11 thoughts on “Fish, Barrel, Suitcase Nuke…

  1. I wonder if these women are aware that fornicators dont inherit the Kingdom of Heaven via what St. Paul wrote. They might be in for a surprise how ‘unChristlike’…Christ can be.

  2. There is so much to digest in this one, but my takeaway is that Christian women are so far gone. I don’t believe uneducated women of a 100 years ago would spout such poor logic, pride, and lack of common sense.
    Watch yourself though Boxer, you engaged them honestly and got spat on in return, so you may be tempted to take pride in yourself, at least that has been my experience, after such encounters. At such a time, it can be hard to recall our beggar-status.
    So much fierce pride in not doing something for a husband. It reminds me of the Pharisees who don’t honor their parents because they’ve dedicated gifts to the church/synagogue, instead.

  3. “I don.t believe uneducated women of a 100 years ago would spout such poor logic, pride, and lack of common sense.”

    Has the average IQ of today’s educated woman declined to lower than that of an uneducated woman 100 years ago? I doubt that, but it doesn’t have to. Bruce Charlton, who Boxer has ridiculed in the past, has suggested that our breeding habits over the last 100 years have resulted in a noted decrease in IQ (especially geniuses) and a corresponding accumulation of genetic mutations.

    It is my opinion that persons with poor reasoning skills have always relied on effective leaders to guide them in the right direction. Those in leadership roles (including the church, academia, husbands, etc.) are ineffective, either because they are personally defective or because no one listens to them anymore.

    Common sense is just whatever the common person believes. These common beliefs used to originate in trustworthy individuals more often than not. This no longer seems to be case. Boxer is trolling people with what would have been common sense in the past but is common no longer. His actions are quite ineffective. He’s not pastoring a large congregation who follows his advice. It’s unclear if Boxer’s teaching profession is having a meaningful impact on his students either.

  4. Bruce Charlton, who Boxer has ridiculed in the past, has suggested that our breeding habits over the last 100 years have resulted in a noted decrease in IQ (especially geniuses) and a corresponding accumulation of genetic mutations.

    Charlton has shown himself incapable of understanding simple concepts like peer-review. Is he blaming his own dopey inadequacies on the poor breeding habits of his parents?

    Boxer is trolling people with what would have been common sense in the past but is common no longer. His actions are quite ineffective. He.s not pastoring a large congregation who follows his advice. It.s unclear if Boxer.s teaching profession is having a meaningful impact on his students either.

    You really need to read this.


    We troll for the silent majority.


  5. “You really need to read this…We troll for the silent majority.”

    I have read that and I agree with the overall point, but I don’t like using trolling. I often post on hostile forums. I only occasionally troll and use sarcasm and snark because it is so easily misunderstood. Instead, whenever possible I post serious, rational comments even if whoever I’m talking to is not. The silent majority can read what I write and make up their own mind.

    “…incapable of understanding simple concepts like peer-review”

    It’s times like this that I wish that (1) I had a lot more free time to write about topics I’m interested in; and (2) I understood how you come to these conclusions of yours. It baffles me.

  6. ‘Boxer is trolling people with what would have been common sense in the past but is common no longer. His actions are quite ineffective.’

    Basically Boxer’s present trolling was once called slut/single mother shaming or a social stigma in the past. It seemed to work at least somewhat back then…the only reason it doesn’t work now is that there’s been so much brainwashing into making any degenerate thing a woman seem normal, healthy, and celebrated.

  7. First, you misunderstand me. What baffles me is your defense of peer review as something essential. The flaws of peer review are well documented, including peer reviewed articles on peer review.

    Second, you are fully entitled to write him off as a complete buffoon, but it’s still a logical fallacy (or two) the way you use it to disregard unrelated arguments. The baffling part is why you think that committing logical fallacies should convince anyone.

  8. Some amazingly good comments out of that trolling, like Richelle Moffitt’s “As a woman who reads her bible pretty much daily and strives to be Jesus to the people in my life, I don’t feel it is biblical for an article to be posted in the name of Jesus that could very well be translated to say ‘If you have made choice x, y, or z in your past, you are less worthy of live.”

    The Bible is not a spellbook. Reading excerpts does not invoke supernatural power, especially if one doesn’t follow the instructions therein. Hilarious fail.

    Your comment “The bible is only controversial to immoral nutters. For us normals, it makes good sense.” is excellent, too. I might quote you someday.

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