Why I’m Not A Christian (Reason No. 4820168812)

“No Rude Comments!”

Cometh now the immoral Christians, to shame sensible men for refusing to play a rigged game.

(CNSNews.com) – Seventy percent of American males between the ages of 20 and 34 are not married, and many live in a state of “perpetual adolescence” with ominous consequences for the nation’s future, says Janice Shaw Crouse, author of “Marriage Matters.”

A Christian CONservative wimminz is bemoaning the scarcity of willing victims for the ongoing scam called “marriage,” imagine my shock!

“Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood,” Crouse, the former executive director of the Beverly LaHaye Institute, wrote in a recent Washington Times oped.

While it is certainly true that some of these men are maladjusted, lazy slackers, the majority are probably represented by the hundreds of boys I’m paid to rub shoulders with daily.

These young brothers are refusing to be enslaved and ripped off. In that regard, they are the absolute opposite of “perpetual adolescents.” They are free-thinking, savvy consumers, who won’t settle for the raw deal which is contemporary American wimminz.

The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come. “It’s very, very depressing,” Crouse told CNSNews.com. “They’re not understanding how important it is for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation to have strong families.”

Oh, those poor, poor wimminz. They’ve taken thousands of cocks, beginning at the age of thirteen, and now they’re crowning thirty, and finding the paucity of hunky millionaires willing to pledge their lives and fortunes in return for a banged-out, disease-ridden stinkhole very inconvenient.

Won’t any of you brothers be a good white knight for one of these disgusting prostitutes? She deserves to have that dream wedding come true, ten years to the day before she serves you with an order for lifetime alimony.

She pointed out that there’s “no data” to back up the common assertion that a lack of jobs during and after the Great Recession is the primary reason so many young men have been reluctant to tie the knot. “The problem with marriage was long before that,” she pointed out.

That’s correct, bitch. The problem began when our grandmother’s generation started whoring around and sending our grandfathers the bill for their shit behavior. I learned from their misfortune, and from the looks of things, the generations coming up now are harder than I ever dreamt of being.

Read this dumb slag’s opinion here; and, scroll to the bottom of the page to see who is writing this drivel. (Hint: she’s a looker.) Finally, remember boys: Say “no” to the ho’.

35 thoughts on “Why I’m Not A Christian (Reason No. 4820168812)

  1. Bwhaaa .. you could’da knocked me over with a feather when I witnessed that lovely author .. bwhaaaaa ..

    Okay .. where was I .. oh yeah ..

    Anyway .. how con-ven-yet that these lyin’sewer tramps traps stink-holes drains think we live on a one-way street ..

    The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come. .It.s very, very depressing,. Crouse told CNSNews.com. .They.re not understanding how important it is for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation to have strong families..

    .It.s very, very depressing,.

    Well Duh Huh Bar-Ba-Que-Roasted-Pig Barbara and Company (e.g. Crouse).

    .They.re [i.e. the men folk] not understanding how important it is for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation to have strong families..

    “Oh NO you didn’t” [snap] .. lol .. BITCH you’re as dumb as a box of rocks if you think your jobba-da-hutt mind-tricks ™ will work on us ..

    As usual men .. da wimminz project all the info you need .. how they dress .. how much they weigh .. the 180? flipped script messages they send .. etc. .. as always act accordingly. (1)

    (1) Man asks a womminz how much? Womminz sez how dare you think that the way I’m dressed makes me a whore! The man then replies that he’s made a mistake .. BUT it’s not his fault she’s wearing a Prostitutes Whores Uniform.

  2. Is that a snouser (dog) tattoo on her right inner forearm?

    Kinda matches the womminz in da out-fit .. [that’s a real dog].

  3. .No Rude Comments!.

    I think she knows.

    Seventy percent of American males between the ages of 20 and 34 are not married, and many live in a state of .perpetual adolescence. with ominous consequences for the nation.s future, says Janice Shaw Crouse, author of .Marriage Matters..

    And what is it called when a wimminz is unmarried during this time (usually of her own violtion) to go hop on strange men, spend her little money on pointless things to increase her debt, and use the newest drugs…it’s ‘finding herself’. Heaven forbid wimminz realize they are often in a state of perpetual childishness.

    .It.s very, very depressing,. Crouse told CNSNews.com. .They.re not understanding how important it is for the culture, for society, for the strength of the nation to have strong families..

    Actually I think most men do…that’s why they don’t want to subjagate themselves and their future kids to divorce. Because wimminz seems to be doing all the things that spike up divorce risk.

  4. I like her dress. A white dress indicates innocence but her dress is vibrantly splattered with the colors of Chad and Tyrone. Just like her! And it goes with her chest tats so beautifully. Is it really a mid-thigh dress or just pinned up? The “Sunset Boulevard” look is, like whoa, so Stunning&Brave that I can’t even! You go, girl.

    Um… is that a baby crib next to her? I guess the engagement was longer than nine months.

  5. The femnistsphere is in dire need of a new narrative. We’ve seen these headlines a million times now.

    “Women finally get everything they want! Women hardest hit! Won’t someone save the women?”

  6. GQ sez ..

    I like her dress.

    I do to .. it has a elmer fudd appeal .. kinda like .. “husband season” .. lol

    Um. is that a baby crib next to her? I guess the engagement was longer than nine months.

    Probably a wedding gift for “her” shot-gun wedding .. bwaaaa .. from da looks of things she had to hunt’em down .. Watch-Out Elmer .. it’s ooen season on provider menz!

  7. .Women finally get everything they want! Women hardest hit! Won.t someone save the women?.

    It’s almost like they live in a perpetual state of fear or something.

  8. Wimminz will say Strong families are important…

    But they’ll also think they still need things like birth control, abortion, no-fault, and adultery…just in case. Case in point the wimminz who are wailing that Trump’s newest judge is going in full bore to take away their right to kill their children in the womb.

  9. From the article:

    ‘Young women who adhere to a moral code and refuse to participate in the .hook up. culture are now considered social misfits, Crouse pointed out. And they face even more daunting odds of finding a husband than their promiscuous sisters.’

    No, no, no…it has nothing to do with their moral code or not fornicating with Chadwick Cockington…they have daunting odds of finding a husband for the same reason their promiscuous sisters have a daunting time…they don’t want a marriage and have general distrust of men. Feminism has poisoned pretty much most of the well.

    I long for the day a woman wakes up and realizes maybe she’s part of the problem here.

  10. Also from the article…

    ‘The ones who are very serious get married early. And that leaves the majority of the girls, then, by the time they.re 25 and into their first jobs, the pickings are very, very slim for them. And Mark Regnerus was very, very clear that the quote .good girls. are the ones who are at risk now in terms of not being able to get married..

    Must have flew over her head about how the ‘good girls’ have poor prospects after 25 so I’ll repeat it…’the ones who are very serious get married early’. Almost like they have that as a goal and don’t have the Disney princess mindset that it’ll all just work out. This has been my experience as well with my friends…the ones who wanted to get married, got married. I asked my buddies how they knew she was ‘the one’…all said she really wanted to get married to me.

  11. Earl .. what the author misses is that in a pluarality environment (i.e. in the simpliest terms 1 man for 1 woman) if a man is single then a corresponding woman is single.

    Men can’t make a womminz marry .. what kind of world do they think we live in .. a Patriarchy .. lol.

    So it is the single wimminz that drive the day they marry.

    They know this. They’re just mad that when that day comes there isn’t a long line of ready made millionaire simps waiting and willing to wife’em up.

    They realize they have demotivated these men. And don’t have a better game-plan to solve the problem. In the old days men would bend-over backwards to solve all the wimminz problems. That is what men do did.

    Those days are over. These broads are concerned about closing the barn door after the cows got out.

    In addition these broads think we will go back to the way things were before we learned the game was fixed. No man will play a high-stakes poker game knowing his hand is fixed / rigged to lose.

    Let th wimminz fix everything themselves. EVERYTHING!

    I help wimminz that are family. That’s it. That’s my line in the sand. And there are wimminz in my family I will not help.

    Now .. I know there are a ton of SIMPS out there .. I see it everyday. But that number is getting smaller and smaller everyday .. and it brings a smile to my face.

    As an example .. look at the article above. They (fembotz) refuse to except natural selection to types of work based on gender. They even say that it’s because not enough has been done to help th wimminz to break through in STEM. The contrary is true.

    If th wimminz want any help out of the men folk they will have to stop treating us as second class citizens. That man has just as much right to an opinion as a fembot. It’s “Animal Farm” – All animals are equal .. some are more equal than others. You can guess which animal he is we are.

    Since this is the future they aspire to .. then this is the future they will get .. the CNSnews article author should just accept it .. because in a few more years these will be the golden years .. because it is gonna get much worse for’em.

  12. Another way of looking at the CNS news article is this ..

    When these wimminz start looking for a provider corresponds with the loss of male attention .. this is highly age dependent .. The men they desire can and do date younger, hotter and tighter wimminz (which they once enjoyed). So they age off the Cock Carousel.

    Now is when they care about a provider. This is the first time th wimminz care about what these men have (not) been doing to prepare themselves as providers in a dual AF/BB system.

    We discussed, recently, to keep the excitement these married wimminz continue to look for hook-ups after marriage to their provider.

    Th (married) Wimminz demand the attention of a AF/BB system they had years prior. As they age they realize that finding another simp / chump will be more difficult and do it more covertly.

    When they feel they have the options of another provider .. if this one doesn’t work out (i.e. he dumps da bitch or she takes the cash & prizes) .. then they do it overtly. Which means she will do this within arms reach of the provider. This is the most dis-respectful cut (of the death by 1000 cuts). He has a choice. Cut her free or let it ride. And by doing option two .. he sets himself up for continued dis-respect throughout his marriage. This option is the most costly emotionally and physically for us men. So avoiding the pain early means it is even more dangerous later.

    Many men have seen this play out and or have rationalized their future to avoid ever being placed in the meat grinder. Wimminz meet the rise of MGTOW.

    It won’t take much more to tip the scales to a point where we actually see a real scare with th wimminz.

    We’re almost there. The whole system is held together by men and their (i.e. th menz) tax dollars. Which as the article correctly states .. are not behaving in a way that will satisfy our TERRORIST MASTERS (aka th wimminz) demands .. i.e. of working hard to be the providers they envision.

    It scares’em to death that they may actually have to work till they drop to support their own tax liabilities.

    I pray daily that th wimminz get their wish .. and (finally) get treated like men (in every respect).

    Then they to will feel the burn of being a 2nd class citizen our government has declared war on. (1)

    (1) Foriegn Invaders ™ [aka illegal and legal immigration] keeping wages down and politically compromising our elections .. and the laws that allow men us to be discriminated against (aka affirmitive action etc) .. and so much more.

  13. Circulating at Dalrock’s…but it’s a gooden. Cad playa did the consent game and then ghosted like Boxer when the wimminz starts making excuses…’sexually liberated’ gal is heartbroken because a cad did what a cad does.

  14. Earl it’s a lot like the comment thread in one of Lori’s blog-posts at the transformed houswife.

    “EQUALITY” .. they deny what The Bible says on equality .. they deny their own eye’s on say about equality .. they don’t feel equal when we protect their precious ego’s with laws that demand equality .. it’s self decit .. We ALL may be born equal .. but we spend the rest of our lives proving how unequal we really are to one another. (History proves us right.)

    It’s all they’ve got brother (re: self-decit).

    And, when you take away their hope (aka self-decit) and leave them bare .. you get what this Grad from an Ivy League school (in De-ven-uh-tee) writes .. this whore-uh story shows that th wimminz know what they are doing is wrong.

    Don’t doubt that th wimminz are the biggest haters of female behavior their is .. they shame the HELL outta any womminz that doesn’t play by their (whoring) rulez.

  15. I was having a great day at the range .. and then ..

    smh .. and then the noobs showed up .. ugh .. I had to bounce .. it’s beer time fella’s.

  16. KHH sez ..

    I thought you were supposed to shoot the hostage in the leg.

    You got me thinkin’ KHH .. I always thought she was a noob dressed to sell products and was proud she even hit any target but picked the wrong one.

    Now that I re-evaluate this .. she (we are lead to believe shot this target) hit only one target (disregard the pass-thru’s).

    She’s also happy about the target she made hits on ..

    Thusly she hit her intended target .. what can we dee-duce ..

    1) She was trying to get that bad-boy (hostage taker) to herself .. plausable.

    2) She was taking her frustrations out on all the beta boys in her life .. cuz no alpha or bad-boy would ever be a hostage .. likely.

    3) She thought the target was a female musclin’-in on her man .. X-Ring!

    So #3 is the best choice (by my calculations) .. that’s why she scattered her shots to ensure maximum wound channels ..

  17. If you kill the hostage(s) .. doesn’t that mean the negotiations are over .. hmmmm

    That would fall under the heading of .. we don’t negotiate with terrorists very nicely .. HEH

  18. Another woman decides to shoot her husband…most likely cause is his toxic masculinity or something.


    .Kayla Coutee, 31, of Alexandria, was charged with murder.

    The victim was identified as Coutee.s husband, whom she was meeting to exchange custody,. police said.

    The handoff of the children was taking place in .the outer section. of the parking lot, according to police.”

    Now their kids have no parents. Hope her short sighted feelz was worth it.

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