A bit of disambiguation: When I speak of fat women in the following article, my referent is not the busy mother-of-three, who has packed on an extra ten pounds in her tits and ass. That is normal, and often her husband will find her attractive that way. I’m talking about the bitches that look more like pigs than human beings. We’ve all seen them. They swamp our streets and ooze into our airline seats. These bitches are not only as wide as they are tall, but they often have weird, extraneous pouches of blubber, hanging off their legs and arms, in random locations.
The tendency to date fat women seems to be approaching critical mass. It is a common sight, where I live, to see a moderately fit, good-looking dude, with a BBW whale in tow. Our feminist enemies will tell us we are horrible for body-shaming, and that women are beautiful regardless of their size. Not only is this not true, but it is particularly deceptive in that it seems that it ought to be true. We intuitively sympathize with these unfortunates, and think that we ought to be fair to these people. That message is constantly reinforced by mass-media, which blares that beauty is “only skin deep.”
Beauty is not “only skin deep.” In the vast majority of cases, being morbidly obese is a problem with the mind, rather than some sort of “glandular” problem. The real danger in dating such a beast becomes obvious, when one accepts the underlying motivations for a woman to cause her body to take on such robust girth, such monstrous proportions. This sort of piggish fatness is, in fact, positively correlated with incurable mental problems. Morbid obesity is commonly comorbid with borderline personality disorder, for instance. It is also a strong marker of an eating disorder, like bulimia. Where you see a grotesque, you see a broken soul, inhabiting a captive corpse, in the process of self-destruction.
A marriage, or similar meretricious relationship, is a symbiotic relationship by definition. If you are providing for a woman, then it is reasonable that she should provide equal value in return. This means that if one partner goes out and works all day, the other person ought to keep house. If one partner is spending most of his time on the relationship, then the other partner ought to chip in with some nights out and some money in trade. Specifically, if you keep yourself in reasonable shape, it is unreasonable for her to devolve into a human-walrus hybrid.
The next time you’re at your local shopping mall, sit down and watch the couples stroll past. If you wait long enough, you’ll see a blonde guy with a crew cut, who looks like he could be straight out of GQ magazine, and he’ll be trailing behind some big ugly dog who looks like a character in a horror film. It is not only white dudes who are falling for this con, either. Check out a fair number of black men who dress professionally, look good and keep themselves in reasonable shape, and at least one of them will be saddled with a huge beast of a woman, who looks like she cleans out Golden Corral on a regular basis.
The most poisonous bit of irony in this feminist propaganda is that fat women know they are utterly repellent, and instinctively look down on their men for settling for their crap. Men like the ones described above commonly take an excessive amount of abuse for being the decent men that they are, and looking past the exterior, in an attempt to find some morsel of goodness in their blubbery interests. The women instinctively assume that such men are losers, who are only dating them because they can’t do any better, which usually couldn’t be further from the truth.
Fat women are unacceptable. Avoid them at all costs.