Lori Alexander: Wrong Again!

In her latest article, entitled Were Old Fashioned Women Happier, our sister Lori Alexander proves that women really don’t understand men. Specifically, Sister Lori imagines a 60-year old lady to be goodlookin’. Here’s a taste:

There is an interesting article in the Daily Mail about a woman who just turned 60 years old and compared herself to her mother back when she turned 60 years old. This woman, Liz Jones, is beautiful and puts me to shame (since I just turned 60 years old) if we were measuring only by appearance. She is in perfect shape and looks amazing for her age but at what cost? (She has spent a TON of money on herself to look this way!)

So, since Sister Lori decided to compare herself with this supposedly hot granny on the Daily Fail, I decided to follow some links and find a photo. Here’s the so-called “beautiful” 60-year old…

What I see in this photo is an elderly granny with saggy dugs and pot-belly. She also sports the 1000-yard stare of a hardened prostitute, and a disgusting skank-ho tattoo.

Now let’s keep going with the “hot or not” game, and check out Lori Alexander…

Granted, she’s another old lady, but she has a warm smile, human eyes, and an attractive air of modesty about her.

Now the important part…

Number of men who are hot after Daily Fail skank-ho: 0

Number of men who are hot after Lori Alexander: 1

There is not one normal swinging dick anywhere who would touch the skank in the Daily Fail article. That is by the skank’s own admission, as she leers provocatively, and asks why, after thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery, she can’t attract or keep a man.

Sure, she might get a bit of male attention, but only from creepy perverts with a granny fetish, or from slackers who are searching for a meal ticket. That’s the extent of that bitch’s pulling power.

In contrast, Lori Alexander has spent her life raising up a decent man’s children. To that one man, she is the hottest woman on the planet. I could send the most attractive skanks on Tinder his way, and it’s a safe bet that Mr. Alexander would laugh at their best attempts to seduce him.

Now, consider the so-called “empowered” feminist in the Daily Fail, who whines about being disrespected and laughed at constantly. Who has more power. Is it her? Or, might it be Lori Alexander?

Daily Fail skank whines about being insulted by random men, and I have no doubt it happens on a near daily basis. In contrast, go and insult Lori Alexander, and see how long you last in her neighborhood, before her husband, brothers, sons, sons-in-law, and grandsons start coming out of the woodwork to run you out of town with an ass-kicking.

Read Sister Lori’s article here, and tell her that Boxer sent you.

17 thoughts on “Lori Alexander: Wrong Again!

  1. Maybe he can.t keep a man because he does not understand how to make bake brown- sugar barbecue chicken with sweet potatoes and steamed vegetables on the side

  2. Brother Boxer .. we are about to start experiencing the tidial-rise of these wimminz .. and lowering water level of the respectable women like sister Lori.

    Get ready fella’s .. because they will vote themselves a man or his money when they can’t get a man to “man-up” ™ their sorry azz’ez up .. it’s coming fella’s

  3. Yes she is wrong about the appearances too…but she does get the point.

    ‘There is only one reason that Liz.s mom lived a much more satisfying and fulfilling life than Liz did. Her mother lived a selfless life and Liz has lived a selfish life. May we all become more like Liz.s mom and less like Liz by learning to live a selfless, self-sacrificing, and self-denying life. In giving our lives away, we will find the life that Christ tells us to pursue, to be like Him, because the servant of all is the greatest of all!’

  4. ‘Take away the trashy tat and the Skeletor face and she.s better than 99% of 60 y.o. wimmenz.’

    Also take away the cosmetic surgery too…then get back to me.

    Lori is what a decent looking 60 year old woman looks like…the other one is putting up a front most likely because of the tat and the stare.

  5. Dear KH:

    To be fair, I think if your wife had a body like that at 60 (after 40 years of marriage) you.d be pleased. Take away the trashy tat and the Skeletor face and she.s better than 99% of 60 y.o. wimmenz.

    Bear in mind that if I had a wife who was loyal and decent, after 40 years of marriage I wouldn’t really care what she looked like. That’s really the difference between Sister Lori and Skanky who whines in the Daily Fail.

    I know men who are still insanely in love with their wives. They’re often derided in our sphere as “blue pill betas” but they’re generally happier than we are, because this is the fulfillment of their natural programming. We are hard-wired to couple for life, and raise kids together. It’s an almost sure bet that Mr. Alexander is such a man.

    The typical old feminist could wield this sort of power over men, too; but, she is not intelligent or disciplined enough to be a faithful wife. Sucks ass to be her, and we laugh at her moans and tears in the big online publications.

  6. @earl

    Nothing wrong with putting a new coat of paint on the barn when needed, if you the one parking his tractor in it every night.


    “Bear in mind that if I had a wife who was loyal and decent, after 40 years of marriage I wouldn.t really care what she looked like.”

    That’s a load of manure, Boxer. More like two loads actually.

    “I know men who are still insanely in love with their wives.”

    Husband googles are for real and good for them for being happy with what they have. Only that’s minority of men as most women age horribly AND only get crazier as they they get older.

  7. That.s a load of manure, Boxer. More like two loads actually.

    If I understand your rebuttal, you argue that a woman who balloons up to human-walrus hybrid stature, and gets a bunch of skanky tatts, will cease to be as attractive as she could be, all other things being equal.

    I concede. You’re right.

    I was getting at something related, which you admit you understand and accept with the “husband goggles” comment. Female human beings are like the rose at the top of the article. They’re built to ripen up about the age of 20-22, and in that span they look great, smell great, and are generally at the apex of their own aesthetic perfection. Shortly after this, it all goes downhill.

    A man who gets love and respect from his 60-year old wife will tend to have the same, or a similar, reaction, as the single man who sees an attractive 21-year old wimminz on the corner. His dick gets hard.

    Remember, brothers. The dick always knows a good woman. Trust the dick.


  8. ‘Nothing wrong with putting a new coat of paint on the barn when needed, if you the one parking his tractor in it every night.’

    Point was there was nobody parking his tractor in that.

  9. Or to put it more aptly…she didn’t lock down a guy when she was at the age where she naturally looked like that (presumably because she wanted the career-carousel route) and could have built up some husband goggles. So she’s trying to put up the illusion of youth with the faintest of hopes of catching some sucker.

  10. All women who read this blog you need to read. It.s a very tough article particularly if you.re in my age range. But it.s good. It was very enlightening.

  11. Remember, brothers. The dick always knows a good woman. Trust the dick.

    Doh! my dick led me astray. I guess I need to find a more discriminating head to think with. My dick found me nothing but trouble, and might likely do it again if given the opportunity.

  12. “Husband googles are for real and good for them for being happy with what they have. Only that.s minority of men as most women age horribly AND only get crazier as they they get older.”

    “Female human beings are like the rose at the top of the article. They.re built to ripen up about the age of 20-22, and in that span they look great, smell great, and are generally at the apex of their own aesthetic perfection. Shortly after this, it all goes downhill.”

    Husband goggles are awesome. If a wife is truly good to her husband, he’ll reward her with lifelong attraction and loyalty. These husband goggles mean the wife is amazing in the ways that matter.

    That said, my wife takes care of herself. Her weight has been a near constant for 20 years. She still reminds me of the dancer she once was. She even lost weight after pregnancy. She has long hair, no tattoos, and wears things that I find attractive. While I miss the attention she got in her 20’s from other men (= ego boost), younger women offer nothing.

    “The dick always knows a good woman.”

    Crude, but accurate. Something as mundane as letting her hair down is just as seductive as it always has been. A man shouldn’t have to continually seek novelty. If the common stuff (a brushing kiss, a seductive wink, etc.) from your wife of decades doesn’t get you going, then you might not have a good woman.

    “Doh! my dick led me astray. I guess I need to find a more discriminating head to think with.”

    Earl recently reweeted something on Twitter about whether a man would like sex with his wife or a bikini model. 33% chose the model. I suspect that these men don’t have a wife who (still?) gets them going after years of marriage and they have to seek novelty elsewhere. I think this is the tell that Boxer refers to, not listening to the desire for the simple release of sexual energy.

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