Why I Love Feminists

Daniel, the poor fucker in the photo, seeks a divorce from his skank-ho wife, Waiki. Apparently skanky princess has so many exes he can’t keep track of them. No doubt she still fucks them all behind Daniel’s back, and gives them his money, and otherwise disrespects the decent man who made her a wife, in favor of the cads who treat her like the whore that she is.

A trip to your local so-called “family” courts will convince you that Daniel is not in the least bit unique. There are tens of thousands of men like Daniel, all across North America, and with very few exceptions, they all meet the same fate.

The faggot judge will shortly give Waiki the kids, the car, the house, all the furnishings, except for Daniel’s shaving kit and drawers. The judge gives Daniel a few parting gifts also. These include a bill for lifetime alimony, child support, and two-thirds of his pension.

If you compare Daniel’s expression, as he is sweating under the hot lights, with the guy behind him, who clearly finds the whole spectacle entertaining, you see the contemporary dichotomy in one frame. The next thing you should do is to ask yourself which of these men you would rather be.

Would you like to be in Daniel’s shoes? Or would you like to be laughing in the audience, as Daniel is sentenced to a lifetime of servitude. If this is the penalty for being a stand-up, civilization-bearing guy, who “did the right thing,” then I know which choice I’d rather make.

The greatest thing feminists ever did was to strip away the gilded veneer of decency from the average wimminz, and allow all of us normal men to see the skanks as they truly are.

30 thoughts on “Why I Love Feminists

  1. Would you like to be in Daniel.s shoes? Or would you like to be laughing in the audience, as Daniel is sentenced to a lifetime of servitude. If this is the penalty for being a stand-up, civilization-bearing guy, who .did the right thing,. then I know which choice I.d rather make.

    I wouldn’t want to be in the goddess worshipping, wimminz are all pure and men are all sin camp. However there is merit of living a good God fearing life.

    One of the few reasons I keep social media around is to see the mask come off sometimes with people I personally know. Of course I see it, you’ll see it, guys like honeycomb will see it…does her fiance?

  2. Would you like to be in Daniel.s shoes? Or would you like to be laughing in the audience, as Daniel is sentenced to a lifetime of servitude. If this is the penalty for being a stand-up, civilization-bearing guy, who .did the right thing,. then I know which choice I.d rather make.

    It’s a clear choice indeed. But, I have an issue with men laughing and smiling at another man’s “not-his-fault-divorce-to-a-skank-ho-womminz”. I may have chose to remain a bachelor .. but, I don’t enjoy the demise of a good and faithful man who made a commitment for better or worse .. only to be shown the worse of our human nature.

    It seems that to many people enjoy stealing your happiness for no reason other than they enjoy miserere (i.e. for everyone not just themselves).

    The greatest thing feminists ever did was to strip away the gilded veneer of decency from the average wimminz, and allow all of us normal men to see the skanks as they truly are.

    College in the early to mid- 1980’s did this very thing for me. It was the most important education I obtained at a 4 year NCAA Div II college.

  3. It seems that to many people enjoy stealing your happiness for no reason other than they enjoy miserere (i.e. for everyone not just themselves).

    I felt pity for Daniel. The opposite is called ‘evil joy’ or schadenfreude…which is another form of envy. Wimminz seem to do it to their man all the time…it’s better that we don’t act like wimminz.

  4. it.s better that we don.t act like wimminz.

    Re: Boxers other post about the Gypsy Moth .. I conclude the opposite to her view ..

    A substantial element of female unhappiness today derives from their relentless pursuit of hypergamy. By wanting what is logically impossible, they can never truly be happy. Much like a “heroin addict” who is constantly chasing a better “high” .. from this .. one can conclude that women are “hard-wired” to be unhappy in a very deep way that men are not .. [But, this black guy laughing it up about another man getting shafted .. is on par.]

  5. Wimminz seem to do it to their man all the time.it.s better that we don.t act like wimminz.

    This blog has started to count a fair number of unique visitors: ~200 per day (and ~500 per day on weird anomalous occasions, for what reason I have no clue)… up from 5 to 10 per day a year ago.

    Of those 200 people, 100 are men.

    Of those 100 men, 40 are still single and young enough to learn something about the way of things.

    Of those 40 single men, 4 might really grasp what I’m talking about.

    Of those 4, one is impressionable enough to sway.

    My hopes are all placed in that one man, and my foremost hope is that he becomes like this guy, rather than the other one…

    Life is too short and too sweet to be ruthlessly exploited, used and thrown away.

  6. A substantial element of female unhappiness today derives from their relentless pursuit of hypergamy.


    By wanting what is logically impossible, they can never truly be happy.

    I’ll present this quote from a former cad who through the prayers of his mother and the guidence of St. Ambrose…finally saw the light later in his life. The pursuit of pleasure or useless philosphies doesn’t bring lasting happiness…only one thing does.

    “Our Hearts are Restless Until They Rest in You” -St. Augustine

    ‘Great are you, O Lord, and exceedingly worthy of praise; your power is immense, and your wisdom beyond reckoning. And so we men, who are a due part of your creation, long to praise you . we also carry our mortality about with us, carry the evidence of our sin and with it the proof that you thwart the proud. You arouse us so that praising you may bring us joy, because you have made us and drawn us to yourself, and our heart is unquiet until it rests in you.’


  7. Life is too short and too sweet to be ruthlessly exploited, used and thrown away.

    Sure…but it’s ok to have pity on the man who has been cut down by a wimminz. Perhaps he had no knowledge or thought things would change by making her a wife. There are two things men need an education in…not getting themselves into that situation and being a good support when a man finds himself in that situation.

    These men are certainly bearing sufferings I can’t even imagine because I’ve seen them in realtime. Especially if he has kids. That’s not the time to be an amused master of his pain.

  8. Sure.but it.s ok to have pity on the man who has been cut down by a wimminz. Perhaps he had no knowledge or thought things would change by making her a wife. There are two things men need an education in.not getting themselves into that situation and being a good support when a man finds himself in that situation.

    This is a fair critique, but it shortsightedly assumes that everyman is capable of learning from his own mistakes.

    Some men are capable of such things. Many are not.

    That man who is not capable of learning from his own mistakes, will often find the reactions of others helpful.

    For those who are too stupid to learn from their own mistakes, shame is a useful motivator. I speak from experience, as a man who has frequently been too stupid to learn without the help of others.

    It’s why I was put in the corner as a boy, for other kids to laugh at. That laughter was good motivation for my own socialization.

    Had I been taken to the back room, and been caned, as is the custom with schoolboys in Dubai, I would have likely sauntered out after my whipping with an air of heroic defiance, and done some new bad shit the next day.

    So, we can look at the laughing dude as being heartless and cruel; but if we interpret his laughter more generously, we can credit him with teaching poor Daniel something that the divorce courts may not be capable of impressing upon him.

  9. I speak from experience, as a man who has frequently been too stupid to learn without the help of others.

    In aviation we tell people all the time .. “Learn from other people’s mistakes .. because you won’t live long enough to make’em all yourself.”

    It’s good advice for every man .. not just every pilot. Though both are their own Pilot In Command (PIC) in life.

  10. .Learn from other people.s mistakes .. because you won.t live long enough to make.em all yourself..

    It.s good advice for every man .. not just every pilot. Though both are their own Pilot In Command (PIC) in life.

    Oh yes…there are other big talkers on the various blogs (you may know of a few)…that just love to dismiss this guy because I don’t have ‘their experiences’. Well that’s too bad I guess…I’ll only be esteemed if I do the same dumb mistakes they did instead of avoiding their pitfalls. I’ll make enough myself I can guarentee you that.

    I know why they do that but I find it funny that’s the retort they often go to when they finally meet someone who calls them out.

  11. Oh yes.there are other big talkers on the various blogs (you may know of a few).that just love to dismiss this guy because I don.t have .their experiences.. Well that.s too bad I guess.I.ll only be esteemed if I do the same dumb mistakes they did instead of avoiding their pitfalls. I.ll make enough myself I can guarentee you that.

    Classic Narcissist behavior. “How dare you have the FREEDOM to think for yourself and not have their views on matters.” A Narcissist can’t have a non-conforming free-thinking individual they can’t control.

    Or that’s been an observation over the last bit with more men walking off the plantation (i.e. MGTOW) .. and it’s the plantation menz (e.g. married menz) that are the worst at confirmation bias narcissism.

    Or .. am I seeing this wrong?

  12. ‘Or .. am I seeing this wrong?’

    It’s narcissistic behavior. Rest assured if they are going into the size of genitalia as the benchmark in the debate….you won.

  13. I.ll only be esteemed if I do the same dumb mistakes they did instead of avoiding their pitfalls. I.ll make enough myself I can guarentee you that.

    Not only did you not get married, but you found some way to sublimate your libido which doesn’t involve Tinder (TM), dope-smoking, or masturbating to sleazy pr0n all day. I’d say you’re way ahead of your detractors.

  14. Praying to Christ to live a chaste life for my state of life. Having sex with sluts, doing drugs, or watching virtual sex doesn’t sublimate a libido. It just transfers the urge to other destructive tendencies.

    Besides every tale of a marriage gone wrong…while I agree the woman was probably a banshee from the beginning…you usually find the guy was duped into it because she hooked him with the sex instead of him discerning what type of woman she is. Serpent spawn or God fearing?

  15. How is pandering to women building civilization?

    Every good thing in human history was built by men, for the sole purpose of impressing women. That’s the basics, this is commentary. Read it:

  16. Even if that is true, men pandering to women doesn’t work now in the current modern world.

    Trad con men tell themselves pandering to women built civilizations because they want to rationalize their actions.

    Men want to mate guard and can no longer do so.

  17. “Men want to mate guard and can no longer do so”

    I got married because I wanted a helpmate, a companion, someone to share life with. I’m the primary provider of the family and she’s the primary caregiver, but that wasn’t why we got married. It’s a rather, uh, complementarian arrangement. It works quite well, thank you very much.

    “Even if that is true, men pandering to women doesn.t work now in the current modern world. Trad con men tell themselves pandering to women built civilizations because they want to rationalize their actions.”

    I’m unsure what this means, but I’d be interested in hearing more. The term “trad con” doesn’t convey much practical information to me. I’ve certainly never told myself (or anyone else) that pandering to women built civilizations.

  18. Boxer says: Every good thing in human history was built by men, for the sole purpose of impressing women.

    Solomon says:
    Ecclesiastes 4:4 I have seen that every labor and every skill which is done is the result of rivalry between a man and his neighbor. This too is vanity and striving after wind.

    Pretty close there. But, different enough that I won’t accuse you of plagiarism.

  19. “…rivalry between a man and his neighbor”

    I agree that competition is a huge component that drives civilization forward. The theme of Ecclesiastes is grim for a reason, but accomplishments of skill and labor are not a zero-sum game. We may be driven by rivalry, but ultimately society as a whole can benefit from this dynamic.

    On the flip side, the notion that man does everything for women is an evolutionary, survival of the fittest, concept. But I don’t hold to this Dawkins-like notion that we just do what our genetics tells us to do in order to reproduce, nor do I hold to the Freudian view. There are certainly cases where a man does things for a woman, but for women in general? Not usually.

    “…this is commentary. Read it:”

    Freud viewed religion as helpful (a necessary evil?) to drive civilization forward. Solomon viewed driving civilization forward as ultimately a meaningless endeavor, pointing us instead to God. Solomon was the wiser of the two.

  20. Freud viewed religion as helpful (a necessary evil?) to drive civilization forward. Solomon viewed driving civilization forward as ultimately a meaningless endeavor, pointing us instead to God. Solomon was the wiser of the two.

    The difference between Solomon and Sigmund, is that Freud actually existed, and Solomon is a character in a myth, like Zeus or Wotan or Ananzi, the Spider Woman.

  21. … Freud actually existed, and Solomon is a character in a myth…
    LOL But, I’m glad that you stuck up for Solomon’s mother, Bathsheba, the other day.

    FWIW I don’t believe in Freud! Tales of his life are just an elaborate hoax by his worshipers to bring the legend of Freud into existence. But I did see the image of Freud burned into a piece of toast once, so maybe he is real.

  22. “The difference between Solomon and Sigmund, is that Freud actually existed, and Solomon is a character in a myth, like Zeus or Wotan or Ananzi, the Spider Woman.”

    This is going to come across as flippant, but I don’t know how else to say it. If Freud can’t outwit an ancient mythical character, that doesn’t speak in his favor. Of course this is all a rather pointless debate. You don’t believe in God, I do. Ho hum.

    “Every good thing in human history was built by men, for the sole purpose of impressing women.”

    Perhaps if this was a bit of hyperbole you could make such a claim. But I think you actually believe this, despite the ease at which it can be shown that many of the world’s great men did things for all sorts of reasons not involving impressing women (or even to spite women).

    The need to impress women diminishes when potential mates are no longer sought. My work has nothing to do with impressing my wife. Indeed, the greatest works that I have done (other than having a family) have been my own doing.

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