Make Your Choice…

Thanks to earl, we have a fun illustration of women in different scenarios.

Which of these women are most attractive?

Example A:

Woman making you (her beloved husband) a tasty batch of cookies.


Wimminz making a piping hot bowl o’ oatmeal, for her drug-dealer boyfriend, after a night of hot sex, in the kitchen her ex-husband is still busting ass to pay for.


Example B:

Woman holding the baby you conceived together, on your wedding night.


Skank-ho single mom with bastard, as she appears on PoF. He’s “her world” and will “always come first,” but she might allow you to amuse her with your dick if you give her enough attention and buy Junior some new clothes.


Example C:

CONservative wimminz who thinks your job is to pay her bills, until she decides to run you, head-first, through the divorce courts.


Masculinized cougar who likes guns, knives and radical feminism. Hope you’re a light sleeper!


Earl is right. At least in scenarios A and B, there are attractive delusions available. I can’t interpret C in any fashion that’s attractive, charming or feminine.

13 thoughts on “Make Your Choice…

  1. All of these crime shows (CSI, etc.) are continually having scenes with women holding pistols, firing them, etc. There is the constant message – associate the feminine with artillery.

    The subterfuge is obvious to any red-pilled man. If June Cleaver would not hold a gun, then neither should any “modern” woman (regardless of how hot she is).

  2. It would be interesting to submit these three photos to a sampling of women in order to 1) see which of the backstory descriptions they preferred and 2) which picture they thought described themselves most accurately.

  3. “Wimminz making a piping hot bowl o. oatmeal for her drug-dealer boyfriend, after a night of hot sex, and while her kids are still asleep in the house, in the kitchen her ex-husband is still working to pay for.”


  4. June Cleaver, Weezie Jefferson, the wife from that show “eight is enough” and even ol’ Edith Bunker are all gone…..we have Peg Bundy, Roseanne Barr and BT 1000’s now here in California…….and the Christian women my age still demand Ryan Gosling looks, the money of a silicon valley tech wizard who just happens to be ‘Christian’ and who will just “accept them for who they are” (ie fat, snarly and bad personality)

  5. A was most eye catching but upon closer review, I saw a pretentious artsy ring on her, so I will go for B. Also, so many empowered wimmenz having cooking shows that they’ve made me cynical about nice looking women who cook. Probably very stingy and mean in the kitchen, and elsewhere.

  6. Rachael Ray grew up not too far from where I did in New York State. She’s a tyrant in the kitchen evidently (she worked in Glens Falls, and Lake George at resorts and the like before she got famous). At the Sagamore on Lake George I knew a waiter there who knew her. He mentioned that she had such a foul mouth on her it would make the devil blush

  7. Also, so many empowered wimmenz having cooking shows that made me cynical about nice looking women who cook. Probably very stingy and mean in the kitchen, and elsewhere.

    IME, the key difference between men and women in the kitchen in terms of qualty of output is resourcefulness. I’ve yet to meet a woman, no matter how “expert” a cook she (thinks she) is, who can cope gracefully in the kitchen when she has to improvise or deviate from a plan. Every one of them I’ve known, met, or dealt with, whrn facing adversity in the kitchen, melts down, gives up, or goes on a wild goose chase, hellbent on salvaging her original plan at any cost.

    I guess we as men have HAD to improvise and adapt in all aspects of our lives, for our entire lives, which is why we can create somthing close to a feast under the most adverse of conditions.

  8. “Every one of them known, met, or dealt with, whrn facing adversity in the kitchen, melts down, gives up, or goes on a wild goose chase, hellbent on salvaging her original plan at any cost.”

    Good old selection bias. You wouldn’t say that if you lived in Amish Country.

  9. He wouldn’t be on a computer in Amish Country.

    Selection bias is selection bias…but you can’t discount the fact some women act like spoiled brats when the most minor of inconviences happen and some women act like reasonably mature adults when adversity comes.

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