Chicken Noodle News (15 JUN 2018)

It’s current year, so we need moar brainwashing of children. Sex is a social construct, bigots!

Like many new dads, Sabastion Sparks knew parenting would come with serious challenges.

But most new dads didn’t give birth to their child. They didn’t breastfeed them. And they don’t endure glares from strangers when they go shopping with their wife and their toddler son.

Sabastion, 24, is a transgender man who lives with his wife Angel in suburban Atlanta. Assigned the female gender at birth, he began transitioning five years ago . It’s a process that felt more complete last month when he had surgery to remove his breasts.

Translation: Sebastion (Jesus, can’t these dykes spell?) is a wimminz. At first I assumed she had an anal marriage to another wimminz, named Angel; but, it gets funnier.

With Father’s Day approaching, Sabastion finds himself thinking about gender roles and what it means to be a dad. He wants Jaxen, their 20-month-old son, to have as normal a childhood as possible.

And for the first time, he now feels at ease inside his own body. He hopes Jaxen will see that difference.

We get it. CNN is trying to sully Father’s Day, by listing young Jaxen’s mom as his dad. What they later discuss is who Jaxen’s dad actually is.

They both knew they wanted to be parents. After they were married in 2016, they agreed that Sabastion would carry their child — a decision, Angel Sparks says, that wasn’t taken lightly.

Like many transgender men and women, they had been taking medication to increase the testosterone or estrogen in their bodies. So to make a baby, they briefly stopped taking their hormone pills.

The couple conceived their son the conventional way, even though their biological roles at the time were not compatible with how they saw themselves.
“Getting pregnant was fine,” Angel says. “Trying to stay pregnant was difficult.”

The first time they tried, Sabastion miscarried. When he got pregnant with Jaxen, they worried another miscarriage could happen.

So, Jaxen’s “dad” is actually his mother, and his “mom” is actually his father. Typical clownworld shit. Got it. Here’s a photograph of the man called mommy…

That’s a really convincing tranny.

Read More

CNN: Transgender Father’s Day

5 thoughts on “Chicken Noodle News (15 JUN 2018)

  1. Sick perverted faggots, that’s all they are
    There should be laws banning transgender freaks from ever allowing them to adopt children or raise them

  2. Even sadder that the kid’s father is Jabba the Hut.

    ‘They both knew they wanted to be parents. After they were married in 2016, they agreed that Sabastion would carry their child . a decision, Angel Sparks says, that wasn.t taken lightly.’

    Well the one with the penis supplies the seed and the one with the uterus usually carries the child. It’s not like it’s a hard decision to make.

  3. Even sadder that the kid.s father is Jabba the Hut.

    For an individual to gorge on food until he looks like a human-walrus hybrid is suggestive of serious mental problems. I note that a guy calling himself Earl has pointed that out repeatedly, for years. Should it really surprise anyone that such a damaged soul would also be prone to hacking off his generative organs?

    .They both knew they wanted to be parents. After they were married in 2016, they agreed that Sabastion would carry their child . a decision, Angel Sparks says, that wasn.t taken lightly..

    Well the one with the penis supplies the seed and the one with the uterus usually carries the child. It.s not like it.s a hard decision to make.

    Trannies don’t understand things that cows and sheep manage to grasp in the barnyard. More proof they are the master-race they claim to be, no doubt.

  4. ‘I note that a guy calling himself Earl has pointed that out repeatedly, for years.’

    Is it the gluttony that leads to hacking off the nuts or the hacking off the nuts that leads to the gluttony? Heck I was in a facility last night with lots of overweight-obese people who decided to stay their sex…not a one looked happy, joyful, or positive. That whole guys should lift mantra isn’t just so you have muscles for ladies to oogle at…it does help your mood out too.

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