Murder in Brockton Massachusetts

This weekend we mourn the senseless deaths of little Edson and Lason Brito. They are merely the latest example of what happens to boys in our feminist state, and they will surely not be the last.

The prize catch of a wimminz, seen above, is one Latarsha L. Sanders. Prosecutors allege that she stabbed her 8-year-old son, young Edson Brito, some 50 times with a kitchen knife as part of a “ritual incident.” Whatever matriarchal cult goddess she was trying to appease apparently wasn’t satisfied by just one murder, so she went to work on her 5-year old boy, little Lason Brito, next. He died almost immediately thereafter.

During a series of interviews with police following the discovery of the bodies of the two boys Monday, Sanders, 43, gave varied explanations for the deaths that ranged from a claim that she was motivated by “voodoo stuff” to the claim that her daughter “wanted a little blood.”

The daughter’s name has not been released, but the fact that this woman slaughtered her two boys, while leaving the girl unharmed, is implicit evidence that she is a party-line feminist, who is committed to “sticking it to” the patriarchy (in a material sense).

Mizz Sanders has been temporarily inconvenienced with a double-murder trial, but she’s sure to be released very soon, so that she can have some more kids by some other simp, and do it all again.

Boston dot com and its parent publication, the Boston Globe, are adhering to fine feminist standards by pretending that these boys’ father does not exist. It is entirely reasonable to assume that he was told by a faggot judge in the divorce courts to beat feet, after his entire estate was divided between his lawyer, his murdering whore of a wife, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Read their fine reporting here and here.

7 thoughts on “Murder in Brockton Massachusetts

  1. Wimminz are now doing their own very late term abortions.

    Nothing new under the sun…these cult goddess groups all have the same fruits. Sexual immorality (most likely a single mother), child sacrifice (done), and worshiping trees (paganism).

  2. This type of post is what blows me away when you mentioned a female dean or someone above you in you dept and just laughed and was okay with you blogging. I didn’t know there was still that freedom. Here, and other posts, you cross over into race territory, and in Michigan, you just can’t do that without professional consequences.

  3. This type of post is what blows me away when you mentioned a female dean or someone above you in you dept and just laughed and was okay with you blogging.

    Generally, people in my industry are free to write controversial stuff.

    Here, and other posts, you cross over into race territory

    I don’t know what you mean by this. I’ve never written an explicitly racist article, because I’ve never happened to feel motivated by race-hatred. There are people in academia who do write such stuff. I disagree with them on the content, but they’re free to be as kooky as they like, provided they don’t physically harm anyone and show up at work on time, without causing a commotion or disrupting the workplace.

    As for this post, I’m merely reporting the subversive truth that these two little boys had a father. That’s apparently too much to ask for the scum at the Boston Globe, who have flushed Mr. Brito down the memory hole. Dad is also a victim of this murderous skank-ho, and he deserves my sympathy. Admittedly, I don’t have any information about him, but my educated guess (that he was told by society to fuck off away from his kids) is something I see so often that I don’t think it’s unreasonable.

    It’s also not unreasonable to posit that if he hadn’t have been driven away from his children, his two boys would be alive today. I lay the deaths of these two children squarely at the feet of the feminists and their allies in government and media, and you should too. They have blood on their hands and they need to know we know it.

    More generally, I think white nationalists (like Cane Caldo) are mostly fags, driven by deep feelings of inferiority (usually justified) and an inexcusable laziness that prevents them from achieving anything individually interesting or great. That’s a topic I’ve already done to death.



  4. Boston dot com and its parent publication, the Boston Globe, are adhering to fine feminist standards by pretending that these boys. father does not exist. It is entirely reasonable to assume that he was told by a faggot judge in the divorce courts to beat feet, after his entire estate was divided between his lawyer, his murdering whore of a wife, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Read their fine reporting here and here.

    I very seriously doubt that this keisha was ever married to these boys’ father. More likely, she was extorting child support out of him while refusing to allow him any contact with them (with the full blessing of the State). That still probably won’t preclude her from at some point blaming him (at least in part) for what happened.

  5. I very seriously doubt that this keisha was ever married to these boys. father.

    When I started this blog, I began making a conscious effort to refute the feminist narrative, not only at the level of syntax, but also at the level of structure. Feminists will assume all men are abusive rapists, so until proven otherwise, I assume all men are decent fathers.

    Of course, the cynic in me whispers that you’re hopelessly na?ve, and that this whore was not only never married, but she also fucked a variety of different men, and likely cucked Mr. Brito for child support after fathering her murder victims by random strangers. I have no knowledge either way (and the mainstream press certainly doesn’t help in that regard) so I choose to see Mr. Brito as closer to my dad than hopeless deadbeat.

  6. You’re cynic is probably right….about the woman that is.

    The father…who knows. I like to think there are more good men who want to father their kids than cads. But I know there are those type of men who run away when they impregnate a woman. That’s probably why women shouldn’t do that type of risky behavior…but they get white knight government funding or the rationalization that ripping their kid in the womb is their right even if that happens.

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