Wimminz in Buddhism

You little hut made of a chain of bones, sewn together with flesh and sinew. Fie upon the evil-smelling body. You cherish those who have another’s limbs. You bag of dung, tied up with skin, you demoness with lumps on your breast. There are nine streams in your body which flow all the time. Your body with its nine streams makes an evil smell and is obstructed by dung. A bhikkhu desiring purity avoids it as one avoids excrement. If any person knew you as I know you, he would avoid you, keeping far away, as one avoids a cess-pit in the rainy season. (Theragāthā 1146– 1208, in Norman 1969: 106–10.)

That place, hard to gain, which is to be attained by the seers, cannot be attained by a woman with two-finger-intelligence (i.e. very little intelligence). What (harm) could the woman’s state do to us, when the mind is well concentrated, when knowledge exists for someone rightly having insight into the doctrine? Everywhere enjoyment of pleasure is defeated; the mass of darkness (of ignorance) is torn asunder; thus know, evil one, you are defeated, death. (Therīgāthā 60–2, in Norman 1971: 9.)

Monks, a woman, even when going along will stop to ensnare the heart of a man; whether standing, sitting or lying down, laughing, talking or singing, weeping, stricken or dying, a woman will stop to ensnare the heart of a man. Monks, if ever one would rightly say: It is wholly a snare of Māra,—verily, speaking rightly, one may say of womanhood: It is wholly a snare of Māra. (Aṅguttara-Nikāya V.55, in Hare 1973: 56.)

See the painted puppet, a heap of sores, a compounded body, diseased, with many (bad) intentions, for which there is no permanent stability. See the painted form, with jewels and earrings; covered with skin and bones, it is resplendent with clothes. The feet are reddened with lac, the face is smeared with powder, enough to delude a fool, but not for one who seeks the far shore. Hair braided eight-fold, eyes smeared with collyrium, enough to delude a fool, but not for one who seeks the far shore. The hunter laid his net; the deer did not come near the snare; having eaten the fodder, let us go while the deer-trapper laments. The hunter’s net is broken; the deer did not come near the snare; having eaten the fodder, let us go while the deer-trapper grieves. (Theragāthā 769–93, in Norman 1969: 74–6.)

Read More:

Theragāthā: Verses of The Elder Monks

3 thoughts on “Wimminz in Buddhism

  1. I had an ex that was a “Buddhist” When she said that, I was suspicious right away.

    Turns out she chanted to an alter every day and there was a picture of a Japanese millionaire on the wall. I went to one of their meetings…all feminist-friendly women and beta male supporters. When I tried to talk Buddhist philosophy with them, they had no idea WTF I was talking about.

    That shit came to an end, needless to say.

  2. I just love how American women embrace Buddhism like its some feminine mystique and an “equitable” faith. My Aunt Tatsanee is from Thailand. She is a Buddhist. Has been since birth. She married my uncle while he was stationed in Ubon in 1970. Yes, they are still married.

    My Aunt is slowly asking more questions about Jesus….and after she watched “the passion of the Christ” a few months back…….she was very moved

    She says “she is triving to be a good wife, woman and helper because in Buddhism, woman is lower than man….in my next life I want to be man”

    I have told women this stance in Buddhism and I am again called “a liar” and smeared by degrading language.

  3. Dear Fellas:

    Thanks for your comments. I have zero practical experience with Buddhism, though I know a number of Mormons who study it, and they tend to be the most shitlib and feminist variety of Mormons. This suggests that you’re both right to point out that the ancient wisdom compiled is in the process of being re-written and covered over, in favor of a new wimminz-centric theology.

    The same thing is happening in Christianity and Islam, and will likely continue, for as long as men allow it. All the same, there seems to be a wealth of good advice for young brothers, hidden in plain sight, among the wisdom of these ancients.



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