Typical Boomer Ingratitude

Over on Dalrock, Gary Eden comments about Dr. Jordan Peterson:

But I’m not as sure about his proscriptions and would like to hear a thoughtful critique of him from you. As you hint, his core message isn’t different than what we criticism of others (man up, marry the sluts, and load yourself up with burdens for societies sake); he just delivers it with love and promise of respect.

Men who want to critique Peterson are men I find commenting on blogs like Dalrock. Not to be rude to this guy, but I am pretty sure he has close to zero contact with young teenage and twenty-something men.

Gen X and older men who have developed psychic lives, careers, homes and families don’t need Peterson’s message, and they inevitably find his points dull, repetitive, superfluous and tedious. This is sad, because we have become the “boomer” generation to these young brothers, coming up now. Everything the boomers did to us? We’re doing it to them. We enjoyed relatively good and peaceful times, and passed the bill down to these kids. They resent us for it, and they should. I’m surprised we have yet to be rounded up and bulldozed, alive, into mass graves, for our crimes against them. Thank heavens for their apathy.

My day job entails daily interaction with exactly those children who are receptive to Peterson’s message — which is not a coincidence, since I do the same general day job that Peterson does. The situation for most of these young brothers is far, far worse than anything these hipster faggots can imagine. Most of these young men have been raised in broken homes, by single mothers. Many were subject to physical and sexual abuse, at various times, in their childhoods. Most have no chance to marry and form a stable family, because the women their age are such untrustworthy skanks.

So, if you’re a married family man, with two cars and a wife, then of course you want to pick apart Peterson’s message. You’re the same type of dolt who will occasionally show up here and make fun of me. I care as much as Dr. Peterson does, about your opinion, to be sure.

Jordan Peterson isn’t writing or speaking to Gary Eden, on Dalrock. He’s speaking to the 20-year old who lives in his mom’s basement, who eats microwaveable snacks for meals, who is addicted to internet pornography and video games. Dr. Peterson’s message is helping these young brothers quit being faggots, and inspiring them to get up, make their beds, and go out into the world and enjoy life. These are the same young men who will someday treat Gary Eden’s broken hip, and pay his pension. Thank them later, you entitled cunts.

10 thoughts on “Typical Boomer Ingratitude

  1. I don’t know what wave of feminism we are on…but it’s the wave where a lot of young boys and men have had their spirit broke. At least back in the Boomer and Gen X generation men still had some spirit and women were still somewhat women.

  2. An aside- the two women have similar dresses but, at least according to my personal tastes, the one on the left is so much more attractive. The Western one looks like her look is by choice, the angry face, tense body, no makeup perhaps. She could’ve at least made it a closer competition.

  3. Regarding Peterson, I fall into the old man category, and so I haven’t even listened to him or read anything of his so I find your assertion about my cohort not understanding Peterson reasonable.

  4. “I don.t know what wave of feminism we are on.but it.s the wave where a lot of young boys and men have had their spirit broke. At least back in the Boomer and Gen X generation men still had some spirit and women were still somewhat women.”

    The period of no fault divorce and the rise of radical feminism is where men still had some spirt and women where somewhat women?

    Also what does that statement even mean? Women are somewhat women? You mean you have romantic unreal idealisations of what women are, and when real female nature doesn’t match your fantasies that is women not being women?

    Look how abusive and violent women are to children and even men in third world countries, look at the history of infanticide by women.

  5. “Jordan Peterson isn.t writing or speaking to Gary Eden, on Dalrock. He.s speaking to the 20-year old who lives in his mom.s basement, who eats microwaveable snacks for meals, who is addicted to internet pornography and video games. Dr. Peterson.s message is helping these young brothers quit being faggots, and inspiring them to get up, make their beds, and go out into the world and enjoy life. These are the same young men who will someday treat Gary Eden.s broken hip, and pay his pension. Thank them later, you entitled cunts.2”

    The male feminist Peterson is telling men to get up and get out of bed, and tackle life head on, because these men have to earn women. Men striving to earn women is good, because of reasons and because it is natural according to him.

    Peterson considers men who do not pander to women deranged and damaged.

    Peterson considers it a tragedy that women do not have enough high status men to pick from. (He doesn’t seem to talk about what women have done to push men out of the job market, and deny men chances to gain status. Women want men to earn them, yet they sabotage men’s prospects of doing this)

    Peterson has said that women out complete men in universities because they have better social skills, completely ignoring the context of affirmative action and feminist rape hysteria in university campuses driving men away.

    you talked about Alex Jones not talking about the family court system, being fine with that injustice. You have rightfully damned Alex Jones for that. When has Peterson ever spoke up against the family court? I have watched countless hours of Peterson videos, and I haven’t seen him warn men about it. He has never warned men about divorce, even though it is a fact divorced is linked to a spike in suicide rates for men.

    Peterson offers vague bullshit lifestyle advice, young men who are looking for father figures and going to be impressionable and his nonsense his sprouts his harmful.

    There are so many things wrong with Peterson, it would take a book to cover. Vauge platitudes and nonsense lifestyle advice is not going to help young men, only systematic change will.

    Peterson wants men to pander to women, that will only create more male suffering and in fact will create more single mothers.

    Also his talk about men competing is a laugh, when he went in for a career that earned him tenure for life. Powerful people with status talk about competing, than avoid competing themselves. The ideology of competing is for losers. Animals in nature seek to avoid competition and seek out their own niches. This talk of competition is just a deflection and thought terminating cliche.Men need systematic change, not empty lifestyle advice.

    Peterson is a well read moron. I am sure he has read more books than I have in his long life, but a moron he remains. He once said that not robbing banks is a christian value. He is an atheist who tries to apologise for christian delusion. he is apologising for the need for falsehood.

    Peterson believes in vague higher truths and posts twttier posts about cultural Marxism ruining America.

  6. ‘The period of no fault divorce and the rise of radical feminism is where men still had some spirt and women where somewhat women?’

    Yeah man, it’s not like this whole s*it storm came upon us in a day.

    ‘You mean you have romantic unreal idealisations of what women are, and when real female nature doesn.t match your fantasies that is women not being women?’

    It’s called sinful nature. When the society was more moral…real female nature was tempered.

  7. It.s called sinful nature. When the society was more moral.real female nature was tempered.

    I think that what you call “real female nature” is what I call “wimminz” or “feral female nature.” I could also argue that what you might call “real male nature” was tempered in patriarchy, also.

    Back in those old days, I wouldn’t have a decent job as a single man. There would also be no Tinder, Plenty of Fish, or snatch dot com. Thus I’d have been forced to marry and behave, long ago.

  8. It’s not like any of this is new or surprising. It goes back to Adam and Eve. Problem is the whole concept of ‘blue pill’ is to convince us men that women are nothing but pure moral creatures no matter what they do. No…they were moral when they were more expected to be moral and even though wimminz still existed and have existed since the fall, it wasn’t considered a badge of honor like it is now. Things like being divorced, out of wedlock births and being a slut were actually shameful for women back in the day.

  9. “It.s called sinful nature. When the society was more moral.real female nature was tempered.”

    So when slavery was accepted, people marrying their cousins, and kings ruled the world, society was more violent, that is when society was more moral?

    lolol nonsense. Your understanding of history is bunk, I hate to break it to you.

    You either do not understand the past, or if you do and you call that more moral, you are gone in the head.

    learn some history.

  10. ‘So when slavery was accepted, people marrying their cousins, and kings ruled the world, society was more violent, that is when society was more moral?’

    Yeah that’s exactly what I said.

    While I learn history, you should learn reading comprehension.

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