Surrogacy is Not an Option

Over on Dalrock, Luke writes:

With no women to drain them financially… many [single incel men] could save up to afford… surrogate services.

Luke doesn’t know what he’s talking about, of course, but in this case, he’s not alone. There is a wide-ranging myth structure surrounding technology, which is supposedly going to make feminism disappear real soon now. Surrogates join sexbots and Virtual Reality waifus in the expected antifeminist turn.

Let us now indulge in a thought experiment. Let’s suppose Luke’s pal, Joe, decides to go the surrogate route, as a result of Luke’s bad advice.

As increasing numbers of men are doing today, Joe hires a fertility clinic in India, which arranges (for a fee) to find a series of potential egg donors. Joe picks egg donor A: a leggy supermodel, who also has a Ph.D. in physics from Cornell, to be the biological mother of his kids. The clinic arranges for some poor unfortunate woman from a backwoods town to carry the pregnancy to term. Less than a year later, presto, Joe has twin babies Johnny and Janie, and is bringing them home to North America, hassle free.

At this stage of the game, Joe thanks Luke profusely. Joe has no unruly wimminz holding the threat of divorce and child support over his head, and he thinks that he is in the clear. The wait to adopt children is lengthy and just as expensive, and even where the law allows a single man to adopt children, many birth mothers won’t sign the papers. Most importantly, adoption doesn’t result in your own genetic progeny running around underfoot. It seems like Joe has won big.

Now, fast forward a few years. Joe and his two kids are minding their own business, living their lives, when a concerned female citizen phones the child protection bureau. It seems Johnny said something this filthy wimminz judged as crude, and suddenly, Joe is in the crosshairs of the bureaucracy. The state’s child protection racket sends over a social-worker… another bullying wimminz, naturally, who concludes that Joe must be a monstrous racist and pedophile, given the lack of a wimminz in the home. She uses her state-granted authority to pull Johnny and Janie immediately into protective custody. They will subsequently be split up, to be raised in different areas.

Johnny goes to an overcrowded orphanage, where he is mercilessly bullied, underfed, and has all his shit stolen. He’ll shortly be fucked in the ass by the Christian priests who run the place. Other inmates of the orphanage will eventually introduce him to drugs, stealing, and trying to escape at every opportunity.

In his 20s, he’ll either suicide or be imprisoned.

Janie goes to live with a “foster family” consisting of two disgusting bulldykes. Recall that the feminist state has allowed such beasts to anally marry one another.

Johnny and Janie have their placements solidified in court, in front of a faggot CONservative judge, who lectures Joe that: “Two parent homes are always superior to one parent homes…” before banging his gavel.

With their positions secure, the bulldykes begin teaching young Janie healthy sexual expression, through what bulldykes like Eve Ensler call “the good kind of rape”.

In her 20s, she’ll either suicide or turn to prostitution.

Joe gets to see his two kids, for one hour a week, under the supervision of one of the feminist social workers. He also gets to pay for the ongoing torture of his kids, in court-ordered child support, until they become legal adults, at which point their lives are already effectively over.

Remember, gentlemen, you do not have any say over your kids. Your children belong to the feminist state. Once you internalize this truth, you’ll find yourself ready to participate in Marcuse’s great refusal.

10 thoughts on “Surrogacy is Not an Option

  1. ‘Remember, gentlemen, you do not have any say over your kids. Your children belong to the feminist state. Once you internalize this truth, you.ll find yourself ready to participate in Marcuse.s great refusal.’

    In reality….men do have say over their kids and belong to them because God granted them the authority. The feminist state is the rebellious one (Satan) trying to make a lie into a truth. State granted authority intended to undermine the patriarchal system is a big reason why marriages and families are being split.

  2. Even in the best-case scenario, what is Joe going to do with his infants while he’s working all day? When I put that question to surrogacy advocates, the most common answer was hire a nanny. Female in the house! Kids are too time-intensive for a working man to raise alone and all child-care options have been Converged.

    Luke made a lot of errors:
    “those incel men (sub-betas) accepting celibacy doesn.t have to always mean they have to forgo fatherhood.”

    He assumes there’s no alternative to having kids of your own. I’ll never have kids but God willing, I’ll soon be in a position to give your kids their first job. Evolution would consider me a loser for that attitude.

    “With no women to drain them financially … many of them could save up to afford the $60-100 K for egg donor/gestational surrogate services.”

    One, the middle class is dying. That’s the single socioeconomic constant everywhere on the planet. Two, that $60k-$100k covers only gestation & adoption? Nine months down, eighteen years to go.

    “My sex life as a married man is considerably less important to me than are my children, and I doubt that.s a rare POV.”

    Most old men must not remember being young men. Which grips the attention of men more effectively, babies or boobies, and by how many orders of magnitude?

  3. “Most old men must not remember being young men. Which grips the attention of men more effectively, babies or boobies, and by how many orders of magnitude”

    I’m not old and I realize that babies are more important than boobies. This realization comes with maturity. Ideally, men would be taught this by their parents and churches when they are young so they spend their time looking for marriage rather than sex. Sex is one of the benefits of marriage, not the purpose.

    What makes a man choose a STEM field rather than wasting his time in gender studies, drinking, and playing video games? The realization that he needs to provide for a family. The sooner a man realizes that babies are more important than boobies, the better. A quality woman that wants kids is going to pass on the unprepared men. They may just get no babies and no boobies: it’s not an either/or.

    Luke’s problem isn’t that he thinks men should prioritize babies over boobies. He is certainly right about that. But he’s wrong to think that surrogacy (or adoption) is any kind of solution.

  4. Brother Question gets it right (at the pingback link): “…do so with full knowledge of what doing and the risks they expose themselves to of state violence . and plan accordingly. “ Once it reaches the state, it’s far too late.

    The best way to avoid the state’s interference with your kids is (1) to be a quality husband and (2) to have a quality wife. You must have both. Surrogacy doesn’t fit the bill.

    A man can control his own preparation and he has a say in who he marries. I’ve said it so many times that I sound like a broken record, but the majority of people who get married do not experience divorce. There are steps that can be taken to get a divorce risk below 10-15%. Upon having kids, continue to plan accordingly.

  5. “Luke.s problem isn.t that he thinks men should prioritize babies over boobies. He is certainly right about that.”

    It isn’t about what men should want. It’s about what they do want.

    “What makes a man choose a STEM field rather than wasting his time in gender studies, drinking, and playing video games? The realization that he needs to provide for a family.”

    But STEM is fun! Particle physics relaxed me after those unbearably tedious lectures on idiotic nineteenth century philosophers. I went to college telling myself I’d major in whatever was most fun… turned out to be differential equations.

    Let me tell you, long hours in the computer lab is a terrible way to attract a wife. The dating pool there is N=0 and you will not get pumped from using the mouse.

  6. Gunner Q sez:

    But STEM is fun! Particle physics relaxed me after those unbearably tedious lectures on idiotic nineteenth century philosophers. I went to college telling myself I.d major in whatever was most fun. turned out to be differential equations.

    The calculus of the real numbers: developed by the very same philosophers you call “idiots.”

    Click to access Section8.pdf

  7. Boxer, we all know why mathematicians called themselves philosophers way back then, it’s so the could pull the babes! We all know inventing a new form of mathematics gets the wimmiz as wet as a piece of sandpaper, but tell them your ‘a professional dreamer’, gets them every time.

  8. “It isn.t about what men should want. It.s about what they do want.”

    By definition incels want sex. But will they get sex without prioritizing family? They shouldn’t expect it. Women-on-the-carousel eventually age and discover that wanting sex and rejecting family leads to poor outcomes. Men are no different. It doesn’t matter what incels want because pursuing sex on its own is inherently counter-productive. Unsurprisingly, doing what you want rather than what you should doesn’t solve your problems.

    I have great sympathy for those who have done the work get a decent wife and are still involuntarily unmarried. For those just interested in sex, they should grow up. Either way, the problem isn’t sex.

    Surrogacy is a failed solution to the problem, but at least Luke sees the real problem. In this, he is a step ahead. Surrogacy, sex-bots, waifus, and ‘sex workers’ are no replacement for a wife and family.

  9. ‘I have great sympathy for those who have done the work get a decent wife and are still involuntarily unmarried. ‘

    Thanks…but you come to realize unless you find that needle in the haystack most women you come across these days aren’t motivated to be married or if they are it isn’t in their best childbearing years. This is the case with the more devote Christian ones too.

    The daughters basically get programmed from a young age that it’s school/career, school/career, school/career. You got to do something in case a guy never comes (even though they are doing the very things that make it hard for a guy to come). Even the ones that want to be wives and mothers eventually get that motivation beat out of them by older women or the herd.

  10. ‘There are steps that can be taken to get a divorce risk below 10-15%. ‘

    Well the first and most likely will be the most painful one because it’s the rotten foundation to feminism…women need to quit having sex outside of marriage. Divorce risk skyrockets even after having 1 nonmarital hookup.

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