Our Enemy, The Simp

Justin T. Layne, seen at right, is now sitting in jail, accused of murdering a baby.

To be clear, Justin isn’t an abortionist. In our society, those types of baby-murderers don’t get arrested. They are celebrated heroes. The baby Justin killed was born, alive and healthy, to a skank-ho single mom.

Justin’s journey through the criminal justice system began when he started dating a woman, Valerie, who was already pregnant by another man. After childbirth, Valerie needed a babysitter, and Justin was the natural choice.

On 25 November of last year, Valerie got home from work to find her baby’s skull crushed. She took the baby to the hospital. After four days of agony, the child finally passed away. In the interim, hospital staff found the injuries suspicious, and they phoned the cops.

The state ordered an autopsy, and began investigating the surrounding circumstances. Justin and Valerie weren’t shook, though. They applied for a marriage license, only five days after the baby kacked it. Justin subsequently got on social media, presenting himself as the grieving father of the child.

Sister Cassie tells it straight.

The simp also has a public instagram account. It’s more of the same.

I have to be somewhat careful here, and I begin my deconstruction by noting that Valerie Perry-Layne has not been charged with a crime.

In reading the media hype, we note that while the feminist pseudojournalists have not overtly labeled Justin as the baby’s father, they also have been very careful to write the actual father out of the story.

The baby’s surname (Perry) is identical to the surname of his mother. This suggests that the baby was sired by a man with an unknown surname. Where is that man? No one seems interested enough to ask.

Multiple scenarios seem reasonable.

  • Valerie had anonymous, no-strings sex with so many men that she didn’t know who the baby’s father could be.
  • Valerie had a sexual relationship with one or more candidates, despite never knowing their names.
  • Valerie made the life of the father such a hell that he committed suicide, or absconded from the area.
  • Valerie consciously decided to deprive her baby of a relationship with his father, and obscured his existence.

While we don’t know exactly where the father is, we do sympathize with him. We also won’t forget that it was feminists, in media and government, who separated the baby from this, the only man who would have selflessly looked after the baby’s interests. They are largely responsible for this baby’s death, in that their official policies evicted the father, and enabled and encouraged the child’s mother to move violent killers into the baby’s proximity.

What can we learn from this tragedy? There are multiple lessons.

The single mother views marriage quite differently than the simps who chase after them, and this is an excellent illustration of that disparity.

Marriage, to such a woman, is not about creating a healthy environment, in which she might bear and raise her children. It’s mainly about an ego boost. Once married, the single mother can boast that she has finally attracted and captured a man. Secondarily, it is about obtaining a piece of paper, which legally entitles her to a man’s resources, despite her bad behavior.

A single mom has proven, by her history and her actions, that she doesn’t care about her own children. The simp will conclude that, for some reason, she will care about him. This is his first mistake. The single mom will never care about her simp. A simp is merely a tool — a hybrid farm-animal and piece-of-furniture — that the single mother will use and discard.

The simp will often assume that the single mom will be grateful to him for saving her. He probably gets his own ego boost, as he mounts his white horse, and tips his hat to his lady. This assumption is also baseless. The single mother will resent her simp, as his foolishness is a daily reminder of her own inadequacy.

Valerie’s choice to have a baby out of wedlock, and the lack of a father’s name on the child’s birth record, paints her as exactly the sort of conniving, scheming, mercenary wimminz that we enjoy scoffing at. Such females are regularly celebrated by mass media, and fêted by social services agencies. They are used as object lessons, to suggest that fathers are inherently dangerous.

Right now, some idiot in a wimminz studies department is citing the story of Justin and Valerie in a pseudointellectual paper. Justin is being dishonestly portrayed as the baby’s father, when he is merely a simp. These sorts of slanted articles will be used to cover for irresponsible hucksters, like Valerie, as the victims of bad men. They’ll also be used to pass more laws against fathers, and garner more monies for the purposes of breaking up families.

Without the help of their simps, the feminists would be unable to achieve much of anything. The simp is an essential part of the status quo, which is why you (and I) need to put an end to this nonsense.

16 thoughts on “Our Enemy, The Simp

  1. ‘Without the help of their simps, the feminists would be unable to achieve much of anything.’

    In fact I think the term ‘simp’ for these guys is much better than ‘white knight’. Knight at least confers some honor with the title..nothing honorable about a simp.

    ‘The single mother will resent her simp, as his foolishness is a daily reminder of her own inadequacy.’

    It’s not only the single mother…when you get a regular woman away from their herd and PC cameras and they talk frankly…they often look down upon simps too. But like you said…the goddess complex the feminists have wouldn’t get too far if they didn’t have hoards of men worshiping them.

  2. Doh! I was a Simp. But now I’d like to warn others.
    Boxer, per your encouragement, over on Dalrock’s site, I’d like to start my own Blog/site.
    I’d love to get your advice, before I do something stupid, like when I got married.
    Any advice about starting, and running a blog would be appreciated.
    You can post it publicly for everyone, or e-mail it to me privately.
    I’m OK spending some money, as I’d like to do things right, but my ongoing divorce does have me limited to a few hundred dollars. I’m not too tech savvy and have done zero social networking, but I’m able to learn things quite quickly. I have some topic ideas, but have no clue as to the best platform, or other aspects.

  3. Welcome Brother.

    Sharkly sez…

    Any advice about starting, and running a blog would be appreciated.
    You can post it publicly for everyone, or e-mail it to me privately.
    I.m OK spending some money, as I.d like to do things right

    I strongly suggest not spending any money at first. Just go to wordpress and choose the “free account” option, and start writing.

    Send me your url if you’d like. I’ll be glad to promote you in the links on the right.


  4. Yes, there is no need to spend money. WordPress is fine. There are two types of posts, those that help readers in understanding the intentionally confusing world, and those that give sound advice. Some do both. Aim for these goals

  5. Thanks Boxer, earl, and Farm Boy.

    Earl, Good catch. No, I did not marry a woman with any children. I wasn’t quite that Blue Pill stupid, but I was close.
    I was sort of using the following definition when I made that comment: (Definition #1, & #4)


    I eventually (after marriage) wound up in a subservient position to a woman who had brought almost nothing to the table except a well worn pussy. I had been force fed too much Blue Pill programming. And She is still not through punishing me and the children yet, for becoming actors in her selfish drama.

  6. Unlike keyboard alpha jockeys I won’t fault you for being in that former state…for I do think most guys grew up under the feminist delusion that worshiping wimminz will get you fun time from them. It’s a matter if we learn something from it.

    While my punishments from being subserviant to women aren’t as severe as yours the theme is the same…whenever a man does that, he’s in for a world of pain. We should have learned from Adam but it is the common weakness of man.

  7. Unlike keyboard alpha jockeys I won.t fault you for being in that former state.for I do think most guys grew up under the feminist delusion that worshiping wimminz will get you fun time from them. It.s a matter if we learn something from it.

    Earl is right. We’ve all been there, and I catch myself slipping back into the simp mindset from time to time, today.

    I also don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with adopting a woman’s child. In a healthier society, this was done all the time. Roman law deals with marrying a single mom in codex iulia: Basically if the woman isn’t a prostitute or an actress (the same thing, for all practical purposes, then as now) and she was an honorable widow, then this is no big deal.

    The problem is not with marrying a widow with children, but with the social apparatus that we have to deal with today, which gives skanks the respect of honorable widows, when they don’t deserve it, and which rewards the skanks with punitive child support whenever they want to nuke their marriage. A young man who marries a single mom, in our society, is in very serious danger, thanks to the meddlers in the divorce courts, and the feminists who pushed this abusive legislation.


  8. An important distinction is that a widow by and large is something that God created (assuming the fella died naturally) and thus God understands her situation…a single mother is a creation all from her.

    I would never lump a widow in the same class as a single mother and it is because of this distinction. If I found a widow to be of good stock with kids from her dead husband I’d marry her…but I’d never marry a single mother.

  9. “Became an actor in her selfish drama.”
    So true for so many of us, even for single guys, when they get dumped because a women has a foolish mind and susequently ridiculous standards. All part of her drama, where she is the headliner and victim simultaneously, in her mind.

  10. “I.d love to get your advice, before I do something stupid, like when I got married.
    Any advice about starting, and running a blog would be appreciated.”

    Mostly you just start a WordPress blog, write half a dozen posts on whatever interests you (nothing too personal), link your online name to it and let people know it exists. I spent just enough money to not have advertising on my site; worth it to avoid the potential headache & distraction. Give yourself permission to fail; I’m not proud of some of my earliest posts, either, and simply accepting that the learning curve is inevitable does much to prevent early discouragement.

    A good source of inspiration is to develop the comments you leave on other blogs, which you’re already doing, into standalone posts. I still do that… might do a post on learning curves, for example. That would be a good fit for my MGTOW Life series.

    A couple pages-equivalent of text is optimal for casual browsing; short enough that the reader doesn’t need coffee to make it through, long enough that you have space to develop and organize your ideas. Exotic blog formatting is unnecessary; best to not monkey with weird colors for text and background. Search “public domain images” for initial artwork.

    Don’t sweat copyright issues much. Fair Use law is mostly common sense. Not monetizing your site is a huge advantage. Nobody will sue you if they doubt your revenue stream is larger than the Burger King fry cook’s. This link is a sufficient overview for most people:


    And start. Start blogging. Don’t think about it. Do it. Do it now! “Sharkly’s Pond”!

  11. Thanks also to Gunner Q,
    Swanny River, how true! Due to my wife’s Intimacy Anorexia, she is like you say, headliner and victim simultaneously in her mind. In fact she has to always be the victim, to entitle her to do the nasty stuff she does to me without ever realizing she is in fact creating the lack of intimacy. Her condition exists in part enabled by to her refusal to see herself intentionally creating distance. In her mind, I start all the fights that distance us, when I confront her on her intentionally atrocious behavior that is subconsciously intended to create conflict and prevent intimacy of any kind. It is like she needs a “Red Pill” moment when her eyes are opened to see reality. There is a Doctor who is good at doing that, and I’ve been trying to get her to go, but she is scared shitless to go. Pray that she will agree to go and get treatment with me, for our children’s sake.

    I think I’ll start a blog sometime in the next month hopefully, and I’ll be happy to cross link with all of you. I’ll be sure to try to hype the grand opening when it is ready. I could use some advice on increasing traffic and visibility also.

  12. They have to be a victim, or else there wouldn’t be an antagonist, and an interesting drama needs something to overcome. It makes for a story arc that keeps them interested in themselves. It’s a real production, but with no union dues!

    I’ve been praying you get full custody and unsupervised visits in the meantime.

  13. ‘They have to be a victim, or else there wouldn.t be an antagonist, and an interesting drama needs something to overcome. ‘

    I find it amazing though they can somehow make themselves out to be the antagonist and the victim at the same time.

  14. Thanks for your prayers, Swanny River. That means a lot to me. We, as people, often focus on manipulating what we can control, while forgetting to pray about, and give over to God, what we cannot. And then, often, we do not have, because we do not ask. And we get loaded down with cares, we can do nothing about.

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