6 thoughts on “GBFM Goes Real Life

  1. You seem to understand GBFM. What the funk is his major malfunction? Is he the Hegelian synthesis of Asperger’s and Tourette’s?

    Off-topic, I need an experienced blogger’s opinion. How should I respond when my blog attracts followers who are likely hostile? My blog’s latest new follower is the Toronto LGBT film festival being held this month. Are they targeting me for something, using me for attention, is somebody on their inside using me to black-knight the fudge packers or should I just remove and forget?

    I knew to remove and forget the d1scount c1al1s guy but this is the first potential hostile I’ve attracted. Not a threat my California-focused, no-video blog expected.

  2. Off-topic, I need an experienced blogger.s opinion. How should I respond when my blog attracts followers who are likely hostile? My blog.s latest new follower is the Toronto LGBT film festival being held this month. Are they targeting me for something, using me for attention, is somebody on their inside using me to black-knight the fudge packers or should I just remove and forget?

    It’s entirely appropriate for you to ban whoever you want to ban.

    Go to WP Admin / Settings / Discussion / Comment Blacklist. Put the email address / IP / username (preferably all three) on their own lines in the box. You’ll never see their dumb asses again.

  3. Right, just checking that this wasn’t some kind of preparatory attack or anything to worry about. I’m not fluent in social media.

    Thank you!

  4. I doubt it. If you posted something on sodomites, at some point in the past, then a random group of faggots might have found your blog in a google search. They are probably spamming every blog on wordpress due to that keyword, in the hopes of getting new butt-friendly customers.

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