Deconstructing Catastrophe (Part 1)

Last night I received some oddball text messages, from a strange woman. While I’m currently parsing them, and still debating as to how much of her story I want to post publicly, I thought I’d make some general observations about stories like hers. In order to do that, I have to write a whole post describing the source. Here goes…


  1. Jenny, the thirtysomething sender of late-night texts
  2. Joe, until recently, husband of Jenny
  3. Susie, adopted daughter of Joe, biological daughter of Jenny


When young Boxer was about 14, he met a girl also 14, named Jenny. Jenny was entirely too good for him. She let him know this at every possible opportunity. As both these kids lived in a small town, in the middle of nowhere, they couldn’t escape each other, (try as they did.)

When Boxer was in his mid-20s, and living in Vancouver, BC, Jenny found him on one of the gay social media sites, and quickly connected. Jenny was living in the Toronto ON area, by then, and married to a nice guy named Joe. Boxer was amused to see this bitch again, and the two started conversing, randomly and irregularly. 100% of those interactions were initiated by Jenny.

Some of my own memories of Jenny include the following…

At or about 18 years old, Jenny and a 21-year old returned missionary named Danny announced their engagement. Jenny is the grandchild of converts, while Danny comes from one of the old school Mormon founding families. This is a big deal to my people, and Danny’s ma and pa shitcanned those wedding plans immediately.

As an aside, and this is neither here nor there, Danny is a relative of mine, and he never got married, and is now the same sort of playa I am. I often wonder if ma and pa don’t agonize about that decision, today.

In the interim, having had a wedding date announced, Jenny and Danny started fucking the hell out of each other. Suddenly, when ma and pa pulled the plug, Danny got his ring back, and Jenny was no longer eligible to marry a decent Mormon (i.e. she wasn’t a virgin any longer – this is a dealbreaker for Mormon families.)

With this in mind, Jenny disappears to Calgary, and ya boy Boxer never hears another thing from her, until around 2008, when she appears as a fagbook friend request, and gives the impression of having the perfect life.

Jenny reappears, and she’s changed a bit. She’s converted to Christianity, for one thing. For another, she’s got a kid.

While Jenny publicly wore the persona of perfect wife and devoted mother, she would privately flirt with Boxer, who would generally ignore her. She also asked (and asked, and asked) about Danny. I was a younger man at the time, and wasn’t as practiced at reading skank-ho wimminz, but every man in this post code knows why she was asking, and her original friend request was probably more motivated by the desire to ask me about “the one who got away.”

In late 2015, Jenny started becoming more bold in her flirtatious messages, and would frequently send Boxer unsolicited nudes and talk about fucking him. Boxer continued to ignore this nonsense, sure in his own mind that she was just trying to mess with him, in precisely the same fashion she was wont to do some fifteen years prior.

In 2017, Boxer finally allowed Jenny to open up, in text, and learned her story.

Here we reach the delimiter between my firsthand knowledge, and what she told me when I asked about her life. Here’s the shit she claimed happened to her…

At 18, she left our little town (good for her) and converted to Christianity. My understanding is that both her parents, and her sister, have also converted to Christianity. My people wouldn’t care too much about this, because they were a convert family of only a couple generations anyway… (so long, and thanks for all the fish.)

While in Calgary, she hooked up with a series of random dudes. One of them was a very successful singer, and she went on singing tours backing up this swingin’ dick. Anyway, very shortly after this, she became pregnant. She gave birth to Susie, having no idea who the father of the little girl was.

The lounge singer gave her the brush, and while it may well have been his kid, she didn’t pursue him. At first, like the typical Canadian wimminz, she decided she didn’t need no man, but rapidly realized she couldn’t raise the kid herself.

Jenny married and divorced at least three men, in rapid succession, over the course of not more than two years. The last marriage took, and the lucky winner of Jenny’s used up cunt was Joe: the same man she was (then) pretending to be happily married to on facebook.

When she told me this story, I asked about the two ex-husbands. She (surprise!) described them as assholes, druggies, violent abusers, perverts who would surely have raped her baby, etc., ad infinitvm.

I asked her (as is my general tactic) where these violent headcases were serving their prison sentences. Naturally, neither went to prison, because Jenny was lying, and I assume she was libeling them for the sake of her own ego.

Before I continue, I ought to thank Jenny for giving me the equivalent of a graduate degree in female nature. There are a number of valuable lessons in her story, and while I learned these lessons from Jenny, I really don’t think they’re unique to her. These childish coping mechanisms seem common to most wimminz.

  • No man is ever a regular guy. All men are either dreamy, amazing supermen (Virginkiller Danny, the lounge singer, etc.) or they are subhuman scum, unfit to live (the first two husbands, whoever knocked her up, etc..) There simply is no in-between.
  • No wimminz ever does anything wrong. Certainly not Jenny. Everything that happened was always the fault of some man. To hear her tell it, the conception of her daughter was some sort of voodoo curse, for which all men are responsible, rather than a natural consequence of her spreading-and-bending for her nightly dose of anonymous semen.
  • No favor one does a wimminz is ever appreciated. Two men married this bitch, when she was a single mom, and their reward was paying alimony to the slut, and having themselves libeled as abusive perverts. I’m sure many other men did her favors, over the years, and to date, I’m equally certain that all of them have regretted it, including Joe, her current husband, and the adopted father of Jenny’s daughter. His story is coming this weekend.

19 thoughts on “Deconstructing Catastrophe (Part 1)

  1. Yikes at th radicalized wimminz you know Boxer .. which are a clear and present danger to un-woke menz.

    You’re a true investigator of skank hoez bro. I couldn’t keep a straight face or convo goin that long .. I’d (text-msg) bish slap’pur before I got anything useful outta her. Good work.


    For those of you that think men and wimminz can be friends .. you’re making a mistake.


    Lookin’ forward to part duex

  2. I don’t know if Boxer personally knows all the nutty females in Canada or to just assume all females in Canada are nutty.

  3. Well he has a head start on us because he’s in the teaching profession .. and that’s also a hot-bed for moon-bat-crazy wimminz ..

    For example .. in Palno Tx ..

    Dang Math teachers .. lol

    Ferguson was ordered to spend 120 days in jail, but split over two weeks a year until the time is served after admitting an improper relationship with a student and indecency with a child by exposure. She was further sentenced to 10 years probation, 150 hours community service, an $800 fine, and must sign the sex offenders register.

    So we know the Verdict .. Guilty

    What did she do?

    An algebra teacher had sex with a 16 year-old schoolboy on a park bench and in his truck after he wrote his Snapchat username on a test paper. Alaina Ferguson, 25, was handed a jail sentence Thursday after she admitted flirting with the student on the social networking app before molesting him. She sent him nude photos of herself, before having sex with him on the bench, as well as in the back of his pickup truck, and in her fiance.s apartment while he was off on a hunting trip.

    How did she get caught?

    Her crimes were uncovered after the boy began boasting to his friends about what was going on, and she quit her job just two months after starting it that summer.

    Dang Menz can’t keep their yapps shut .. and ruinin’ it for da wimminz (/s)

    But why? .. Cuz .. Feelz!

    Ferguson, who later called off her engagement said after she was arrested in late 2016, that she knew it was .not the right thing to do, but it felt right at the time,. the Dallas Morning News reported.

    These phones are "the devil" for th wimminz.

    Conclusion .. WOULD(‘ve) BANG(ed) (I’m workin off limited info here .. but her face is a 5 .. and if her body was a 7 or better .. I stand by my ass-sess-mint.)

  4. FIXED IT ..

    But why? .. Cuz .. Feelz!

    Ferguson, who later called off her engagement said after she was arrested in late 2016, that she knew it was .not the right thing to do, but it felt right at the time,. the Dallas Morning News reported.

    These phones are “the devil” for th wimminz.

    Conclusion .. WOULD(.ve) BANG(ed) (I.m workin off limited info here .. but her face is a 5 .. and if her body was a 7 or better .. I stand by my ass-sess-mint.)

  5. I used to operate under a set of similar delusions. One was that I tended to attract crazy sluts, ergo, there was something wrong with me. Another was that Mormon women were crazy, ergo, there was something wrong with my ethnic group.

    Then I started meeting non-Mormon girls, non-white girls, girls from outside North America.

    At some point, I realized the stark truth. All differences between population groups are superficial, at best, and all wimminz are crazy. Some of them manage to keep the crazy under control, but most do not. Under the surface, they’re all wired in similar ways.

  6. At some point, I realized the stark truth. All differences between population groups are superficial, at best, and all wimminz are crazy. Some of them manage to keep the crazy under control, but most do not. Under the surface, all wired in similar ways.

    I agree 100% Boxer .. It’s a quick trip (re: to crazy) for’em all.

    I’m lucky I survived the ride! Got out in the knick of time.

    I’m kinda still in a dangerous position .. because .. th wimminz still eye-ball-fawk-me like a piece of meat .. and I make it worse by ignoring 98% of them.

    I’ve got one 32 year old at church that insists on throwin herself at me every sunday. It makes the 36 year old jealous (they’re the only 2 never married single wimminz at my church) .. and I play it up .. WOULD NOT BANG (due to age and red flags). They’ve got bitter battle cunt written all over’em. I’m lovin it.

  7. Felt right at the time. We all need to learn that feelz does not equal truth.

    Illicit sex with a minor (or quite frankly anyone other than your lawful spouse)…makes you subject to God’s judgement…and there are many different ways that judgement comes about.

  8. ‘These phones are “the devil” for th wimminz.’

    These phones only ‘help’ our human weaknesses…that being our sinful fallen nature.

    Back in the day you could say the carriage and wagon was ‘the devil’…because wimminz could go to some other land.

  9. I.m a chump for the doe-eyed look.

    It’s an attractive look for a woman…it projects something of innocence and life and it would certainly make me unleash my toxic masculinity like trying to have her grow in her relationship with God, protect her and provide for her, perhaps even marriage and children. Certainly better than the dead eyed or hunter eyes look. However just because they look like that…proof is they may not be that.

    Are we to believe this 16 year old was the boy she lost her virginity to? Predators don’t just happen in a day.

  10. Yeah but you’ve also mentioned stories where you met & dated women who were actually saving it for marriage and they ended up leaving. There probably is a lot to the statement ‘like attracts like’.

    It’s why I hope beyond hope if I ever do get married I didn’t attract the wrong woman.

  11. ‘Under the surface, all wired in similar ways.’

    Much like men have similar wiring so to speak.

    Wimminz want to rebel against God, the patriarchy, or whomever is their lawful authority….men want to encourage them to do this for certain personal motivations.

    When you have the rare case of a man or woman (Lori Alexander) who starts bringing in standards, ethics, what God actually says (instead of what you feel)…then you can see what being in full rebellion looks like. It’s why I have quite a bit of respect for John the Baptist…along with Christ saying he was the greatest man that ever lived…he told a powerful man like Herod off for his sin and ended up with head being cut off.

  12. Much like men have similar wiring so to speak.

    There’s no question that’s true.

    Wimminz want to rebel against God, the patriarchy, or whomever is their lawful want to encourage them to do this for certain personal motivations.

    Certain men (i.e. ruling class men, playaz, etc.) do benefit. Men at the very top have more options, thanks to hypergamy, and those same men can wield the threatpoint against their wives. Men like me benefit; but, I’m not convinced that men like me wouldn’t be just as happy in a marriage under patriarchy.

    The real question is how we make decency attractive to the average person. That’s one I haven’t figured out. It seems like the forces arrayed against that narrative are quite powerful.

  13. The real question is how we make decency attractive to the average person. That.s one I haven.t figured out. It seems like the forces arrayed against that narrative are quite powerful.

    The only way I could remotely answer that is that decency starts spiritually (God, Holy Spirit) that eventually sees the fruits temporally. Whereas indecency seems to start temporally (call it the flesh, the world, the devil) and then corrupts you spiritually. So the average person needs to seek a relationship with God…perhaps Boxer does too?

  14. Or perhaps spiritual corruption leads to temporal corruption. Either way it’s not seeking God but rather the flesh, the world, or Satan.

  15. That is some good writing. I’m anxious to hear the rest of the story.
    I think the way to make decency appealing, is to take away the other options. Adulterers, are publicly executed. Fornicators are forcibly married. Those who leave their marriages are hunted down and executed. And voila 99.5% of all marriages last until death parts them, with only a few daring escapees, loose on the high seas, living as pirates, condemned men, never free to return to civil society.

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