16 thoughts on “Marriage and The Civilized Life

  1. No I know situations where the married woman would ask her lover if it was okay to have sex with her husband every once in awhile.

  2. This corresponds with my observations Boxer.

    I’ve never heard any examples like “That Brotha Pedat” stated though.

    Do you suppose these wimminz give their husbands the respect they give the men on the side? Why or why not? Discuss!

    No (re: respect question).

    And, once the respect is gone .. it ain’t comin’ back. These Wimminz “Hamster” has never been beat!

  3. Welcome back Bro. Pedat. It’s good to see you.

    I know situations where the married woman would ask her lover if it was okay to have sex with her husband every once in awhile.

    Then Bro. Honeycomb sez:

    This corresponds with my observations Boxer.

    I.ve never heard any examples like .That Brotha Pedat. stated though.

    I’m now at an age where the 35-45 year old wimminz crowd are beginning to solicit my attention. Many of these filthy old granny wimminz openly boast about being married and cheating on Tinder.

    Without further comment, I present this specimen, a married mother of an 11-year old son, who is currently in hospital. She made contact with me less than 24h ago…

  4. Gosh, sounds like she has it tough. Living with a guy who pays all the bills and who she doesn.t have sex with. Bless her heart.

    Yeah, not only is she a loving wife, she’s a five-star mom, too. While her son is in intensive care, she’s busy hitting up strange, younger men, on the sex sites, for anonymous romps.

  5. HA! Absolutely not! Women are trained from youth not to respect or regard her husband as anything more than another child in the house and a paycheck. I just wrote my own post about this on my blog yesterday! Modern society, using media in the form of television and movies, have programmed women to see their husbands as nothing more than dim-witted dullards who could scarcely figure out 2+2 were it not for their wives. And that’s the more “conservative” media to boot! They dont see their husbands as authority figures or even leaders of the home so why would they offer any kind of real respect except when it benefits them? Even so called Christian women feign respect until they get told to do something they dont want to do or dont like, then its gloves off and the respect disappears like a vapor in the wind! That women have affairs so often and so brazenly is not surprising, they have been told their husbands are not men, so they traipse off to find one, justifying their whorish behavior every step of the way.

  6. I just wrote my own post about this on my blog yesterday!

    Don’t post a link, or anything. It’s not like we would be interested. lol

    Seriously, I’ve been to your blog. It’s about game development. Where’s Snapper’s secret MGTOW / Seduction site?

  7. I don.t normally post links to my blog on other blogs until I know the general policy of the sites owner.

    We’re all good communists here. Thus this site is the collective property of all decent men, everywhere. You’re this site’s owner, (whether you want to be or not.)

    The policy on V5K2C2 is also straightforward, consists of friendship to every antifeminist, and eternal hostility to all feminists.

    Thanks for the link. I’m adding you to the sidebar.

  8. I.m now at an age where the 35-45 year old wimminz crowd are beginning to solicit my attention. Many of these filthy old granny wimminz openly boast about being married and cheating on Tinder.

    Sadly, they EXPECT ALL menz will participate in their game. That’s the act, silence and cover-up.

    If these men every find out .. they will get the divorce they say they want.

    In the younger crowd I’ve seen this play-out live and not on tinder right in front of the husband. It was shocking at first. Now, I expect it.

    This weekend I used a small amount of friendly game on a couple I meet (opposing team fans) that I bought a drink and chatted up for about 1 hour. Inside 5 minutes she initiated physical contact and grabbed me in certain places and rubbed all over me within arms distance of her husband. It was his 30th birthday. He was 6’1″ approximately, fit and attractive. It didn’t matter that I’m shorter (than him and taller than her), older (by 20 years plus in all situations) and not as good looking (as him). I have some ideas about it .. but nothing that fits every situation it’s happened.

    Other than they are all College educated wimminz.

  9. Do you suppose these wimminz give their husbands the respect they give the men on the side?

    Of course they do…as a thank you for all the hard work their husbands have done for them for things like food, shelter, clothing, children they reward them by going out and fornicating with another man (because…I don’t know they feel sad or bored with having all that shelter and food). Complete respect.

  10. Here’s a little observation I’ve made about the Overt and Covert actions of MARRIED wimminz.

    The higher the SMV/MMV (i.e. younger), of a married womminz, is the more overt she behaves. The lower the SMV/MMV (i.e. older), of a married womminz, is the more cover she behaves.

    So, did the younger wimminz start this craze? And, then as they aged went covert?

    Or did the older wimminz with lower SMV/MMV just notice what the younger, hotter (and) tighter wimminz were doing and wanted their piece of the action .. that they feel entitled too.

    Either way it’s been going on for a while .. it’s just on the front page of the news cycle because of out-right brazen behavior on display.

  11. Of course they do . clip … Complete respect.

    Da Wimminz treat their men like their Government treats their men.

    Men are second class citizens due to legal discrimination (aka affirmative action) and in divorce courts. The Gov doesn’t respect men so why should any womminz. Men don’t respect any other men better than government either (e.g. cheat with a married mans wife .. or in the media .. or .. etc).

    Your Gov dis-respects you to your face (in the name of Diversity or Foriegn Invaders) and you do nothing .. so ipso facto you don’t respect you. (1)

    Conclusion .. Problem solved.

    (1) I know men of the red-pill care .. this is a generalization of current blue-pill men.

  12. Men don.t respect any other men better than government either (e.g. cheat with a married mans wife .. or in the media .. or .. etc).

    Yes…the man who cheats with a married woman I have the same level of disgust as the adulterous woman either seducing him or allowing herself to be seduced by him.

    If the guy does respect the husband of the woman…he’d go all judgmental and put a stop to her wiles.

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