Happy Revolution Day!

It’s American Independence Day. That means it’s time to get drunk, shoot your pistol into the air, and imagine a world free of feminism. As men we are allowed to have big dreams, and as men we are also obligated to deal with the world as it is.

While I await the fireworks, I decided to skim the lowbrow articles on the internet. Feminist pseudojournalist Caitlin Dewey delivers, as she has before…

Apparently, a guy named Sebastian designed a bot to “like” all the filthy tinder sluts in his immediate area. He had 150 dates. The result was a whole lot of wasted time and money. A quick gander at the article suggests his mistaken application of the application, to wit…

Anyone who has been lounging in this postal code for a while knows the score. There is very little in the way of “serious girlfriend” prospects on the swingers sites. The people you meet there are generally overweight, indebted, and sexually unscrupulous. Not the types of wimminz you want to count on in good times and bad.

Sebastian lives in the Gay Bay: San Francisco; and, while I don’t know what the market is like there, I’m confident that he’ll save both time and money looking for a unicorn in person. The only thing Tinder is good for is cheap, no-strings sex.

And if Sebastian did meet a Tinder wimminz he decided to settle down with, what would be a plausible result?

A wimminz who has been on tinder, at least in the last couple of years, is most likely damaged goods. She has become accustomed to being run through by strangers, and the novelty she has found enjoyable will lead her to scuttle any chances of a serious long term commitment. I’m betting our bearded brother, seen above, originally met his slut wife on tinder. I also bet she put on a pretty convincing show to get that marriage certificate signed and filed. Once she had the upper hand, she began cucking him publicly.

Imagine being that guy, featuring prominently in the advertisement your wife places on the internet, as she looks for strange dick to ride.

Of course, some wimminz are slightly more subtle…

Kyla has “never been on [tinder] before.” We all believe her. Those of you chaste fellas, who don’t use these sites, don’t understand the details of what’s actually going on here. Let your brother Boxer explain.

Tinder features GPS technology, to match you with sluts in your immediate area. Kyla here left her boyfriend in Ohio, and went to Las Vegas “with the girls.” Even if her boyfriend got on Tinder, he wouldn’t be likely to see her advertising for new dick, because his location is so far removed. The men in Las Vegas, however, get to see everything she posts. Kyla is thus free to be as big a slut as possible, with little fear of being found out.

If your girl admits to being on tinder, at least in the past couple of years, then you can be confident that I (and many others) have already fucked her. We all rejected her, and you should also.

Happy Birthday, America!

17 thoughts on “Happy Revolution Day!

  1. ‘There is very little in the way of .serious girlfriend. prospects on the swingers sites. ‘

    And it’s only slightly higher odds in meatspace.

    The women with hearts of gold (at least compared to the average skank) are few, far between, and often married already.

    Single, poorer, and exhausted is probably the best description of dating. And I think a lot more fellas are starting to see this.

  2. Also of note…the twitter handle Tinderfessions give you all you need to know about those wimminz without having to dip in that sewage.

  3. Brother Earl do you have the ability to get involved with the homeschool group? Because there are you.re fine girls who are under the age of 18 who are ready to be godly wives. You also find parents who want their daughter to get married before they turn 20.

  4. Awesome Mugabe quote. I first discovered in a Saddam Hussein bio that tyrannical despots can be decent people when not sowing death & destruction. It makes one wonder how much evil in the world is motivated by otherwise normal men trying to please (or at least control/appease) women.

    “Tinder features GPS technology”

    Oh, God. That’s Jeremiah 2:24 on cocaine. “[You rebellious whores are] a wild donkey accustomed to the desert, sniffing the wind in her craving.in her heat who can restrain her? Any males that pursue her need not tire themselves; at mating time they will find her.”

  5. .The women with hearts of gold are few, far between, and often married already..

    The conundrum is that the good women don.t stay on the market for long. Most of the best women will be married by 25 or so. If you are 30+, your options become more limited. I really like Boxer.s educational advice, but if you want an education and a wife you have to do both and get started ASAP.

    Online hookup sites are easy, but low quality. There are Christian dating sites, but Boxer would probably assure us that these are a joke. I wouldn.t know. At least in meatspace there are many more things you can do to improve your chances, regardless of age.

  6. There are Christian dating sites, but Boxer would probably assure us that these are a joke. I wouldn.t know.

    While I’ve never needed to diversify to that extent, I know people who have met quality women on both Christian Mingle and its Jewish equivalent, JDate. A couple of observations temper my anecdote:

    *Both of these couples met each other there several years ago. I would be surprised if there were very many quality people on either of these sites today.

    *Both of these couples are a good bit older than I am, and much older than the target audience of this blog.

    The smartest women seem to get tired of being hit in the head with the clue-bat, and reform themselves when they’re in their post-wall 30s. While most wimminz are simply too stupid to see the writing on the wall they’ve hit, a select few women can humble themselves, and subsequently make suitable partners, even if they were filthy whores ten years prior.


  7. I’ve stuck with ladies in my church…and it bears saying, it’s not good Christian men who are the problem…it’s the poison the women have taken. Homeschooling often makes no difference if they are subject to the feminist poison all around.

    They know about submitting…they just dont do it. They want the control. That’s why they are often alone or have to wait for the simp of their dreams. A woman has to reject feminism and submit to God.

  8. you are 30+, your options become more Limited.
    Not for a man. Don.t you know guys who have 20-year-old lives in our in their mid 30s. Don.t you know 35-year-old guys you have 22-year-old wife.s?

  9. ‘ It makes one wonder how much evil in the world is motivated by otherwise normal men trying to please (or at least control/appease) women.’

    I’d go so far as to say all of it. If it leads to disobedience of God’s command it certainly is.

  10. I’ve also done online Catholic dating in the past. It’s a mixed bag. There were some you could tell were trying to be devout, but there was more in the single mother/ready to give up my partying ways and looking for a simp category. The best part about it was it asked if you believed in what the Catholic church taught when it came to premaritals and contracpetion and the wimminz were honest that they didn’t.

    So when I say the women with hearts of gold are few, far between, and often married…it’s mainly because the amount of feminism in their hearts from what I can tell is minimal to none. And you don’t find that out until you start investigating her heart.

  11. .They know about submitting.they just dont do it. They want the control. That.s why they are often alone or have to wait for the simp of their dreams. A woman has to reject feminism and submit to God..

    It.s the wrong focus I think. Among patriarchy submission takes primary focus. But not among complementarians or egalitarians. Yet all groups have happy marriages. So what gives?

    If you say submission is important, I won.t argue. If you say it is primary, then I disagree. Submission is the punishment from the fall, not the design. Whether theology makes that prescriptive or descriptive is debated. Regardless, it is unity that is the original design.

    When two become one, THAT is the essence of marriage. For many that means that their marriage is like a team. Or that their spouse is an extension of themselves.

    Gender roles, authority structure, etc. are all secondary to unity. Submission is utterly worthless without unity.

    Once someone commenting on Dalrock.s blog asked me if I punish my wife. How absurd a question. When one is united with one.s spouse, there is no punishment.

    Submission just isn.t much of an issue. I never worried much about it, but it seems so vitally important to many unmarried people in the .sphere. It.s a strange disconnect.

  12. Dear Peeps:

    I.ve also done online Catholic dating in the past. It.s a mixed bag.

    I actually didn’t know there was such a thing. I googled “catholic online dating” and came up with a site entitled “Catholic Singles.” The subscription fee was pretty steep, and the “success stories” on the front page were dated April 2012. If I were an observant Cat, that wouldn’t give me very much hope.

    The best part about it was it asked if you believed in what the Catholic church taught when it came to premaritals and contracpetion and the wimminz were honest that they didn.t.

    This reminds me of a hot young Mexican-American chick I dated in So. Cal.. She was down to fuck on the first date, but she started freaking out when I pulled out the condom. Apparently she was fine with the “don’t fuck before marriage” rule, but the whole contraception thing was a deal-breaker.

    Same girl was knocked up, by a U.S. Serviceman, less than 4 months later. She came on to me, visibly pregnant and unmarried, before I left town. Needless to say, I didn’t hit that a second time.

    you are 30+, your options become more Limited.
    Not for a man. Don.t you know guys who have 20-year-old lives in our in their mid 30s. Don.t you know 35-year-old guys you have 22-year-old wife.s?

    Women’s options don’t really become more limited. The 38-year old reformed ho’ will generally make a pretty good wife for the 48-year old divorc?.

    This is why I tell young brothers to just sit tight and be patient. Get out of law or business school, and start making money. Suddenly, when the money starts flowing, all those same sluts who mocked and scoffed at you, while you were coming up, will be interested. A brother can use those bitches if he wants, but he should only marry or commit to a worthy woman. Those women will be in the 20-24 year old range.

    All those years he was feeling badly about being rejected, the worthy women he’d someday choose were still brace-faced high school kids. It’s only when he’s ready, that they are also.


  13. ‘Same girl was knocked up, by a U.S. Serviceman, less than 4 months later. She came on to me, visibly pregnant and unmarried, before I left town. ‘

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I suppose it was only a matter of time before she became a single mother.

    I think I stopped the online dating arena around 2012…I could read the tea leaves it wasn’t working well and it cost quite a bit. I do know of a few couples who got married from it…but that was around 10 years ago and it was very long distance for both of them to meet.

  14. Tinder and GPS completes the picture for me. On this site and others I’ve seen a lot of screenshot captures of women on tinder brazenly advertising for hookups while making no attempt to hide; or even sometimes seeming to boast, that they are already married or otherwise attached. I thought, isn’t there a risk that the (not very) significant other would find these adverts or be shown it by a friend? Do they care?

    Now I get it.

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