More Wisdom For The Sisters

The following article is courtesy of Scott (PDF) and his wife Mychael. It was originally posted over on Dalrock (Archive; PDF), and it contains solid advice for women who want to escape or avoid the cultural sewer we all enjoy scoffing at.

I have been banned from commenting on blogs by both Lori Alexander and by Scott, so I have to comment here. The text appears to be owned by some Orthodox Church magazine, so to abide by fair use, I have to comment inline. Let’s see what Sister Mychael has to say…

I am not sure I would say I have been dreading this moment. But I have not looked forward to it, and I suppose I knew it would come up eventually.


Lori Alexander has written a blog post that everyone knows contains some basic, immutable Truth. And as always when such a thing happens, the vitriol is fierce. And every time the subject comes up, I squirm a little because I am a traditionalist red-pill wife who did not meet these criteria at the time when I married my husband.

Both Scott and Mychael have been candid to the point of professional suicide. Men who read here are strongly encouraged not to follow their lead. Choose a semi-normal sounding pseudonym (like, heh, Jake Lamotta) and stick to it. This goes double if you have children. Feminists are petty and hateful to the point of absurdity, and your kids don’t need to get shit because you express unpopular views on the net.

The attacks on us that appear on other blogs and in our comments section (which Scott never lets through) have been severe. The names I get called (and the making fun of Scott) is relentless. We are called hypocrites. Or that Scott married a former carousel rider. And on and on.

It is acceptable for a man to marry the woman of his choice. It is also acceptable for a man to adopt children, bringing them into his family. If you disagree with any of this, you’re simply not in line with old patriarchal thinking. Eva Cantarella gives a concise synopsis of the tradition as it existed, in section two of this paper.

O.K.: Time to get to the good stuff. I’m skipping ahead a bit. If you’re a skank-ho wimminz, and you want to quit it, then you need to read this article seriously, with an open mind, and try to absorb its truths without being defensive.

Here’s the first, hard truth. Scott was not red-pilled when we met, and if he was, he probably would have “nexted” me at the first sight of my online dating profile because I was a single mom. Hurts, right? It should. The aggregate risk of marrying a woman with a child (if she is not a widow) is huge. It speaks volumes about your decision making processes and it says they are very impulsive and faulty. The data is clear that a woman with seven or more sexual partners before marriage is almost statistically certain to divorce later. Scott and I have passed the danger zone in years on that one, but it is still quite high.

The fact that both of these people know about the phenomenon means that the danger is probably a lot lower than in the typical duo of American ignoramuses, who married as virginal teenagers. Wimminz in that scenario usually excuse bad behavior by resenting their “lack of experience,” thanks to feminist programming.

Next, I had a tattoo on my toe and he asked me about it. I had to tell him that it was done on a whim and that my son’s dad has a matching one. Every time Scott looks at it, I wonder what he thinks about that.

I can tell the girls what I think about such stuff. I consider it a visible reminder that you are another man’s piece of ass. That skank-ho tat is a tangible Private Property: No Trespassing sign.

I had a fairly large amount of student loan debt, and frankly so did he. But since he was on a path to making about four to five times the national average, he didn’t need to worry about his. He needed to worry about mine.

I am going to tell writers something that almost no one in our “God loves me and forgives me no matter what” age wants to hear. If you are a typical 30-something girl who had been playing the field in your twenties, the ONLY way you have any chance to marry a high quality, high status man is to humble yourself in the presence of any man you might like to marry, and answer any and all questions he has for you. At any point, he may decide that is too much baggage and walk away. And you deserve it.

There is almost nothing that is less attractive, to me, than the weird entitlement complex most of you filthy wimminz have. Everything else pales in comparison to your attitude. If your outlook and demeanor are negative, then nothing else really matters, including a promiscuous past, a series of skank-ho tattoos, and huge amounts of debt.

If you can not follow Sister Mychael’s advice, lose the attitude, the expectations, the mercenary love of money, and the princess mentality, then you may as well not bother with the laser tatt removal or the trip to the dress shop.

By the same measure, a completely chaste virgin who radiates the sarcastic, hateful sheen of feminist entitlement will likely never score the man she truly could, if she behaved appropriately. Sucks to be them, and it’s an incredible opportunity for wise sisters who are willing to drop the fronting. Those chicks routinely land men who would otherwise be way out of their league.

Blessed are you O God, King of the Universe, Who has not made me a wimminz…

Even though Scott was not a red-pill guy at the time, he is not stupid. And he grilled me for weeks before he really committed to dating exclusively. And let’s face it, our relationship was consummated well before the wedding date. This is what Scott calls the “standard American mate selection process” and neither of us felt weird about it at all.

It’s a minor flaw in Sister Mychael’s thinking, this regret for fucking her husband, but it’s worth expounding upon here.

I’ll tell you sisters a little secret: The minute you fuck Chad, you have committed to fucking every other man who ever wants to fuck.

The minute you decided to sit on Chad’s cock, you lost any claim to modesty or restraint. Everything you gave Chad had better be enthusiastically on offer to any man you are interested in. Otherwise, you’re telling that man that you prefer Chad to him. In that case, he should dump your ass, and tell you to go back to fucking Chad. Through your actions, you are privileging the man who hit your holes and quit you, over the man who might give you a honeymoon.

It’s all part of the romantic story you are supposed to tell your friends when they ask how you met. Its the “meet cute” in every romantic comedy. And it’s wrong.

It’s not wrong. It’s the way of things. I’d argue it is one of the things Mychael did right, when she married Scott. She probably fucked him with enthusiasm, and made him food after, proving she had the potential to be a valuable addition to his household.

My guess is that while Scott was dating Mychael, he was also dating a series of skank-ho Christian whores, who would boast about fucking a long string of men, before telling Scott that they wouldn’t fuck him until they got a wedding date, and also, he can cook his own food.

Are you surprised at his choice, girls? Yeah, me neither.

It’s wrong when other people do it, and it was wrong when we did it.

If a woman fucks one man, and then fucks a second man, and she eventually marries the second man, then she shouldn’t express regret for fucking the man she marries. It’s a visible sign of disrespect.

It really doesn’t matter if you were married to one man, divorced him, and then married the second man. It doesn’t matter any more than if you had fucked 26 men, Abe through Zachariah, and then finally fucked the man you married. You should be thankful to man number 27, who gave you the honorable title of wife.

Will you write to our blog and say “you trapped him with sex?” (Already heard that one). How can that be? He had several girlfriends between his first wife and me, and all followed the same relationship trajectory.

No one cares what feminists say. Their screeching ought to be sweet music to a solid sister’s ears.

The reason so many people got upset at reading the Lori Alexander piece is because upwards of 90 percent of all American singles fail to meet her simple, tried and true standard for maximizing marital success. Rather than take a little humble pill, they are defiant against God and his simple-to-follow rules. They want to equivocate, obfuscate and make themselves the exception to the rules. It’s totally understandable. We all have that desire.

Both men and women used to be socialized out of the desire for mindless rebellion, but those days are over. This is terrible collective news for our civilization, but a great boon to the individual. Wise women take a lesson from Che Guevara, and use what they’ve got available to win, based on material conditions.

Let’s review Mychael’s situation. She was a divorcée and a single mom, who supported her kid(s) by working a crappy job as a nurse. She ended up marrying a doctor. This would have been completely impossible in any other society, or in any other era. How did she manage this?

  • She was honest, and
  • She refused to devolve into a human-walrus hybrid, by overeating, and
  • She was nice.

In her photos, he wears dresses. She also smiles. She doesn’t complain about her father, or go on kooky rants about “rape culture”.

These are incredibly low-effort demands.

Serious women should be grateful that so many of their sisters have made themselves so unworthy. This allows women like Mychael to score men they never would have been approached by. You can do this, too.

Read More:

Russian Faith: Christian Renaissance 

32 thoughts on “More Wisdom For The Sisters

  1. I agree on pretty much everything, and especially the tattoo thing somehow really stood out for me in that article. I find the fact that she kept it truly sick. When thinking about it, the presence of the boy she had with the previous man (even though in a way a permanent walking reminder of other people ejaculating inside her) in my home most probably would not trigger any negative emotion in me, but the tattoo would definitely inspire some visceral disgust. While SMMV (Scott’s mileage might vary), I personally couldn’t stand anything like that on my woman. And then when the authoress wrote: “Every time Scott looks at it, I wonder what he thinks about that.” that really made me cringe and go like “what the ….?!” and question how honest and genuine her stated attitudes and repentance really are. Didn’t get it removed exactly why? To keep subtly torturing the man who married her?

  2. P.S. a bit like if he still kept wearing his ring from the first marriage and wondered everytime what she thinks about it.

  3. While SMMV (Scott.s mileage might vary), I personally couldn.t stand anything like that on my woman. And then when the authoress wrote: .Every time Scott looks at it, I wonder what he thinks about that.. that really made me cringe and go like .what the ..?!. and question how honest and genuine her stated attitudes and repentance really are. Didn.t get it removed exactly why? To keep subtly torturing the man who married her?

    Both men and women rely on ego defense, and this is a good example.

    Women are used to having their shortcomings papered over, and the contemporary females enjoy the historical apex of this collective self-deception.

    Fortunately, this older generation has produced a new breed of nigger, which is us. Our job is to tell you wimminz the truth about yourselves, whether you want to hear it or not. Blame the single moms who raised us.

  4. I’m glad she wrote her rebuttal. She’s right to provide the advice.

    You are correct that this is where we are now (regarding men and women in the dating / marriage paradigm) ..

    It.s not wrong. It.s the way of things. I.d argue it is one of the things Mychael did right, when she married Scott.

    I agree.

    These hoe’s need to understand that they are not in the driver seat if they find themselves in this condition (i.e. not a virgin, debt free and non-tatted womminz).

    The problem lies in they refuse to do what she recommends. And, ignore previous programming.

    Here is what I think th wimminz need to get:
    1. GOD chooses whom he will save and whom he will not. You are a “filthy rag” .. humble yourself and be grateful of his Graciousness gift (e.g. Salvation via His Son and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ).
    2. To every man you meet .. he too thinks of you as a “filthy rag” too. He just has to decide if you are worth the risk, to save you from your situation, via his resources.
    3. You are not entitled to either. Deal with it!

  5. It.s not wrong. It.s the way of things. I.d argue it is one of the things Mychael did right, when she married Scott.

    For some reason this quote of yours didn’t block quote for me. So, forgive my error. And, for everyone else these are Boxer’s words above.

    ED: by the power of the holy MelchizeDICK priesthood, which I hold, I miracle the tags into place. Thus Saith THE LORD (and Brigham Young too).

  6. Testing ..

    It.s not wrong. It.s the way of things. I.d argue it is one of the things Mychael did right, when she married Scott.

  7. Kudos for Mychael giving the opposite point of view and acknowledging what it is.

    I can tell the girls what I think about such stuff. I consider it a visible reminder that you are another man.s piece of ass. That skank-ho tat is a tangible Private Property: No Trespassing sign.

    Regardless of why they got the tattoo…that’s pretty much my first thought why they got one. Unless it’s something about a family member (which would still be questionable, however I’d take it for what it is)…I’m assuming that tattoo is a visible sign she’s already had that virginity taken.

  8. There is almost nothing that is less attractive, to me, than the weird entitlement complex most of you filthy wimminz have. Everything else pales in comparison to your attitude. If your outlook and demeanor are negative, then nothing else really matters, including a promiscuous past, a series of skank-ho tattoos, and huge amounts of debt.

    Agreed…and I’ve been reading Scripture a lot more recently, acting entitled in your hard heart is a good way to drive God away rather than humbling youreself and God listening to your plight.

  9. Her closing arguments are just what we’ve been saying about the inertia of this past practice of riding the CC and then finding a simp to settle-(way)-down with ..

    It matters to your future husband what you did before you met him. Do not pretend that he should just take you with all that baggage because you are sooo awesome. You created most of it yourself. The previous two or three generations of men were conditioned by their baby boomer parents to believe that it doesn’t matter. But the ones under forty have been warned. The party’s over, girls. And Lori’s three markers are a really good way to screen for that stuff. Are you the exception? Who knows? Why should you burden your future husband with the task of figuring it out?

    The party is over .. and it does matter .. act accordingly .. or just lie and hope he doesn’t find out before the wedding day(1).

    So, fella’s be aware that th wimminz know we are onto them and they will once again go full chameleon on you .. so do your homework.

    (1) Which your Boy Boxer did a story on .. about a fella that married a Pro that was heavy in debt until after he was married.

  10. Also in meatspace I was talking with one of my sisters about dating advice and wife material…she brought up the ‘debt free, virgin, no tats’ article (so a lot of them know about it). She was visibily annoyed by it…and I’ll just tell you she has two tattoos (that I know of).

    Now I didn’t go full bore hardcore like I would here…but I did mention the point of the article was ‘men’s preference’ and a lot of woman took the argument rogue into something like ‘God doesn’t love them’. She didn’t retort because I hope she got the point I was trying to make…stay in the pocket of the point.

  11. Earl I believe the old joke goes like this …

    American Wimminz are ALL about 500 pounds overweight .. and 400 of that is attitude.

  12. Our job is to tell you wimminz the truth about yourselves, whether you want to hear it or not. Blame the single moms who raised us.

    While I don’t share the same experience as those who grew up with a slutty single mom (my mother to her credit hasn’t shown anything other than being a God fearing woman with some flaws but nothing to the extent of single mothers)…I understand how lucky I am to have the mother I do and I feel it necessary for my children to have a mother like her too. That’s why I can’t marry a wimminz.

  13. My preference has always been not to get married.

    Actually, I didn’t want kids. People get married to have a family. So, I wasn’t going to misrepresent myself and deny a woman that opportunity (i.e. have kids). Because no matter what they say .. they want kids. So, that was my logic. Plus I’m a loner at heart. I’m not anti-social .. I love my own company to much for that .. HEH!

    So, I was a slut-maker(1). I avoided virgins for that very reason. I didn’t want to use false advertisement to score and take away her virtue.


  14. ‘My preference has always been not to get married.

    Actually, I didn.t want kids. People get married to have a family. ‘

    Yup…and I think it’s good if that’s your decision to not get married.

    I however would like to get married and have a family. But I’m not going to choose a clean up case for a wimminz who will most likely teach my kids her evil ways, I want a woman who is an asset and will help me create a productive marriage & children. Divorce risk is real and the effects divorce have on kids I would put on the same level as physical or sexual abuse.

  15. Earl ..

    You have every right require it.

    It just might not happen (i.e. finding a woman that fits the bill) is all. I actually feel a bit of pain for good men like you.

  16. Oh thank you. It was a great article and I really needed to read it. been googling charter that actually have Titus two women in my area. I.m tired of getting the feminist crap up you can wait to get married this is a great article thank you so much for writing and

  17. Earl,
    Tell the truth, that is, you can’t marry a wimminz because you aren’t a strong enough man.

    A young believer (RCC) is coming to my house tonight to throw/practice an investment pitch. I met his girlfriend a couple of days ago, bright face, intelligent, positive, great rack….but is a bartender at a golf course and plans on becoming an MD. She may have finished undergrad already. No tats, wearing a skirt. I bet his Mom or his church has given him the shame of not being big enough to handle strong women bit, and has provided him an incentive to pursue this chick through shame (dating about 6 months, they are very marriage-minded).

  18. Good for you Earl, because the plot-twist is that they would never give their best to you anyhow. A “strong” woman keeps it all to herself, or sometimes would loan it to you, at best.
    That’s the implied promise though, that if you can break the bronco then you’ll get the best of said Bronco. That is working for Artisanal (sp) Toad, but didn’t for others.

  19. That is working for Artisanal (sp) Toad, but didn.t for others.

    Much like trying to break a bronco…I wonder if he would ever talk about all the bumps and bruises and throw offs he got trying to ‘break’ them in.

    And it still doesn’t guarantee they will. Feral animals eventually submit to their masters over enough time because the animal kingdom submits to humans. Wimminz will always have free will to rebel or submit no matter how much breaking in you do.

  20. Earl sez ..

    Much like trying to break a bronco.I wonder if he would ever talk about all the bumps and bruises and throw offs he got trying to .break. them in.

    And it still doesn.t guarantee they will. Feral animals eventually submit to their masters over enough time because the animal kingdom submits to humans. Wimminz will always have free will to rebel or submit no matter how much breaking in you do.

    Most of these Educated Wimminz I know “Settle-(way)-Down” ™ at the end for men they know they can cheat on.

    You have no way of knowing which ones will and will not cheat after marriage .. but from my small sample size it’s a high probability .. and we have the Bible to draw on (e.g. Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?).

    Marriage for a man is still to dangerous to even “so-called” repentent wimminz that a man of means should steer clear of all wimminz.

    Easy for me to say .. I don’t need no hoe to complete me. To other brothers .. you should do a lot of homework before they “put a ring on it” ™.

    I pray you avoid the entanglements of your lust and pray in earnest for a proper helpmate.

  21. You have no way of knowing which ones will and will not cheat after marriage .

    You certainly don’t…but when it comes to discernment…which woman is a lesser risk?

    The one who has never let Chad in much less cheated on a man…versus the woman who has let Chad in numerous times.

    Wimminz can repent and God will forgive a repentant heart. That doesn’t take away the temporal consequences like being a single mother, STDs, and the fact Chad got her virginity…and doesn’t mean she’s guaranteed the man of her dreams in marriage. Even doing things the right way doesn’t guarantee you’ll get married…it just increases your odds.

  22. The one who has never let Chad in much less cheated on a man.versus the woman who has let Chad in numerous times.

    True .. a virgin bride would be your only choice.

    Wimminz can repent and God will forgive a repentant heart. That doesn.t take away the temporal consequences like being a single mother, STDs, and the fact Chad got her virginity.and doesn.t mean she.s guaranteed the man of her dreams in marriage. Even doing things the right way doesn.t guarantee you.ll get just increases your odds.

    That goes for both parties.

    And my warning is and will be a cautionary tale of what risks you face .. particulary as a man .. th wimminz have nothing to lose from an non-discriminating man and everything to gain.

    Act accordingly brotheren.

  23. th wimminz have nothing to lose from an non-discriminating man and everything to gain.

    Never thought of it that way but it makes sense.

    Solomon seemed to notice the wisdom too..

    ‘And I discovered more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, whose hands are chains. One who is pleasing to God will escape from her, but the sinner will be captured by her.’ Ecclesiastes 7:26

  24. Endangers liaisons, there.s a part of the about about Cecile being kept in a convent of her fianc? is choosing. He is footing the bill so The debutantes parents are obliged to do as he wills. I think a business AT thought process , train up a wife in the way that she could go and when she is old she will not depart from you

  25. It’s a privilege to comment here.

    Boxer said Mychael landed Scott because

    .She was honest, and
    .She refused to devolve into a human-walrus hybrid, by overeating, and
    .She was nice.

    I would add

    –she gave Scott what he wanted and needed with a minimum of effort.

    If a woman in Mychael’s position (previously married with at least one prior sex partner) wants a husband, she needs to do pretty much what Mychael did. Latch on to him, lock him down, throw yourself on his mercy, put everything on the table, answer any questions he has honestly and forthrightly, and give him whatever he wants and needs, when he wants and needs it. More and more men are not going to take being cucked, or poor treatment, or exploited. They just won’t.

  26. .ll tell you sisters a little secret: The minute you fuck Chad, you have committed to fucking every other man who ever wants to fuck.

    The minute you decided to sit on Chad.s cock, you lost any claim to modesty or restraint. Everything you gave Chad had better be enthusiastically on offer to any man you are interested in. Otherwise, telling that man that you prefer Chad to him. In that case, he should dump your ass, and tell you to go back to fucking Chad. Through your actions, you are privileging the man who hit your holes and quit you, over the man who might give you a honeymoon.

    I’ll share another little secret with you sisters: He will find out. If you lie about this, he’ll find out. If you are anything less than fully honest, he will find out. You might as well be honest now, because it will just hurt a hell of a lot later down the road. Because it will come out eventually.

    It might not be today or tomorrow or next week. Might not be for years. But it will come out. Someone will let it out. If you don’t, someone else will.

    Oh, you’ll have a little too much to drink and it will come trickling out, bit by bit. Or you’ll fight about something and it will come out. He’ll find photos. He’ll find a video (see Rollo Tomassi, Saving The Best at He’ll find old letters or notes. Something will be on your computer or a thumb drive. It will be on someone’s social media.

    Or, my personal favorite, and the way it always happens, is that one of your friends lets it slip. Yes, one of your grrrrlfraaands, the girls who REALLY know you, who know where all the bodies are buried, who know all the skeletons you have in your closet, will let it out. They know who you’ve fucked before, because they’ve worked with you, partied with you, drank with you, done drugs with you, and stayed out till 5 am eating crappy takeout after drinking all night with you. They know who you really are and what you’re really about. Your girlfriends also know who you fucked, because they themselves also fucked those guys.

    So some night when you’re all together, your BFF Brenda or Lauren or Tiffany will let it start slipping out. Your threesomes. The guy from France. The Triple A minor leaguer shortstop with the six pack. The black guys. The Latinos. The high school guy with the huge dick you all passed around because you all wanted to find out if he really WAS that big. She’ll let it slip out.

    It always happens. Happens EVERY time. Every time.

    Don’t do it. Don’t hide it. Come clean. Fess up.

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