Christian Game

So, I met Jane Doe at a party, given by one of my co-workers. The first thing she told me was that she was “a devout Christian woman.” I took this to mean that she’d be easy to fuck on the first date. I fucked her within two hours of meeting her.

Jane is recently divorced (I thought devout Christian wimminz weren’t allowed that indulgence?) The reason she gave for wandering off was that her husband was “mentally abusive.”

In my defense, Mizz Doe is incredibly attractive. I put her at 8.5, and I just couldn’t resist. I also thought, before our first run-through the jungle, that she’d stop my advances. Most of you Christian brothers are always telling me what whores Christian women are, and I suppose I didn’t believe y’all. Well, you were right, and ya boy Boxer was wrong.

Just for fun, after the fucking concluded, I played the Christian too. Almost immediately, the demands were handed down. Her devout, Christian husband “wasn’t romantic enough” (I guess that’s what “mental abuse” equates to.) She wants not a boyfriend or a husband, but a worshipper of her cunt and ass.

I won’t lie, I would probably fuck her again. She’s mighty fine. I just don’t beg and grovel for the pussy like a simp.

Read along as she schools me, and rate my negs. Thanks to Dalrock and all you boys for helping me with the narrative. I’d have never known how to do this without your help.

Basically I’m telling her that she’s full of beans. There’s nothing Christian about “romance,” as Dalrock has amply proven.

Note that this bitch is talking about “the last half of her life,” when she hasn’t even approached thirty. Either she knows as much about arithmetic as she does about the religion she professes, or she’s planning some high-risk maneuvers that will snuff her early. Either way, she’s probably correct about being “dumb” – despite being a redhead.

My guess is that she’ll dump me, within 24 hours, and find a replacement. I’m sure she can find some schlub who will worship her, in return for the chance to lick her stank cunt; but that schlub won’t be me.

21 thoughts on “Christian Game

  1. Excellent meme. In the circles I move through lately, the good church girls (and women that ought to be old enough to know better, but what am I saying?) display their wares with demure, skin tight, sprayed-on-look jeans. I suppose this is so we can appreciate them sexually but not really as all skin is covered.

    I’m tempted to bet five bucks that your hook-up was wearing these, but since it was a party and not church there is a chance she went for the chaste looking miniskirt instead. Let’s see – she’s a devout, once divorced woman, and then of course there’s our boy Boxer, so that should be an N=2 right? So she’s salvageable, right?

  2. ‘Read along as she schools me, and rate my negs.’

    Boxer was doing well until…

    -I’m sorry-


    That’s why she’ll dump you.

    Now hindtexting is always 20/20…but if she wanted it dumbed down I’d go:

    ‘Can’t you speak dumb blonde for once?’

    I worship the Lord and not the vagina.

  3. Perhaps you could help me out here…

    Was the reasoning you thought she would be an easy lay is because she said she was ‘a devout Christian woman’. Or was she giving out other body language signals to you. Did she approach you or have some come hither look at you? Hell she could of just been a good liar and found a similar bird of feather for all we know.

    I know what they said is probably only 10% of the story…but much like them saying “I never have sex on the first date”…there’s more to what they are saying that isn’t in the story.

  4. And it’s stories like this that remind me of the wisdom that came from the OT men of old.

    ‘And I discovered more bitter than death the woman whose heart is snares and nets, whose hands are chains. One who is pleasing to God will escape from her, but the sinner will be captured by her.’ Ecc 7:26

    ‘The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit; He who is cursed of the LORD will fall into it.’
    Proverbs 22:14

    Can a man take fire in his bosom And his clothes not be burned? Or can a man walk on hot coals And his feet not be scorched? So is the one who goes in to his neighbor.s wife; Whoever touches her will not go unpunished.
    Men do not despise a thief if he steals To satisfy himself when he is hungry; But when he is found, he must repay sevenfold; He must give all the substance of his house. The one who commits adultery with a woman is lacking sense; He who would destroy himself does it. Proverbs 6:27-32

    For the lips of an adulteress drip honey And smoother than oil is her speech; But in the end she is bitter as wormwood, Sharp as a two-edged sword. Proverbs 5: 3-4

    ‘This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth, And says, “I have done no wrong.”‘ Proverbs 30:20

  5. Wimminz who grew up in the church like to imagine themselves to be ‘Christian’ – as a virtue signal. But the church is converged, H/T Dalrock, so all the ‘Christian talk’ is smoke and mirrors. You were correct in identifying her true god – V worship – and you helped her offer her daily sacrifice. Deep Strength recently pointed out that this kind of Game is idolatry, not Christian game. Semantics…
    Glad you enjoyed the lay. That’s getting to be a rare experience for most men these days. You are ‘blessed’!

  6. Excellent meme. In the circles I move through lately, the good church girls (and women that ought to be old enough to know better, but what am I saying?) display their wares with demure, skin tight, sprayed-on-look jeans. I suppose this is so we can appreciate them sexually but not really as all skin is covered.

    I.m tempted to bet five bucks that your hook-up was wearing these, but since it was a party and not church there is a chance she went for the chaste looking miniskirt instead.

    When I met and fucked her, she was wearing cut off jeans shorts, rolled up so far you can see the hint of her ass cheeks. Not “Daisy Dukes,” but within an inch of that style. She had long, perfectly toned, tanned legs on display. When I got her alone, I found she had on black thong underwear.

    Funny you should mention. After the post-sex cleanup, she was complain-bragging about “boy you sure move fast” and I replied quickly with “so do you… you didn’t wear those pants on accident,” to which she protested that it was “hot.”

  7. That.s why she.ll dump you.

    You’re sorta missing the point. I’ve already fucked her. I would fuck her again, but if she’s going to keep this up, I want her to dump me.

    I just decided to prod her in the Christian style, to see if she’ll learn something and improve her behavior. (Prediction: She won’t.)

  8. Was the reasoning you thought she would be an easy lay is because she said she was .a devout Christian woman.. Or was she giving out other body language signals to you. Did she approach you or have some come hither look at you? Hell she could of just been a good liar and found a similar bird of feather for all we know.

    All of the above, really.

    Someone who introduces themselves as X is usually overcompensating for a lack of X in their personality. Sometimes (rarely, in my experience,) this is “fake it ’til you make it” half-sincerety that I respect. More often, it’s the subject lying to themselves.

    She can fuck strange men, on the first meeting, as a skank-ho divorc?e who ran a decent man through the rigors of the divorce courts, and still call herself “a devout born-again Christian.” What a laugh.

  9. Deep Strength recently pointed out that this kind of Game is idolatry, not Christian game. Semantics.

    That’s actually a fair point that I didn’t properly address when I hastily named this article. There is a school devoted to serious Christian married folks, which endorses the emphasis of polarity (and for men, this involves adopting more of a leadership role.) That clearly isn’t what I’m talking about here.

    Basically, this is a hot bitch who turned demanding and annoying quickly, and I’m using what I learned from Dalrock to annoy her back. She is pretending to be too stupid to get the point: that a wholesome Christian woman wouldn’t be demanding “romance” from someone who fucked her in all her holes on the first date. I think it’s easier to feign idiocy than face the truth, in this case.

  10. I saw the short shorts mention. She was looking for it.

    The whole ‘just because I dress that way doesn’t mean I want to’ lament from women is protesting too much from their own choices IMO. They can dress modestly if they want to.

  11. ‘Deep Strength recently pointed out that this kind of Game is idolatry, not Christian game. ‘

    Nothing provokes the anger of God more than idolatry.

  12. “Nothing provokes the anger of God more than idolatry.”

    The Jewish equivalent of original sin is idolatry and that all other sins originate from this.[1] The Jews (and especially Paul) were primarily concerned with idolatry. Sexual sins are forms of idolatry. The two are closely related. See: Exodus 32, Isaiah 57:7-8, Hosea 4:12-14, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:19-21, Ephesians 5:5, Colossians 3:5, Revelation 2:14, 20, 21:25.[2]

    [1] Pamela Eisenbaum. Paul Was Not A Christian. pp. 72-73

    [2] Dennis P. Hollinger. The Meaning of Sex: Christian Ethics and the Moral Life. pp. 64-65

  13. I think it.s easier to feign idiocy than face the truth, in this case.

    In terms of idiocy, I don’t think she was “feigning” anything. The “feigning,” obviously, was the “Christian” part.

  14. You’ll know them by their fruit.

    Look, I have dealt with some women in The Salvation Army who were very “bad girls” and made some terrible choices concerning men before their repentance and conversion to His way.

    I have met a few who have indeed “turned their lives around through and by Christ” and live a life worthy of His favor. All? No way. But I have met a few, and they have said “I was….but now” and I have seen true repentance.

  15. .She can fuck strange men, on the first meeting, as a skank-ho divorc?e who ran a decent man through the rigors of the divorce courts, and still call herself .a devout born-again Christian.. What a laugh..
    Maybe she read Toad…..

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