Those Wonderful Muslim Wimminz

Arab Wimminz in “Modest” and “Traditional” Attire

As we all know, the Muslims have raised up generations of feminine, submissive, patriarchal women, all of whom are waiting for a sucker winner like you to migrate to their society, convert to their faith, and sign away your life and fortune to making one of the charmers a happy girl.

Here’s an inspiring success story about marriage to a Muslim wimminz, straight from Morocco

Hardworking Muslim teacher busts ass for thirty-five years, to give his ungrateful wife a good life. He dutifully puts up with her nagging. He puts their kids through school, at great cost to himself. He listens to her snoring. He watches her pick her nose. He gets some uninspired cunt, maybe once per month. He swallows it all without complaining.

At some point, he goes to the doctor, and is told: surprise, you’re sterile!

Now the truth comes out. The bitch has been fucking and sucking random cads, the entire time. All the kids this poor chump raised up are Chad’s. So long and thanks for all the fish, cuck!

The husband filed a lawsuit against his wife at Sidi Suleiman Primary Court.


He filed a legal petition to have a court appointed urological and gynaecological diseases practitioner examine his case to establish paternity.


He then demanded his paternity be removed from their nine children and filed for divorce on charges of adultery.


Tests revealed that for 50 years, he had a growth in his right testes which prevented him from producing sperm.


The children – carrying his name – are still awaiting the court order to strip them of their legal paternal rights.

In a more just world, skank-ho wimminz who defrauded this poor schlub would be put into a work camp. Not that she can ever repay him four decades of time, effort and humiliation… just for general purposes.

Will it happen? Not a chance! He’s currently being castigated in the Arab press, for being an asshole, merely for wanting his name back. The nerve of this guy.

Remember, boys. Say “no” to the ho’.

7 thoughts on “Those Wonderful Muslim Wimminz

  1. As we all know, the Muslims have raised up generations of feminine, submissive, patriarchal women,

    My spidey senses ™ are indicating some shenanigans afoot .. I await the payoff .. [1]

    He.s currently being castigated in the Arab press, for being an asshole, merely for wanting his name back. The nerve of this guy.

    Indeed .. the nerve of this guy.

    I believe he should ask for her to get stoned (heh) in lieu of a lawsuit to de-fraud.

    And .. HE has every right to demand that each of the cads be equally stoned (to death).

    [1] I was right .. you always proved a pay-off .. and we await the final pay-off (of justice).

  2. Remove the strict patriarchal guidance of Islam from these lands and what will happen? These girls will be snorting lines of coke off Akbar’s penis and then heading down to the beach for nude sunbathing and uploading the photos to Instagram for maximum likes.

    All this shit about women’s freedom in the middle East is just a roundabout way of saying “Let’s destroy another place.”

  3. He.s currently being castigated in the Arab press, for being an asshole, merely for wanting his name back. The nerve of this guy.

    Amazing…the dutiful husband is the asshole because he wants justice for his defrauding. The adulterous wife and chad’s seem to get off scott free.

    There used to be incentives to NOT be a chad or slut…now it seems like they get them all and the husbands get the shaft. Although the wicked’s road is still ruin in the end.

  4. In a more just world, skank-ho wimminz who defrauded this poor schlub would be put into a work camp. Not that she can ever repay him four decades of time, effort and humiliation. just for general purposes.

    Good thing (for her) that she’s not a Saudi woman. There, she (and any of the Chads caught with her) would be buried up to her neck in sand facing fastballs of stone hitting her head, one after the other, at 90-plus miles per hour until her head exploded into a puddle of bloody grey matter.

  5. Good thing (for her) that she.s not a Saudi woman. There, she (and any of the Chads caught with her) would be buried up to her neck in sand facing fastballs of stone hitting her head, one after the other, at 90-plus miles per hour until her head exploded into a puddle of bloody grey matter.

    In theory, there ought to be punishment aligned with the (very sensible) Shari’i laws. In fact, Saudi society is a lot like American society. Wealthy wimminz regularly hold booze and sex parties, semi-publicly, in hotels and at rental homes. None of these ruling-class swine are ever called to account for their degenerate behavior.

    Let a working-class man try to have a bit of fun, though, and see what happens.

    Anonymous Brother No. 1, originally from Egypt, now from Dubai, told me about fucking a Saudi ho’ he picked up at a hotel coffee shop. Immediately after post-sex cleanup, she called her husband, right in front of him. He started freaking out, and she told him to cool it. After the phone call, she told him that her husband was a flaming homosexual who knew she fucked random men, that their marriage was for show, and that she regularly found strange dick in the hotel lounge, same place she found him at.

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