’s also in the Book of Mormon too.

    Thus did Alma teach his people, that every man should love his neighbor as himself, that there should be no contention among them (Mosiah 23:15)

    What old Brother Graff (the Mexican store-owner) would likely say, is that we’re at war with these people, they tried to kill us, and that this war will not end until we take our rightful places in Jackson County. Thus, anything we can do to harm them is good, provided we don’t get caught.

    Problem with this argument is that it’s local. I can buy it in the United States. I can’t really understand it in Mexico: a country which has given us shelter, never done us any harm, and has bent over backwards to give us all sorts of unearned privileges that no other ethnic group gets (the right to run our own religious schools, for example, and the right for us to wear religious articles in public, and many other things that directly contradict Mexican law). Mexico has exempted us from conscription, given us agricultural tax breaks, and even awarded some of us a railroad contract.

    Same thing happens in Canada, in my home town, at the other end of Deseret, where Mormon kids regularly shoplift from stores owned by gentiles (this is a serious problem) and the Mormon RCMP office refuses to investigate. We are also known as a nation of tax cheats – go to Cardston and you’ll see almost every house has an “unfinished” wall. Houses under construction don’t pay property taxes, so Mormons live in houses which are “under construction” for 30 years, until it’s time to sell the house, at which point we rapidly slap on ten feet of siding and call it good.


  12. ‘Not only is this in the New Testament, it.s also in the Book of Mormon too.’

    The NT command comes from Christ Himself…the Son of God. I have no idea who Alma is.

  13. Just wait until you point that out to wimminz.they go .that.s cultural..

    3:20 .. re: Adopted “GREAT MEN” .. like .. her step-dad.

    Been waiting to see if anyone would say anything about her .. BROKEN home status .. like her nose ring or white hair streak .. are OPEN SOURCE information to evaluate her by.

    EVALUATION: Skank-Ho ™


    Dear Fella’s,

    Stay clear of wimminz of broken homes. Stay clear of wimminz that are single moms. Stay clear of wimminz with all the other red-flags. Unless, you are just interested in a pump-and-dump .. which will eventually darken your heart if you do to much. Steer clear of these wimminz brothers.

  14. 5:30 .. she compares the “Dope Guys” in her life that don’t measure up to how dope “The ONE” ™ will be that she must be meant for .. and you guessed it .. delivered by GOD.

    That’s the essence of the modern womminz hind-brain ..

    “She is doing something right” to have so many great “dope guys” in her life (6:00 mark-ish) .. and yet she’s not been a girlfriend to any of these “dope guys” in 7 years .. let that sink in fella’s ..

    truly breathtaking hamster-gymnastics.

    ENJOY the CATS .. I hear they are Super Dope Yo!

  15. Been waiting to see if anyone would say anything about her .. BROKEN home status .. like her nose ring or white hair streak .. are OPEN SOURCE information to evaluate her by.

    You know I always assumed wimminz did those things because of their rampages in the casual sex world…but perhaps it’s more of a broken home status indicator as well.

    One woman I know who has her body quite decorated (way much more than youtube gal) has given me pretty much every red flag in the book…her mom had 4 kids with 4 different men and she has been a single mother and has been divorced.

    When she started hinting at me (after talking about all the orbiters she has)…I said ‘nah’.

  16. Funny how they change once 30 hits.

    If I was still active in the market .. I would not date anyone older than 28 years old. Once they hit around that age, and beyond, they develop into the ASD Princesses that now demand the world to gain access what they were just giving away a year or two earlier.

    VERDICT: Pass!

  17. My cutoff is 25-26. I want kids.

    Got to give it at least a year to figure out every red flag in the dark recesses in her heart.
    And if the engagement takes 6 mo- 1yr…can’t be fornicating.

    It’s at least 2 years of her fertility I can’t access. I’m looking at 27 by the time a marriage would happen.

  18. But you know it might not happen at all…if that’s the case I just have to be on the lookout for false accusations from women for financial security from my money.

  19. if that.s the case I just have to be on the lookout for false accusations from women for financial security from my money.

    I’m 12 plus years ahead of the curve brother.

    I’ve seen this coming a couple of thousand miles away. It was bad when they could just ruin hour career and didn’t shake you down for protection money.

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