The Letter of Thomas Markle Jr.

Down below, Earl tipped me off to the fact that Meghan Markle’s brother wrote Prince Harry a letter, urging him to reconsider his insane proposal to marry a self-described feminist.

Rather than heeding the good advice this man gave him, Harry leaked the letter to the slimeball media, which immediately began harassing the writer.

As of today, Harry has been joined in legal wedlock with this skank-ho divorcée and troublemaking Hollywood D-lister. His fate is sealed, and his punishment for this insult has just begun.

As for the writer: after being harangued by scumbag journalists and biographers, he has apologized for telling the truth about his sister’s character. While Thomas Markle has recanted the following testimony, I am posting it here, simply for posterity’s sake. I’m sure it won’t be too long before we have another update on our favorite skank-ho princess and the chaos she vomits up on anyone in her proximity. Minor spelling corrections have been made, but the content is intact.


Dear Prince Harry,

It’s not too late. Meghan Markle is obviously not the right woman for you.

As more time passes to your royal wedding, it becomes very clear that this is the biggest mistake in royal wedding history.

I’m confused why you don’t see the real Meghan that the whole world now sees. Meghan’s attempt to act the part of a princess, like a below “C” average Hollywood actress, is getting old.

What kind of person starts out by using her own father until he’s bankrupt, then forgets about him in Mexico, leaving him broke, over mostly all her debt, and when it’s time to pay him back, she forgets her own father like she never knew him?

My father will never recover financially from paying Meghan’s way, nor emotionally from [her] disavowing him. Meg is showing her true colors.

It’s very apparent that her tiny bit of Hollywood fame has gone to her head, changing her into a jaded, shallow, conceited woman, that will make a joke of you and the royal family heritage.

Not to mention, to top it all off, she doesn’t invite her own family, and instead invites complete strangers to the wedding. Who does that? You and the royal family should put an end to this fake fairytale wedding before it [is] too late.

Her own father didn’t get an invite, who should be walking her down the aisle. She easily forgets [that] if it weren’t for my father, she would be bussing tables and babysitting to pay her old debt off.  The whole world is watching Meg make bad decisions and choices. It’s not too late, Harry.

Meghan is still my sister. She is family. So, whatever happens is up to her. Whether she wants to forget knowing me or the rest of her family, family comes first.

Also, you would think that a royal wedding would bring a torn family closer together, but I guess we’re all distant family to Meg.


Tom Markle Jr.

8 thoughts on “The Letter of Thomas Markle Jr.

  1. Dang…I mean I read that letter before but I must have glossed over the disavowing her father part. I didn’t fully see that her father was also on the list of men she put through the grinder.

  2. “Rather than heeding the good advice this man gave him, Harry leaked the letter to the slimeball media”

    Harry repaid this guy evil for good? That behavior is accursed in Scripture. God will show Harry no mercy… and now that Harry is married to Meghan Mad-Eye, God won’t even have to get up to do it.

    Aren’t royal families supposed to have special retainers that arrange accidents when heirs are this dangerously stupid?

  3. ‘God will show Harry no mercy. and now that Harry is married to Meghan Mad-Eye, God won.t even have to get up to do it.’

    Gunner you’re a Scripture guy…you might be familiar with this:

    ‘And I discovered more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, whose hands are chains. One who is pleasing to God will escape from her, but the sinner will be captured by her.’ Ecclesiastes 7:26

  4. Harry repaid this guy evil for good? That behavior is accursed in Scripture. God will show Harry no mercy. and now that Harry is married to Meghan Mad-Eye, God won.t even have to get up to do it.

    I doubt that Harry, like most of his fellow countrymen, even believes in God. I’m also pretty certain his daddy and older brother don’t either. After all, both will one day be the head of the “Church” of England.

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