
This is what happens to a wimminz who bears a bastard, sired by any one of a number of random badboys, at the ripe-old age of eighteen.

Just before her twenty-ninth birthday, Janice finds herself on PoF, with an increasingly unruly ten year old son, and no father-figure in sight.

Naturally, Janice would like you to step in to play the role of daddy. Your job will be to pay for her son, yell at her son, beat her son, put up with her son’s idiot friends, bail her son out of jail, take care of her son’s own bastard spawn (prolly beginning when he’s about fifteen), and then to liquidate your portfolio, to pay off Janice when she’s around forty. Once your purpose has been served, she will invite you to taste the pleasures of divorce court. On this you can count with absolute certainty.

Do you want to date Janice? I didn’t think so.

8 thoughts on “Twenty-Eight

  1. If you start dating this type of woman, the applause from her female frenemies will be deafening. She will tag your name and photo as you have dinner with her at the Cheesecake Factory, which will inspire 500 likes and 300 comments about what a great guy you are, how great you guys look together, how everybody is so happy for her, etc.

    Really, this group of single mothers are just championing themselves: i.e. virtue signal to the men that are watching about how it’s ok to wife up a single mother.

  2. A woman with kids would only be worth a date if she were a widow, only ever had one sexual partner, and her peer group was other married women with children. If I were a widower with kids, this is the kind of woman I would seek.

    “i.e. virtue signal to the men that are watching about how it.s ok to wife up a single mother.”

    I don’t think I could marry an avowed feminist just to raise her kids properly, though I admire, in a way, the men who do this. They get a defective marriage and a probable divorce with its transfer of wealth in exchange for kids getting a father. Sure, they are being used and the women perpetuate their virtual signal, but the kids at least hopefully win. Regardless, I won’t vilify the voluntary cuckolds for this, as they are the victims.

    The real question is if I were a widower with kids, how desperate would I be? Knowing myself as well as I do, I think I would be quite tempted to settle on the wrong kind of woman. Raising kids by yourself is brutal.

  3. Women really don’t think things through….or they had their father kicked out of the home and he wasn’t there to at least warn them of things that can happen if they don’t think things through.

    My dad knew how to threaten well…he told me if I ever got a girl pregnant I was responsible for the child and he wasn’t going to bail me out. I don’t know if that was true or not…but I wasn’t going to find out.

  4. .The real question is if I were a widower with kids, how desperate would I be? Knowing myself as well as I do, I think I would be quite tempted to settle on the wrong kind of woman. Raising kids by yourself is brutal..
    I know a lot of young girls who are smarter than meabandon college in order to work as nanny and another child care Jobs for large family you just need to find a strong homeschool community

  5. Okay…let’s suppose Janice made a bad choice at 19. She let Chad talk her into going bareback, or she was the one who “felt” that if I have a baby he’ll stick around.

    Her she is now….realizing and “understanding” her bad choices. Guess what….she would not be on POF or any other dating site for that matter. She would be too busy, tired and driven to make sure that boy is getting good grades, is being raised in a respectful manner, has the boy in Scouts or something like that to make sure he is around other boys and “good solid men leading this boy in things that boys naturally want to do”

    She would make sure her son is not diagnosed with ADD. She would be honest with him as he gets older about his bio-dad. “Hey, it didn’t work out” or “Look, you have a right to know your dad, if you want to meet him we’ll work it out.

    If she meets a guy, it would be through the channels of the son (a single dad at Scouts with his son for example). It would not be on POF, or that shriveled prunes website, or………

    I do believe that a woman in Janice’s situation can change or realize “look, gotta pull up those panties now all by myself”

    Rare yes, hard to find…..yes……….and online? No.

  6. A pertinent article….

    ‘Deadbeat single mothers.’

    ‘Single motherhood which used to be a source of shame has instead been transformed over the last few decades until it has become an endowment of virtue. Single mothers are presented as victims and simultaneously as being strong and courageous. The real victims of course are the unfortunate children of such selfish acts. But that does not matter if you are a woman and easily seduced by the instant victim credentials that being a single mother gets you.’

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