It Could Be Worse…

“Just a clump of cells… not a real baby…”

Those of us who live in North America complain about our tyrannical wimminz and their simp politicians, on both sides of the aisle. In fact, compared to some peoples in the world, we don’t have it so bad. Just think… we could be Israelis.

From the Times of Israel:

Israel, a nation with a forceful religious lobby and a conservative prime minister, is poised to offer its female citizens some of the most liberal abortion coverage in the world.


The nation’s Health Ministry commission, led by Dr. Yonatan Halevy, last week announced its state-subsidized “health basket,” the package of medications and services that all Israeli citizens are entitled to under the nation’s health care system. It was approved by the cabinet on Sunday.

There is a universal availability of hundreds of different types of birth control. Nevermind that, though. Israeli wimminz are too stupid to think before fucking with abandon. They must be allowed to murder the babies that somehow magically appear after no-strings sex.

The health basket is analyzed and amended on an annual basis, and among the many additional treatments to be offered to Israelis in 2014 are free-of-charge abortions for women ages 20-33.

And naturally, the bill must be sent to their cucked husbands, fathers, and grandfathers.

Israel has always had a liberal stance on abortion, allowing women facing medical emergencies or those who are victims of rape or abuse to receive subsidies to help them terminate their pregnancies.

Yes… We have a liberal definition of “abuse” here, too. It simply means someone disagreed with skank-ho princess.

Outside of those regulations, women can apply for abortions for reasons ranging from an emotional or mental threat caused by the pregnancy or for not being married to the baby’s father. All women who seek to end a pregnancy must appear before a three-member committee to state their case, but 98 percent of requests are approved.

Of course they’re approved. G-d forbid anyone tells a filthy wimminz “no” when she wants to kill her kids.

Women under the age of 20 or over the age of 40 were also previously eligible for subsidized abortions, regardless of the reason.

Keep paying, you cucks. It’s a race to the bottom, and you must beat us to Hell.

Read the whole story here, then watch RT’s coverage of life in Israel here.

19 thoughts on “It Could Be Worse…

  1. “When you just dont think your enemies are doing a good enough job of wiping you off the face of the planet.”

    “Fine, I’ll do it myself.” – Thanos

    If this is the case then who cares about the holocaust. Within a decade Israeli abortion clinics will make Hilter look like a chump. Way to go!

  2. I know this was on another site ..

    BUT ..

    The lefts idea of family these days is a murder[1], suicide[2] story. [3]

    [1] of her child
    [2] of her country
    [3] it’s a sad story

  3. The women set to benefit from the expansion of abortion benefits, Halevy says, will be those who need it most: single women, young women who are unable to ask their parents for the funds, or those who fall pregnant as the result of an extramarital affair but are financially dependent on their husbands. While he concedes that there have been some knee-jerk statements against the ruling, he says that .once you explain who the candidates are who are set to benefit from it, I didn.t hear much opposition..

    The women set to benefit are the ones who want to engage in irresponsible sex and their children will die for it. It’s tradCON white knight approved.

    And he rejects the idea that easier access to abortion will create a laissez-faire attitude toward pregnancy, saying, .There is emotional and physical drama to pregnancy. I don.t believe someone would get pregnant just because her abortion could be financed..

    Has he ever met a wimminz that thinks irresponsible sex is her ticket to welfare?

  4. I’m in favor of forced sterilization of any womminz, not raped, that needs an abortion.

    I’m also in favor of her voting rights being revoked. No appeals.

    I believe a public registry of all wimminz obtaining an abortion consult and an abortion. (Just like sex offenders.)

    If th wimminz want abortion murder .. I demand a pound of flesh in return .. (i.e. th above at minimum).

    ALL in favor .. raise your right hand .. …….

  5. Just read today that anyone who has either payed for, did the abortin’ or was the mother in an abortion is automatically excommunicated from the Catholic church. That’s how serious it is.

  6. That’s exactly as it should be. It’s a shame that Jews, Protestants and Mormons aren’t that sensible. I guess the feelz of immoral wimminz are more important than good ethical values.

  7. I don’t have a source for it, but my understanding is that Angela Merkel got thrown out of the Free German Youth (the old DDR communist youth league) for theft and a variety of other forms of misconduct. Now she’s in charge of the whole country. Pathetic.

    Also, lolled hard at Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper. These are the degenerates who are shaping public opinion. Are we surprised?

  8. “I don.t have a source for it, but my understanding is that Angela Merkel got thrown out of the Free German Youth (the old DDR communist youth league) for theft and a variety of other forms of misconduct. ”

    This seems unlikely. Her father was such a true believer in Communism that he moved his family from West Germany to East immediately after her birth. She herself was reported popular with adults but not her schoolmates, ostensibly because she was too smart to hang with normies but more likely, reading between the lines, because she was informing on them.

    She was allowed higher education and an academic teaching position, which the Communists would not have given to someone with a history of crime or disobedience to the State. I doubt she was a legitimate PhD in quantum chemistry.

    Some juicy quotes from this article I found:

    One Washington foreign policy expert, who did not wish to be named, this week described Merkel to Breitbart London as .a former member of the East German Communist Party who functioned as a mid-level propaganda commissar for the Free German Youth, that is, the young Communists.. …

    In April Cliff Kincaid, a director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism, wrote .Merkel was known to be suspiciously pro-Russian when she ran for high office in Germany but that her political party, the Christian Democrats, nominated her anyway.. …

    Germany.s increasing dependence on Russian energy imports .is related to Merkel.s decision, after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan, to phase out Germany.s nuclear energy program..

    Kincaid refers to a book by G?nther Lachmann and Ralf Georg Reuth called The First Life of Angela M. He says the book suggests .that she had deeper ties to the communist regime than previously known or acknowledged..

  9. This seems unlikely. Her father was such a true believer in Communism that he moved his family from West Germany to East immediately after her birth. She herself was reported popular with adults but not her schoolmates, ostensibly because she was too smart to hang with normies but more likely, reading between the lines, because she was informing on them.

    Where’s your source for this?

    That’s my point. Merkel’s a little like McCain, in that all her records have been “sealed” or “gone missing.”

    Furthermore, her dad was a Christian minister. His moving to the East was more likely due to the fact that he thought he’d find a more “conservative” environment for his kids in the East, which he did. Hence East Germany was 100% German Christians when the wall fell, and West Germany had been packed with Asians and Africans by capital and your occupational government for 40 years prior.

    Communism is the reason there are any Christians in Europe left today. Note Hungary, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Poland. You and your government tried to genocide Christian Europe. The “commies” have preserved it.

    None of which is relevant to the fact that Merkel, a dishonest politician today, was likely dishonest as a young girl also.

    She was allowed higher education and an academic teaching position, which the Communists would not have given to someone with a history of crime or disobedience to the State. I doubt she was a legitimate PhD in quantum chemistry.



  10. “None of which is relevant to the fact that Merkel, a dishonest politician today, was likely dishonest as a young girl also.”

    The issue is loyalty, not honesty. She’s loyal to Communism today, same as when a young girl. Only now that Communism has failed in competition against the Christian West, Merkel has the choice of abandoning Communism or burning the Christian West to ash and salting the Earth. Honesty demands she admits what she believes to be a lie. Loyalty demands she exterminate Germany in hope that Communism will take root in the German people’s replacements.

    Communism is at heart a religion, not a socioeconomic system. It’s faith in humanity’s innate goodness. In practice, that means petty thievery is evil but mass wealth redistribution is good. Or here, a well-behaved young girl can grow up to commit the heartless genocide of her own people because she remains loyal to what she was raised to believe. Which brings me to her father, Horst:

    “Where.s your source for this?”

    She was born Angela Kasner in capitalist Hamburg in 1954. Her father, Horst, was a Protestant pastor who took the highly unusual step of moving with his wife Herlinde and Angela to Communist East Germany just a few weeks after his daughter’s birth. At the time, only convinced Communists were opting to stay in Soviet-controlled East Germany. Horst Kasner, a devout Protestant, was not one of them. The family first lived in the small town of Quitzow before moving to the larger provincial East German town of Templin in 1957.

    Angela Kasner was brought up in the Waldhof housing area, a collection of 19th-century red-brick buildings more than a mile outside the town, which, then as now, was used as the Protestant church-owned St Stephanus home for the mentally handicapped. Horst Kasner ran the institution. At that time there was no Berlin Wall but people in the Uckermark were already beginning to flee to the West. The dearth of cars meant that many built rafts and went by river. Egbert Binkow, a former neighbour of the Kasners’ recalls how the Waldhof was funded by the Western Protestant church and how its inhabitants obtained money and clothes from the West. The Kasner family lived in a privileged bubble that was largely isolated from the rigours of the Communist state. .Most of the children in Templin were told not to go and play there,. Mr Binkow recalled.

    At home, the Kasner family played Monopoly and read Western newspapers, brought in under Protestant church protection. Agents of the despised secret police, the Stasi, were able to deduce that they watched Western television from the way the aerial on the roof of .Fichtengrund., their two-storey house in the complex, was pointing. But they were unable to exert much influence.

    Political discussions were held around the dinner table. Horst Kasner believed the basic idea of socialism was right but he disagreed with how it was being implemented in Soviet-controlled East Germany. Ms Merkel nowadays insists: .Very early it became clear to me that East Germany could not function..

    Nevertheless, the young Angela Kasner appears to have done much to feather her nest. She not only joined the Communist Free German Youth movement . which some critics still describe as the socialist answer to the Hitler Youth . but also learnt Russian, the language of East Germany’s ultimate rulers.

    Horst Kasner was not a Christian despite being a Protestant minister. Approving of Communism but not its “current implementation”, subjecting his family, his first priority, to an oppressive gov’t, being untouchable by no less than the Stasi and worst of all, not raising little Angela to resist Commie indoctrination… massive red flags. Just the other day I tore Complementarians a new asshole for their habit of favoring migrants over the welfare of their own families. Herr Horst is guilty of the same crime and I’d be shocked if he wasn’t a formal collaborator while running a “mental hospital” in Cold War East Germany.

    “Communism is the reason there are any Christians in Europe left today. Note Hungary, Russia, Czechoslovakia, Poland. You and your government tried to genocide Christian Europe. The .commies. have preserved it.”

    The blood of martyrs has always been the seed of the Church. This is why I don’t think the situation in America will reverse without massive Christian persecution. The Commies “preserved” our faith in Christ by putting a gun to our heads and pulling the trigger if we said yes. Good came of that but I won’t give them a medal for it and neither will God.

  11. Wimminz need their Uncle Sam (or whomever he is in Britian) to provide them murder inducing drugs to keep up their irresponsible sex life.

  12. The issue is loyalty, not honesty. She.s loyal to Communism today, same as when a young girl.

    If Merkel was loyal to communism today, she’d do what Marxists have always done, that is, protect the people, expel migrants, build a huge wall, and put the National Volks Armee on the border, with tanks and rocket launchers.

    Only now that Communism has failed in competition against the Christian West, Merkel has the choice of abandoning Communism or burning the Christian West to ash and salting the Earth.

    Is that why the last remnants of Christian Europe all exist in the Communist East? Because Communists hate Christians so badly that they preserved them, when your country was genociding them in the Western sectors?

    The rest of this nonsense is snipped. I realize you don’t like to read history, but you ought to open your eyes to the reality of the situation on the ground. The only meaningful resistance to the trans-national capital (that seeks to wipe you out) is being led by a KGB officer named Vlad.

  13. Wimminz need their Uncle Sam (or whomever he is in Britian) to provide them murder inducing drugs to keep up their irresponsible sex life.

    The one benefit to feminism is its potential to cleanse the gene-pool. Compare a healthy family with good values, who has 4-5 kids, to a closet-case male-feminist and his bisexual “life partner,” who have zero surviving children, after a dozen so-called “medical termination” procedures, and get the picture.

    Perhaps feminism will be remembered as a great blessing, which did (in a mere few generations) what lions and bears used to do: mercilessly cull the unfit.

  14. Perhaps if people realized that sex can sometimes result in the conception of a child…they might take it seriously again.

    As such they have to murder their kids because they seem to forget this. It’s not really cleansing the gene pool…it’s innocent kids getting hacked up because their mother thought they could have sex like a man.

  15. Horst Kasner was not a Christian despite being a Protestant minister.

    That’s true not only of most “clergy” (of any denomination) in Western Europe, but increasingly here in North America as well.

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