Scharron Dingledine: Murdering Cunt
At noon on Friday, 3 August 2018, emergency crews responded to a vehicle submerged in the Kansas River. Divers saw skank-ho bitch Scharron Dingledine, pictured above, bobbing around in the current, so they pulled her dumb ass to shore. They also pulled the limp bodies of her two kids, Amiyah Bradley (female, 5) and Unknown (male, 1) from the drink. Little Amiyah was dead at the scene. The unnamed son of this whore has been revived, and is now on life-support in hospital.
A single mother has done something horrendous. So, what differentiates this stupid bitch from the thousands of other irresponsible, unfit, skank-ho mothers we read about on a daily basis?
Not much, really.
We can learn something about journalistic integrity, from studying the story, as it is reported.
The fact that one child is named, and another one is not, suggests that these children may have different fathers. Who are the fathers? Almost no one wanted to admit that there were any men that existed at all. Only one station, the local FOX affiliate, admitted that there was at least one man, someplace, that had anything at all to do with this bitch.
An interview with the whore’s “boyfriend” and “high-school sweetheart” is very curious.
The unnamed father of little Amiyah
My man is described, in the first place, as the cause of the problem. The headline states that he “lives with regret.” Despite all his supposed remorse, the story fails to list any of his faults. Without evidence, it is safe to assume that the media is baselessly smearing another father.
Next, the interviewer describes the little boy as “his son” but the girl as “the daughter.” Did the whore fool this good man, cucking him, and then allowing him to put his name on the birth certificate? No one knows, but it wouldn’t be the first time…
The story goes on to state that this poor sucker “had not seen his children for over a year, despite supporting them financially.”
So, here’s the real story. My man met a good-looking but nuts wimminz in childhood. She may have cucked him with his first child, the little girl seen at right. Bitch dumped him after second kid was born. Father complied with every insane demand by feminist divorce courts, paying out the ass, even as he was denied visitation with his own kids. Bitch subsequently decided to ice her babies. Fade to black.
As an aside, she’s not bad looking in the photo. Quoting the bard, I’ll just point out that she’s “of the hue that I would choose.” She’s exactly the type of woman who would have chumped me, when I was a younger man controlled by his pecker.
Our man did all the things he was supposed to do. He wifed up this bitch when she got knocked up. Even after she dumped him, he “put the interests of his children first” — up to and including paying big money for these kids, who he never got to see, and which probably weren’t his anyway.
If the little girl wasn’t his biological offspring, does it make any difference? I argue that it does not. He adopted this girl into his household, and by the timeless rules of patriarchy, she became his kin. He loved her, he worried about her. He lived to support her. He probably had dreams of seeing her go off to prom, graduate from High School, and find some corn-fed farmer to wife her up. He assumed that he’d give her away at her wedding, and push his grandchildren on the swings some day.
All those big dreams are now gone, because the bitch took this man’s children and snuffed them.
Why did she kill these kids? Let the bitch tell you herself…
So, what can we learn from this farce?
If you do not vet your woman well, you will end up in this man’s place. The bitch who murders your kids will get off with the cunt pass (and this is in the works now.) Your sentence, for doing everything right, will be to have your name dragged through the mud, in the feminist press, to be blamed for your kids’ deaths, which you had nothing to do with, and to be left with nothing.
The feminist press is your enemy. Their first duty is to destabilize families and to excuse the atrocities committed by single mothers. Never forget this.