Simps on Parade

NEW YORK CITY – Dozens of simps compete for one mediocre skank.

The following story originated with mysha (@bvdhai) on twitter. Our man Honeycomb found a third-party retelling of it in the comments.

I should probably add text inline, and in order to do so, I’m breaking up the original thread. Let’s see what Brother Mysha can teach us.

Aspiring playaz, take note. This is how you handle a flighty bitch. The only thing I can fault my man for was the overly wordy response. When it happens to me, I generally reply like so:

Her: “Actually, I have this huge presentation I’m workin on for my job… blah blah blah… would it be OK if I text you in a couple months? You’re so hot and I wanna smash, but I’m just so busy fucking other men working and stuff… blah blah blah… would that be OK?”

Me: “cool”

Remember that the wimminz like you better when you acknowledge their worthlessness. One-word is all a bitch usually deserves even in good times.

At this point I would be suspicious, and while our bro doesn’t say so out loud, there is a tangible unease in his tone. Tinder sluts don’t generally keep a man waiting, unless they’re playing games.

Remember that Tinder is the contemporary equivalent of that whorehouse, hidden out on the Alberta prairie. People don’t walk in to that building unless they want to fuck, and it’s for quick fucking, not for goofing off for weeks at a time.

Never trust a bitch who draws things out to this extent.

If a bitch texts me “hey I’m running a little late…” I tune out. Of course this is a personal thing, but my time is valuable. I make a point to be on time to all my meetings, and I’ve left meet-ups, one minute after the appointed hour of meeting, ignoring a bitch frantically calling and texting with excuses.

And that is the moment when every one of those fucking simps should have followed Brother Mysha out of Union Square, and moved on to the next bitch.

Did they do so? Please…

Every man who read this far should scroll back up to the top, and get a good view of all these pathetic chumps. Every one of those men is a total failure. They should each go home and curse their fathers for ever bringing their simp asses into the world.

Slavery is the natural state of man. Truth to fuck’n tell.

23 thoughts on “Simps on Parade

  1. Boxer sez ..

    Every one of those men is a total failure. They should each go home and curse their fathers for ever bringing their simp asses into the world.

    But .. but .. but look at th military bearing and precision they exhibited in covering their junk .. SIMP tell .. the guys on the left are interesting .. 2 black guys .. not amused .. and 1 amused white guy who looks like he lifts. They almost got off (heh) stage right. Almost don’t count when there is photo evidence .. that picture sreams .. FAIL.

    They should’da recon’ed this bish much better .. let that be a lesson to yenz’ young fella’s out there.

  2. And men think drinking saltwater will cure the thirst.

    Trying to win the favor of a who-are or a sloot is like drinking saltwater.

    One last note…at the end the story is painting her to be the victim again.

    ‘Bliss wouldn.t reveal much more about the project, but said .no product or service of any kind. was involved, and that Aponte is a real single woman who is .passionate about this issue and has been harassed..

    Poor wimminz dresses up for lingerie photos and then is shocked she’s harassed. Yes wimminz I am going there about how they dress.

  3. I saw a video (maybe here?) where a chick gets 30 guys in a circle around her to start and then starts a cutting them out by stating her 421 bullet point requirements and ends up with nobody left. One of the the last guys left even guys, “Yeah, good luck finding anybody.”

    Would have been real funny if all those dudes left right away, but I’m sure many of them stayed just because they were bored (they’re always bored, they have boring fucking lives) and they were already there.

    Uggh, she looks like a mobile STD incubation device.

    “Remember that Tinder is the contemporary equivalent of that whorehouse, hidden out on the Alberta prairie. People don.t walk in to that building unless they want to fuck, and it.s for quick fucking, not for goofing off for weeks at a time.”


  4. .Remember that Tinder is the contemporary equivalent of that whorehouse, hidden out on the Alberta prairie. People don.t walk in to that building unless they want to fuck, and it.s for quick fucking, not for goofing off for weeks at a time..

    And this was verified when we found out who the wimminz is.

  5. I currently break women down into 3 groups.

    1. Hot, young pussy that I want to fuck. ~3% of total female population

    2. Women attractive enough for me to maintain an erection and I’m in the mood to fuck NOW. Hello, Alberta whorehouse! Another ~3-4% of total female population

    3. Nope.

    She’d be in group 3.

  6. Yep, that was it. But, did she really learn anything from it? Fuck no.

    Best part to me (though the choking was good) is that she doesn’t want to have kids until her mid 30’s. I thought Asians were all about family…

  7. LOL KHH ..

    the ole’ boner test ..

    The timeless and classic go / no-go test ™ .. the best example that every-single-discriminating-man can get.

  8. @ KHH ..

    EVERY SINGLE MAN should must watch this video .. not just for her body language and content of her mind / desires / demands / etc .. but how bad some of these menz text game is .. geeez .. it was agony to watch from so many different angles.

    If she’s single much longer (admittedly she is bad at picking men .. YES KHH she HASN’t LEARNED A DAMN THING .. watch the intro) and still wants to wait 7 years to have kids .. she’ll be much older than mid-30’s when she gets around to another bad decision (i.e. waiting to have kids till she needs IVF).

    Frankly though .. she’s a party girl .. and that with the colored hair is two big red flags sticking right on top of her flat chest.

    Final anal(heh)’ysis is .. WOULD NOT BANG.

  9. Sometimes a youtube comment states directly what it is.

    ‘Lol, her standards: height, older age, sexual dominance and being bubbly

    She didn’t ask about character, values, lifestyle compatibility, intimacy and all that matters in a relationship.

    Of course you’re single lmao.’

  10. Earl .. buddy .. you probably have already figured this one out by now .. but allow me to elucidate ..

    (Blue Pill) Men and Th Wimminz have the complete opposite reality of dating and picking one for a mate .. (1)

    “Th Wimminz go thru life thinking all men are the same when nothing further from the truth could be the case.”
    “The (Blue Pill) Men go thru life thinking all th wimminz are different when the fact is they are all the same.”

    Both processes are paralyzing and limit their growth as a human being. What Th Wimminz need but can’t seem to do is quiet introspection. Which would be extremely valuable to them, like it is for men. But, they seem incapable of to any degree. Hence why the Red-Pill (and Game) is so powerful for men.

    (1) Exceptions don’t make the rule.

  11. The common thing I noticed in that video.

    Her facial reaction when the first couple guys left was the same when the last guys left.

    I guess she learned the hard way that men can certainly reject a princess*

    *an alcohol loving, traveling, talking about strange fetishes, doesn’t want kids until her eggs are gone but does want fur kids, wants a daddy not a dad princess

  12. That’s not the only fun facts red flags in her bio .. that’s why I posted it ..

    And she hasn’t logged into her account in over 3 months.

    Verdict .. Skank-Hoe-Womminz

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