Priority No. 1

Priority No. 1 is pushing every nerd back into his locker. Richard Feynman agreed. The rest of this is mere commentary.

Over on Dalrock, Luke writes some shit like:

The nerd phenotype has many facets that are abhorrent, and one of the most extreme is his completely misplaced self-regard. The nerd is usually very impressed with himself and his accomplishments, which are almost always mediocre. Nerds also tend to have a childish grasp of basic concepts, as a result revealing that they are very shallow thinkers. An example is the inherent contradiction above: Despite declaring himself “among the least socialist people on the planet,” Luke identifies himself as a member of a specific class, which he implies is both oppressed and superior. This harkens back not only to Marx’s theses on class consciousness, but also to Freud’s work, on delusions of grandeur and persecution in the neurotic.

This is precisely the sort of ressentiment that nearly every contemporary Marxist kook displays. Like most members of the alt-right, Luke is one of the most socialist people on the planet, but he’s either not smart or honest enough to realize or admit it. Luke’s contempt for people with degrees in “Fuzzy Studies” (whatever those are) mirror the Marxist paradigm of hating anyone who is demonstrably better than he is. The weak hate the strong, the inferior hate the superior, and no force on earth can change this.

As a group, nerds always seek to develop and project a set of values and qualities that end up being entirely recursive. The nerd’s entire communicative praxis follows along these same lines. Everything they say (or type) seems merely to devolve into announcing their own supposed superiority to others. Their extensive self-regard is incredible, and generally develops as they mature from the stage of insecure weakling to that of narcissistic know-it-all, that no normal person can stand to associate with.

Like his contemporary pseudo-Marxist brother, the nerd makes a bombastic show of rejecting normal mores and values, while usually indulging in a fanatical obsession with weird cultural artifacts like Star WarsDr. Who, and My Little Pony. Nerds always claim to be “open minded,” while refusing to become familiar with great literary and artistic works. They always imagine themselves “above” the aesthetic tastes of the proles who employ and control them; but, their absolute inferiority is betrayed by the fact that they never seem to develop any meaningful cultural icons that have any traction outside their own stunted circles.

The next time you meet a nerd, ask him what he’s accomplished. Other than constructing a self-congratulatory complex out of whole-cloth, the answer will (of course) turn out to be nothing. His attitude is pure ego-defense: an indicator that he hasn’t ever solved any engineering problems without Mathematica and his TI-89, nor has he ever written any story or screenplay that would have the slightest bit of interest to anyone who doesn’t share his neurosis. The nerd’s obsession with pony-porn and light-sabers is an absolute indicator that he is not only inferior, but deserving of your scorn.

Full disclosure: I have undergrad degrees in philosophy, physics and pure math, and I have graduate degrees in mathematics and history. This didn’t take as much time as you’d think (I probably went to school for eighteen months longer than Luke, here.) Like Luke, I’m not some sort of genius (I’m confident that I’m smarter than he is, though that’s irrelevant to my actual worth). If anything, I am proof that it doesn’t take anything more than average intelligence to acquire STEM degrees. The concepts are less intuitive than those in programs like literature or history, but they’re no more difficult to learn. In fact, after the high hurdle of the first two years, it was easier for me to study mathematics than history, because the coursework was progressive, and once one masters some foundations, specifics in the following courses are often derivable with the knowledge you already have.

I consider myself fortunate to be a mediocre mathematician, and it is largely thanks to good teachers that I became one without devolving into the typical deluded, neurotic asshole with a STEM degree.

21 thoughts on “Priority No. 1

  1. STEM is a concept that troubles me. Disrespecting or abandoning fields of learning that aren’t immediately useful on a daily basis is a strong indicator of a dying culture because it’s a refusal to self-replicate. Engineering is good for earning food, yes, but who really wants to live in the cultural equivalent of a Walmart? All efficiency, no humanity.

    If I wasn’t proficient with Christian theology then I wouldn’t be a threat to Evil. Hard science obviously does nothing to encourage morality.

    Speaking of, the high rates of Chinese and Indian cheating he mentioned are only proofs of poor morality, not poor intelligence. Lying is, in fact, one of the most reliable proofs of intelligence. One must understand reality, mentally construct a more desirable non-reality and figure out how to bridge the two without getting caught.

    Intelligence isn’t everything and the well-adjusted nerd accepts that.

  2. Dear Anon:

    I actually just answered your reply to our pal Luke on Dalrock, and WordPress decided to eat it. (Either that or Dalrock’s sick of my trolling – can’t say as I blame him if that’s the case).

  3. If I wasn.t proficient with Christian theology then I wouldn.t be a threat to Evil. Hard science obviously does nothing to encourage morality.

    That’s actually a very salient point that I missed. I have known technical guys who were objectively good people, who cared about morality. These were people of all religions and none. At the same time, none of these people learned a concern for ethical duties or values doing the undergrad Physics series, as freshmen at Shithole State. Like the rest of us, they made an effort to round themselves out by reading and/or going to church.

    Speaking of, the high rates of Chinese and Indian cheating he mentioned are only proofs of poor morality, not poor intelligence. Lying is, in fact, one of the most reliable proofs of intelligence. One must understand reality, mentally construct a more desirable non-reality and figure out how to bridge the two without getting caught.

    I think you would like books by Harry Frankfurt and Paul Virilio. They write stuff that’s serious but also accessible, and they both have books on different types of dishonesty (Frankfurt’s is called “On Bullshit” – published by Princeton, I believe).



  4. “The next time you meet a nerd, ask him what he.s accomplished. “

    Five kids. Take that other nerds.

    “…nor has he ever written any story or screenplay that would have the slightest bit of interest to anyone who doesn.t share his neurosis.”

    The stuff I write has little-to-no audience. I’m always surprised when anyone finds what I have to say interesting. I guess I just realize my neurosis.

  5. You made verbose assertions w/ no evidence. You made false equivalencies trying to show .logic..

    You failed.

    I enjoy criticism, and I often learn new things from my critics; so, if you can muster the courage and/or the minimal mental prowess to make an actual argument, I’d be glad to consider it. As it is, it appears you’re just here to “virtue signal” to your fellow WN-SJW nerds.

  6. No. Boxer succeeded.

    While many of us are acutely aware of the inherent woman-worship and ne’er do well ethos of the White Trashionalist group, Boxer added invaluable insight in exposing why they are just a subgrouping of nerds, and thus have the same shortcomings.

  7. Yes, I know that. Yet many of the criticisms that you stated about nerds strikes closer to home than I would like.

    Most nerds suffer extensively from Dunning.Kruger. A lot of what you say seems to be summed up in that observation.

  8. @Gunner Q – “…a strong indicator of a dying culture…”

    I’m a huge fan of STEM. This is unsurprising given my chosen field-of-study and profession. Such a choice allowed me to pursue a profession that allows me to have a large family. It does take up much of my time, but I am not without many other interests, including those of cultural significance. Having interviewed many engineers and computer scientists, many have outside cultural interests. Musicians are the norm. It is not the cultural desert you seem to imply.

    “…a refusal to self-replicate…”

    I believe you meant this in the context of replicating culture, but it’s the refusal to sexually reproduce that produces a dry, cultural wasteland… and a literally dying out subset of the populace. Are we living in the human-equivalent of Mouse Utopia?

    “If I wasn.t proficient with Christian theology then I wouldn.t be a threat to Evil.”

    I agree fully.

  9. ‘Sup, Boxer (and others)?

    I’ve been out the ‘sphere for a while… don’t intend to come back, but one likes to say “Hi” to one’s friends periodically.

  10. I note with no surprise that Luke fled without fighting back (either on Dalrock’s or here), like the coward that he is.

    That is what these Trashionalists are. Cowards.

    The Dunning-Kruger effect seems perfectly tailored to describe these people.

  11. Hi, Lyn!

    “I note with no surprise that Luke fled without fighting back (either on Dalrock.s or here), like the coward that he is.”

    I can respect a guy who says his piece and leaves it at that. Cowards don’t show up and trolls don’t stop.

  12. “I can respect a guy who says his piece and leaves it at that. ”

    I wouldn’t say this fits that description at all. He created the provocation, had no supporting evidence (what he presented actually undermines his case, and if he knew how to read graphs and charts, he would know that), and then fled.

    He will bring up the same trollish narrative a couple of weeks later when he thinks the coast is clear. Watch.

  13. Well, he did show back up complaining that God is being unreasonable about sex. Your point is proven.

    Thanks. I wish these people were of higher quality, but alas. That is why they are called ‘White Trashionalists’. They are exceedingly cowardly.

    I guarantee that in two weeks, he will think the coast is clear and start peddling his racism/feminism again anew.

  14. @Boxer

    WordPress doesn’t censor comments, unlike Twitter and Facebook. …’s one of the reasons I like WordPress ..
    You will find that your comment was “eaten” by Dalrock. ….once again showing himself to be the sissified, cowardly piece of shit that he is
    You know my history with Dalrock quite well Boxer, every single time anyone says anything that Dalrock doesn’t like he deletes them, it’s as simple as that
    Our Mangina, SJW’S, and Feminists friends out there make heavy use of censoring in order to suppress the truth or to get rid of stuff that offends them… tell me, what’s the difference between them and Dalrock when they employ the same tactics?
    If the shoe fits, wear it I say , and the shoe certainly fits our illustrious blogger out there if you want my opinion

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