Kryptonian v. Dalrock (Marcuse, H., Dissenting)

Down below, my brother Kryptonian writes:

You will find that your comment was “eaten” by Dalrock. …

If Dalrock deleted my comment (and I have no knowledge that he did) I have no problem with it. In fact, I’ve edited and deleted comments here on my blog. A couple of individuals are banned from my haus… one for posting gay porn xxx.gif in the comments, and another (a wimminz) here soliciting my readers to go elsewhere and fight for m’lady’s honor. Both are violations of the well-defined comment policy, viewable by anyone at the top right on this page.

Several regular commenters are technically violating the comment policy, by posting under their full legal names. I have chosen to give them a pass on this because they do it elsewhere, and are already well known in the ‘sphere under their legal names; and, because I assume that they know and appreciate the folly of doing this. Even so, I warn these people not to test their local feminist kooks. Our enemies are the pettiest people imaginable, and there is really no depth they won’t stoop to.

every single time that anyone says anything Dalrock doesn’t like he deletes them, it’s as simple as that…

That has not been my experience. I’ve been banned from lots of forums (Catholic Answers, The Spearhead, Stormfront, Manboobz, the list goes on forever). Their houses, their rules. No sweat.

I have posted on Dalrock since around 2012 or so. I’ve often been involved in protracted arguments with some of his favorite people. He has allowed me to speak there, and to my knowledge, allows me to comment still.

Now, if Dalrock did ban me, or edit my comments, I couldn’t fault him. He pays the bills and provides original content. I’d also be a hypocrite for condemning him. If I show up over there and annoy him, and he decides to ban me, He’d be hitting the same button that I hit when Stephanie showed up here and tried to start an inter-blog flame war, because her feelz got hurt, or when Stoner With A Boner decided to archive all his gay pr0n in my comments sections.

Ultimately, the best thing that any of us can do is start our own blogs, where we control our own content. That way, if I ban you, you can criticize me over on your own soapbox, and I won’t be able to say shit about it (other than answering back).

More generally, I’m annoyed by the lack of content out in the world. There really ought to be hundreds more manosphere blogs than there are, presently. Our enemies underestimate our numbers, due to the fact that (unlike the typical feminist) most of us have jobs and lives, and no surplus of free time. The best thing each of us can do is to add one more voice to the WWW.


11 thoughts on “Kryptonian v. Dalrock (Marcuse, H., Dissenting)

  1. I remember when kryptonian showed up on Dalrock.s. I.m not very sensitive to these things, so the fact that even I got the clear impression that he came out swinging is saying something. He lost his grip in a hurry. There.s something more behind it if I read things aright.

  2. Been banned on coutless forums…..usually Christian / Protestant. Several blogs require me to “sign in” and when I request the passcode, they don’t respond……probably a gentle hint that they don’t want me posting there. No harm to me.

    Dalrock has never banned or edited anything I have had to say

  3. Been banned on coutless forums…..usually Christian / Protestant. Several blogs require me to “sign in” and when I request the passcode, they don’t respond……probably a gentle hint that they don’t want me posting there. No harm to me.

    Dalrock has never banned or edited anything I have had to say

  4. There.s something more behind it if I read things aright.

    I never like to speculate on anyone’s underlying motivations. Ultimately, Kryptonian is welcome here, as are you and everyone else. Criticizing and lampooning others is specifically protected in this particular postal code (and that includes making fun of me). Nobody should be off limits. I just disagree, somewhat, with Brother Kryptonian’s analysis of the situation.

  5. WordPress can be funky sometimes….I lay out comments and for some reason they get hung up or you don’t immediately see them. However they do eventually show up.

    I don’t about the crazy consperiacy theories…unless you are a total menance Dalrock doesn’t go immediate banhammer. Try doing that in a female run or mangina run blog when you dissent from groupthink and you’ll see Dalrock’s pretty tolerant to an extent.

  6. “Several regular commenters are technically violating the comment policy, by posting under their full legal names…I assume that they know and appreciate the folly of doing this.”

    I wondered about that. I once thought about using my pseudonym “Ram-Man” more often, but since the real me comes up on page 1 or 2 of a google search, I decided it wasn’t worth the hassle. I’m only a semi-private individual (I’ve got a whole chapter). The difference is that I’ve associated my other efforts with political/social/biblical/scientific commentary. Folly or not, I have to stand by the things I say.

    “ been banned from lots of forums”

    To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never been banned anywhere (although one misunderstanding came close) despite engaging in some seriously heated discussions. Never using an ad hominem helps, I think. If people are going to ban me in retaliation, they’ll have to do it in the face of well-reasoned arguments. I try to be civil and respectful.

    “I.m annoyed by the lack of content out in the world. There really ought to be hundreds more manosphere blogs than there are, presently.”

    You’ve asked me to write a few things, and I enjoy writing on requested topics. But I don’t think I qualify as being in the manosphere. If I actually wrote on some of the topics I read about there, I think you’d consider me to be one of those ad hominem words that gets thrown about, if only I knew what any of them meant. Cuckservative is my favorite: it has a catchy ring. Maybe I can be one of those?

    It is pretty daunting spending all that time trying to produce quality content that nobody wants to read. I’ve seen the google analytics numbers. Luckily for me, I mostly write articles so I can post them to people and save me time rehashing the same arguments over-and-over again.

  7. Dalrock has smoking hot posts and a lot of traffic on a regular basis, so I can completely understand him running a tight ship on his blog. Being a Christian, I am surprised that he is not any tighter about some of the more uncouth comments than he is.
    My only complaint about Dalrock is that we never see any of his comments on other Manosphere blogs (except Caldo’s). Maybe he doesn’t want to give out his email or IP address.
    Anyway, I salute the man.

  8. Until Kryptonian tried posting on Dalrock’s, I’d wondered if I might have had a persecution complex. Not anymore, now that I’ve seen a real one.

    “More generally, I.m annoyed by the lack of content out in the world. There really ought to be hundreds more manosphere blogs than there are, presently.”

    I share your frustration. After four months of regular posting, my blog has barely five regular readers so far as I can tell. Unless I link from Dalrock’s. Then, the stats increase tenfold overnight and crash just as quickly. It’s like nobody wants to talk about anything except women and marriage, which is fine until one goes MGTOW and wants to talk about anything except women and marriage.

    Although there seems to be a lot of Manosphere content on youTube and such. Video isn’t my preferred format but maybe it’s a generational thing. Nobody reads anymore. That reminds me, I need to order that book On Bullshit by Frankfurt you recommended.

    Wayne @ 2:13 pm:
    “My only complaint about Dalrock is that we never see any of his comments on other Manosphere blogs (except Caldo.s). Maybe he doesn.t want to give out his email or IP address.”

    I think Dalrock doesn’t have the time. Running a primo Manosphere blog AND being a married father with a day job? Add a gym membership and there can’t be too many hours in his day.

  9. I wondered about that. I once thought about using my pseudonym .Ram-Man. more often, but since the real me comes up on page 1 or 2 of a google search, I decided it wasn.t worth the hassle. I.m only a semi-private individual ( got a whole chapter). The difference is that associated my other efforts with political/social/biblical/scientific commentary. Folly or not, I have to stand by the things I say.

    I can respect that, and I have no problem with you doing what you want. The American Dad author used his real name too. I let him come argue with me. He made good points and I never want to censor anyone who takes apart my positions effectively.

    What does worry me is some schmoe, who wanders in here and reads exactly one non-controversial article on this blog, (and I don’t always post outrageous stuff), and decides to comment, giving away his name and job description. Later that year, someone googles him, and associates him with Boxer’s essay on how “Bitches ain’t shit but hoez and tricks” and “single moms should be rounded up and sent to a Soviet style work-camp” and “feminists can suck a nigga dick”. Because I do write that sort of thing the other two-thirds of the time.

  10. Wow

    I didn’t expect to see the day that an entire thread was devoted to protecting and defending the actions of Dalrock

    Say what you want Boxer, I know the truth and I ain’t going to kiss the ass of that cowardly piece of shit……I was NEVER took out of moderation, all my comments were deliberately kept in Dalrock’s spam folder, despite repeated requests by me asking him POLITELY to stop keeping me in moderation and to post my comments
    The man is a coward, and he is not married like he says he is….He might have all you idiots fooled, but not me

    Maybe you’re right, maybe it’s time I stopped posting in your blog and others and start my own…..That way I won’t have to deal with cowardly fuckwits who are so super sensitive that they see fit to super moderate their blogs and delete anything they don’t like that doesn’t fit with their agenda……as far as I’m concerned Dalrock and others are pathetic cowards who do exactly the same thing they accuse the SJW’s, the Feminists, and the Libtards of, namely CENSORSHIP…..hypocrites the whole fucking pack of you all.

    To defend Dalrock is morally repugnant in my eyes….most of his frequent contributors are die hard, hard core, anti sexual CELIBATES…..Not once have I seen Dalrock critique them, or the errors of the Catholic church, I guess keeping his viewer base and his view count high are more important than doctrinal accuracy

    The funny thing is, I know where I stand with feminists…..getting stabbed in the back by my so called friends of our common cause is starting to make me hate the manosphere more than I hate my ideological opponents

  11. Dear Kryptonian:

    To defend Dalrock is morally repugnant in my eyes

    I’m really just defending every blogger, who wants to run his own blog as he sees fit. Granted, this doesn’t cost much money (I paid like 50 bucks for my domain name), but it is my house, as that’s Dalrock’s house, and you have your house. Everyone should ban who he wants, and nobody owes any explanation for it.

    Maybe right, maybe it.s time I stopped posting in your blog and others and start my own…That way I won.t have to deal with cowardly fuckwits who are so super sensitive that they see fit to super moderate their blogs and delete anything they don.t like that doesn.t fit with their far as I.m concerned Dalrock and others are pathetic cowards who do exactly the same thing they accuse the SJW.s, the Feminists, and the Libtards of, namely CENSORSHIP…hypocrites the whole fucking pack of you all.

    It’s not all or nothing. You can comment here and also write your own stuff. I’ll promote your blog if you put some content on there. And when have I ever censored you? Here you are insulting me, and I am fine with it. Doesn’t that tell you something?

    Ultimately, you posted on Dalrock, and I posted on Dalrock, and we have very different experiences. That doesn’t mean either of us are wrong. If you want to argue that he treats you differently than he treats me, I’d agree. I don’t pretend to know why, because I cause at least as much trouble over there as anyone ever has. lol



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