With Extreme Prejudice

Wimminz have many delusions, as a combined result of social engineering and biological inclinations. One of the more profound delusions they have is that they are the choosers, and you, if you’re lucky, will be grateful for being chosen. You will remain grateful for as long as any one wimminz uses you as her own personal sex toy, and you will not whine or complain when she replaces you with Chad, Brad or Madeline, as the whim might strike her at any moment.

One of the many laughable unintended consequences of feminism is guys like us, who do not whine or beg like dogs to be chosen. Counterintuitively, this makes us more attractive to peanut-brained wimminz who see us as stronger of mind and body than the average simp they are used to. Unfortunately for them, our indifference is usually genuine, and catalyzed by a will to conquer even when they think they have us on the ropes.

Rejecting a wimminz usually leads to some amusing reactions, such as the one above. As the feminists are constantly telling us, the world is full of gender-based double standards, and the female inability to exit with grace and dignity is one. The bitch above is bitching, despite the fact that I’m essentially doing her a favor, being honest with her, not ghosting, and freeing her up to find someone better than ya boy Boxer. Such ingratitude! Such is the norm.

7 thoughts on “With Extreme Prejudice

  1. What you see is what happens when the poor lass loses control. The sphere talks about hypergamy, game, solipism, etc…but I don’t think anyone has yet addressed this even though it was spelled out by God after the fall. I’ve come to the conclusion that control is the #1 natural desire of women.

  2. Out of curiousity…did you meet this woman in person and did she present particular reasons why you decided to end it?

  3. Dear Earl:

    What you see is what happens when the poor lass loses control. The sphere talks about hypergamy, game, solipism, etc.but I don.t think anyone has yet addressed this even though it was spelled out by God after the fall. I.ve come to the conclusion that control is the #1 natural desire of women.

    It’s amazing how the wisdom of the ancients mirrors modern theories, no?

    Out of curiousity.did you meet this woman in person and did she present particular reasons why you decided to end it?

    I did, and she did. I chatted her up at the shopping mall. She was attractive, but after our first rendezvous, more than a few red flags popped up – most notably an annoying clinginess. I got her to text me evidence that everything was consensual within a couple of hours after our first meet, and then a couple of days later I cut her loose.

    I’ll point out that I didn’t flake (I could have). I cut her loose over 24h before we were to meet next. Had she not continuously asked if we were getting together again, I would have met her again. The need for constant reassurance is tiring to me.



  4. I’ll take this time to point out the fornication isn’t good for you Boxer.

    This seems to prove once again the majority of women are clueless as to what happens to them when they perform the act. It’s a bonding act…so in a sense I’m not surprised she did what she did.

    The idiotic part is they more often want to do it outside of marriage for whatever reason (control would be my first thought)…but they are doing an act meant to seal a vow of marriage. When you do that without that vow…you are basically sealing nothing other than perhaps the tingles, feelings, wanting control, or ‘having experience’. After it’s done though…a guy can just up and leave like that.

    If I ever had daughters…I’d make sure to give them the real sex ed and what it is about. It’s for your husband to seal the vow of marriage. Not the ‘take these pills and have safe sex with strange men’ garbage.

  5. She’s older than 25 and younger than 30. That age when desperation is starting to take hold, and you realize you’re not getting the attention you were, just a year or two before. I think it drives these dopey wimminz crazy.

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