3 thoughts on “Let Brother Fulton Tell It

  1. Recently I learned that Fulton converted the woman who helped with Stalin’s plan to infiltrate the seminiaries with homosexuals. That’s why I think he had some insider knowledge as to why he thought the church may go more political and less on theology along with extensive talks about the evils of communism.


    ‘Von Hildebrand shared with us the story of one Bella Dodd, a Communist agent with the American Communist Party from 1927.49. Dodd eventually converted to the Catholic faith under the direction of Abp. Fulton Sheen and became friends with the von Hildebrands.

    Here is what Alice told us that Dodd told her and her husband in 1965:

    Stalin, soon after he came to power, ordered his cronies to invade Catholic seminaries … with young men that had neither faith nor morals. Now … the ideal cases: homosexual. Obviously, you don’t suppose that someone … well, it’s much more complicated, you know, to have an affair with a woman. But if you’re a homosexual, and then it was a tragic mission … . [Dodd] declared publicly . I repeat, publicly . that in the course of the 20 years of activities for the Communists, she recruited some 1,100 young men.

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