Conservatism is Dead

There is a one-line summary to the political question in the USA, in 2018. It is that the Democrats are learning from their mistakes, while the Gay Ol’ Party is committed to burning down headquarters, rather than ceding another inch to the voters who elected them.

While I was traveling for business purposes, an article appeared on Dalrock entitled Waning Pussy Power. The author concludes that:

I suspect an even bigger problem with the messaging is that the women trying to capitalize on the power of the pussy are making the very image seem ugly, not to mention downright frigid.

The blog often features brilliant rhetoric, but shallow analysis, and this is a good example. I suppose no one knows all the details about what’s really going on in D.C., unless he’s one of the key players, but we can make some educated guesses and get a fair picture of the inner machinations.

The Democrats are abandoning sexual/identity politics at the same time they elected their first Alabama senator in a couple of decades. This is not a coincidence. The Democrats won in Alabama by refusing to run a hostile bulldyke or weird tranny for office. Instead they promoted a sensible populist candidate named Doug Jones. The GOP arrogantly ran an oddball Ted Cruz type, who prayed into the microphone for a revolution after he was soundly defeated, and who has a long history of questionable sexual behavior. The Democrat is already voting along populist lines, proving himself more of a friend to President Trump than his GOP challenger likely would have been.

Both before and after the election of President Trump, the GOP trotted out George W Bush, to condemn Republican voters as bigots and fascists. To be sure, the Democrats did that for a few weeks, too. Unlike the Republicans, they aren’t total idiots, and are rapidly self-correcting.

Here’s Bernie Sanders, in Reading, PA, a few weeks ago. (Skip ahead to about 52:00)

Bernie is now filling auditoriums to capacity, and I’ve seen a couple of these rallies. They’re all possessed of the same energy Donald Trump harnessed before the election, which he has now abandoned. Bernie seems to specifically address the voters who elected Donald Trump, telling them directly that they aren’t motivated by race hatred. They had real concerns that he identifies with. Occasionally, liberal ideologues or antifa in the audience will catcall Trump supporters. Bernie always makes a point to stop speaking, and tell the hecklers to shut the fuck up. He goes on to say that he understands why people elected Donald Trump, and uses soundbites to remind the audience of the promises Trump made, before the election. Things like universal health care, a commission to resolve the student loan crisis, hardball negotiations with big pharmaceutical corporations, reducing the wasteful size of our military footprint, and cutting freebies to defense contractors.

A year into the Trump administration, and we don’t have a border wall. We don’t have universal health care. We don’t have a moratorium on refugees. Trump did negotiate lower prices on some too-expensive jets with Lockheed Martin, but that seems to have been largely theatrical. He also managed to pass an almost universally hated tax bill, which benefits nobody but the large corporations he promised to go into battle with. Had Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, or Hillary Clinton been elected, it’s doubtful there would be any meaningful differences today.

Bernie is largely free of the horrendous optics of the Clintons, a couple consisting of a hateful dyke, married to a serial rapist (who lately looks about as healthy as Matthew McConaughey in Dallas Buyers Club). He also has a track record of speaking out to secure the borders, and limit attacks on the second amendment. These are the reasons that he is out leading the rallies to revive his party.

Speaking of the Clintons, Donna Brazile authored a book entitled Hacks, which is a pretty good read. It exposes the sleaze, corruption, and parasitism of these grifters, condemning their takeover of the Democratic party, and urging reform. In response, structural changes are underfoot to slash the number of superdelegates, and bind their votes. The Republican party is also rigged (as Donald Trump said himself), but no such self-awareness is visible there. The GOP party leadership is made up of nepotistic lackeys (including a couple of Mitt Romney’s relatives) who promise business as usual.

To the extent that there remains a mainstream/business wing of the Democratic party, it’s likely going to be led by someone like Barack Obama, rather than Hillary Clinton. This is also a positive change. Barack Obama was never an America Firster, but he was elected twice on populist merits. His first victory was against a foul-mouthed degenerate named John McCain, who promised to launch a nuclear first strike against Russia. His second victory was against Mormon trash-person Mitt Romney, who arrogantly told the working-class that they didn’t matter. This misconception remains inexcusable, as Mitt Romney has never done a day of productive work in his life.

I suppose that “conservatism is dead” is a vacuous truth. To the extent that there is a conservatism in America, it has ceased to be a motivator for Americans; yet, the word has always been a floating signifier. There has never been a conservative manifesto, nor has there been any consistent positions, other than perhaps serving the interests of the super rich, the energy industry, and big agriculture.

Populism is inevitable, as Sanders’ rallies demonstrate. Sanders isn’t going to give nationalists everything they want, but that shouldn’t matter, since the GOP has promised to fight Trump voters to the bitter end, and leave them with nothing. Trump voters are wise to this sort of thing, and I predict big Democrat victories in 2018, as they make the sensible choice to ally and make deals with people who are open to at least talking to them honestly.

15 thoughts on “Conservatism is Dead

  1. I was a college student in Vermont in the early 1990’s when Bernie became a Congressman. He spoke at my undergrad in 1992 (Green Mountain College). I didn’t agree with him on some issues, and I even felt at the time “just call yourself a Democrat and get it over with”

    He was posed with a question from an angry hippy chick about “guns” and he said “Right here in Vermont you are pretty much allowed to carry anywhere, and arm yourself as you personally see fit and the crime with guns hovers lower than just about anywhere else in the nation. Does that answer your question?”

    I actually applauded at that.

  2. Doug Jones ran on a conservative platform in Alabama .. or he mouthed one in his ads .. he ran a better campaign than Judge Roy Moore.

    But they still ran dirty tricks that had to have court orders to stop.

    Regardless .. if he keeps his word .. he’ll be a better fit than Moore would’ve been .. he’s always been a freak .. I didn’t vote for him in the Primary against Luther Strange .. a Trump guy.

    Gov. Ivey vould’ve avoided all of this by appointing someone vs an Election for the vacant seat of Jeff Sessions.

    If the Dem’s follow this game plan from Alabama then look-out upcoming.

  3. Dear Fellas:

    Thanks for reading!

    He was posed with a question from an angry hippy chick about .guns. and he said .Right here in Vermont you are pretty much allowed to carry anywhere, and arm yourself as you personally see fit and the crime with guns hovers lower than just about anywhere else in the nation. Does that answer your question?.

    I’ve always thought the American obsession of gun control is actually about fear of the white-trash and negroes who live at the outskirts of the hipster-faggot enclaves. The only people who seem pro-gun control are hipster faggots, who live in wealthy gated communities, at the expense of everyone else. It stands to reason that Vermont needs no real gun control. There aren’t strong class divisions there, the way there are in NYC/L.A./D.C. The sons of the wealthy employ (or work alongside) the children of the negroes and white-trash that the urban hipster is terrified of. There’s just not enough people and money in Vermont to do otherwise.

    In short, American gun control is weirdly coded White nationalism, in disguise. That’s my conspiracy theory, anyhow.

    If the Dem.s follow this game plan from Alabama then look-out upcoming.

    There are basically two wings of the Dem party now, as I see it. There’s the populist wing (led by Sanders) and the corporate wing (led by Obama, at this point). The weird tranny/black nationalist/lesbian wing, which is led by Hillary Clinton, has no future. Donna Brazile has thrown them under the bus, and the fact that she’s still alive to gloat about it means the Clintons suddenly have no power, either.

    It seems to make practical sense for Trumpists to join populist Democrats. The fact that Trump won the election is largely (if not entirely) due to populist Democrats supporting him, over Hillary “kill men” Clinton, in states like PA and WV.


  4. @Boxer

    Boxer, you surprise me lol….This article of yours is extremely insightful and spot on in your analysis
    Don’t get me wrong, I like Trump, and I still stand to this day with a lot of what he stands for, but the right wing conservatives who voted for him are utterly clueless…..Trump hasn’t done anything that he promised pre election
    The flood gates are still open to let in the Muslim hordes, there is no free Universal health care etc
    All he’s done is talk, talk, talk, and then I lost all respect for him when he attacked the poor, and the working class with that retarded bill of his
    I’m not an American, and I don’t even live in your country, but even I can see, that Trump is no different than any other politician,…..they are ALL liars, and they are all controlled by money, vested interests and the Elite who are above them

  5. Conservatism is dead…but it wouldn’t surprise me if the populist train is just a ruse to get elected and then they go back to who they always were. In the case of Bernie, a socialist.

  6. Dear Kryptonian:

    All he.s done is talk, talk, talk, and then I lost all respect for him when he attacked the poor, and the working class with that retarded bill of his
    I.m not an American, and I don.t even live in your country, but even I can see, that Trump is no different than any other politician,…they are ALL liars, and they are all controlled by money, vested interests and the Elite who are above them

    I read some conjecture someplace (Sailer?) that posited a strange conspiracy theory. Basically people speculate that Trump got into office and did his Lockheed-Martin renegotiation, which triggered some sort of threat against his family. That’s why he never went back and put the screws to these high-dollar welfare case corporations again. I don’t know that I find that likely, but I do think one man (even the God Emperor himself) will eventually get worn down fighting the machine.

    What Bernie could do to be more effective would be to spread this meme: Trump is a good man, but he can’t do it alone. He needs populist Dems to help him drain the swamp. Replace all these poisonous GOP scumbags with us in congress, and we’ll get it done. He could point to Mr. Alabama’s voting record (he’s already voting consistently with Trump, while fags like Jeff Flake and Mitch McConnell obstruct him at every turn) as an example.

    If Bernie were to play this strategy, it would mean that the Dems might not pick up as many disgruntled Trump voters, but it would energize the ones they do get to be as active as possible against Paul Ryan, Lindsay Graham, and the rest of these closet homosexuals and weirdos in congress. Everyone hates them already, so it wouldn’t be hard to whip up the crowd this way.

    Anyway, I’m not a typical American either. I’ve lived here for a few years now, and if I have a novel way of seeing this stuff, it’s probably due to my outsider’s perspective.

  7. I read some conjecture someplace (Sailer?) that posited a strange conspiracy theory. Basically people speculate that Trump got into office and did his Lockheed-Martin renegotiation, which triggered some sort of threat against his family.

    I share this opinion.

    Frankly why do you think we have been at war for so long .. these big DoD contractors love this gravy train.

    Anyone who gets in the way of the gravy train is expendable .. including the POTUS.

    America is being fleeced and all you have to do is look at who has their hand-out to find motive.

    It’s big biz fleecing Americans.

    It’s a big ole club .. and we aren’t in it.

  8. I share this opinion.

    Frankly why do you think we have been at war for so long .. these big DoD contractors love this gravy train.

    Anyone who gets in the way of the gravy train is expendable .. including the POTUS.

    DoD contractor faggot: Mr. President, bad stuff might happen if you keep cutting into our profits this way…

    God Emperor Trump: [to Jared Kushner] Would you get the IRS on the phone please? This cuck needs to lose his house. [back to DoD contractor] Sorry to interrupt. You were saying?

    Do you really think he’s scared of anyone? Bear in mind that he ran against a couple of psychos who would have ruined him completely had he lost the election.

  9. Do you really think he.s scared of anyone? Bear in mind that he ran against a couple of psychos who would have ruined him completely had he lost the election.

    Yes* .. and .. Agreed.

    Every man has a breaking point if he has family. And .. Trump has family.

    *He may not be afraid of anybody / anything .. but he has weaknesses / vulnerabilities. Plus .. these folks would actually pull the trigger vs unleash the dogs of the deep state government on him (re: psychos) .. which we already see happening / unfolding .. to which that doesn’t scary him at all .. he actually will come out better in the end via these idiots. The thing about the deep state / DoD contractor side is they have so many in their poclets and wanting to be in their pockets .. it creates an evil all its own. I came from the DoD side .. they know how to spook you without (you) knowing the one pulling the strings (i.e. for you to target back). They would never identify themselves .. just announce their intentions de-screte-lee. He would get the point and he would know not to mess with ALL DoD contractors .. because he wouldn’t know whom to aim back at .. which is in his nature.

  10. Couple of things. Just my off the cuff thoughts.

    Trump is finding out that getting things done as a politician is quite different from getting things done as a businessman. He has to deal with 535 “little presidents”, all of whom want his job so bad they can taste it and think they can do it better than he can.

    He’s also facing opposition like no other modern president. 3/4 of Congress hates him. The media hates him. He’s historically unpopular – no other modern president has the negatives he has. There is always an impeachment bill floating around the House. Politicians and the deep State conspire against him daily, merely to see him fail to get any of his agenda passed.

    He has a gang of totally incompetent Republicans in Congress. All we heard about from them from 2010-2016 was “give us a majority and we WILL repeal Obamacare”. GOP congressional leadership should have had at least 5 bills ready to go on January 21, 2017. They didn’t. They had 6 years to get their ducks in a row, and they didn’t do it. Then when the voters said “Do what you said you’d do”, they halfheartedly backed a bill that got defeated because it didn’t have what everyone wanted or thought could get through. It was for show. It was all so they can say in 2018 “But we tried! We put up a bill! Those darn Democrats and bureaucrats!” Shameful.

    Trump was elected on a perfect storm of Anti-Obama thought, Trump’s IDGAF attitude and resonating with working class and middle class voters, white conservatives and moderates being sick and tired of being called names and accused of things they aren’t and didn’t do and blamed for everything, and white conservatives and moderates scared to death of Black Lives Matter and perceived rogue cops. Remember too that a lot of Trump voters are not so much pro-Trump as they are anti-Democrat and virulently anti-Hillary. We’ll never know, but it’s possible Bernie might have peeled off some Trump voters, or even got black voters out in greater numbers.

    All this was helped by Hillary: her high negatives, the fact that about 30% of voters absolutely hate her and wanted her to go away 10 years ago, her poorly executed campaign in which she projected entitlement and condescension, and her perennial inability to connect with people. What sunk her was her presumption she could hold the Obama coalition together. She couldn’t, because she’s not black, she condescended to blacks, and she just cannot connect with black voters and activists. She always looks like a fish out of water when trying to pander to black voters. Black voters in Detroit, Milwaukee and Philly stayed home, and that gave Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania to Trump. And helped by the Democrat National Committee, which basically sandbagged Bernie and rigged everything to give the nod to Hillary. A lot of far left wing liberals still have a bad taste in their mouths over that.

    Bernie is popular right now because he knows how to connect with voters and he’s a left wing populist. The Dem party left wing and younger rank and file really wanted him, not Hillary, for the 2016 run. The only reason he’s about gun rights is because he’s been in Vermont for decades and he has to be pro-gun, or at least not anti-gun or pro gun control. If he were radical on gun control a political career in Vermont would have gone nowhere.

    More if I can think of it.

  11. It’s also noteworthy that the gap in voter turnout Trump had profited from was mostly closed in Alabama, i.e. more Democrat-leaning people were going out to vote (again), while more Republican-leaning people were staying at home (again).

    Trump managed to bring out these people precisely because he was not your typical Republican. But by now, the only major difference between Trump and average Republicanism is Trump’s twitter feed. This is still enough to enrage a couple of silly tumblrinas and amuse a couple of silly /pol/acks but it’s not enough to bring out as many people as before.

    And I think increasingly many people finally realize that the right cares about “families” or the “white working class” only as much as some hippies care about “humanity”: as an abstract concept only, as a theoretical idea while having nothing but disdain for real, living breathing people. They go on and on about the “elites” and the “globalists” all day, and the first thing they do (and defend) once they’re in power is cutting taxes for Jeff Bezos, George Soros and Co. And when families are getting destroyed because both parents have to work two jobs in order to somehow survive, that doesn’t concern them all too much … but gays and lesbians? Oh, THEN they suddenly go on about Sodom and Gomorrha and how Jesus would be right to punish this sinful nation and yada yada yada.

    Democrats, of course, suffer from their identity politics, from using white men as a scapegoat for all economical problems, and because they sell this idea that making ANY distinction between citizens and non-citizens is somehow “racist”, and making ANY regulation about who should and who shouldn’t be allowed to enter a country is somehow “fascist.”

    If Democrats continue doing this, Trump will win a second term while the GOP will lose (states such as Alabama, for instance.) And time (=demographics) is on the side of Democrats anyway.

    It’s noteworthy how Gen Z white people have voted for Trump in FAR greater numbers than older white people. Even 70% of Gen Z white girls voted Trump. But this is probably coming too late since high-school-aged Americans are already majority non-white.

  12. I don’t know how you’re coming to this conclusion. It might depend on where you get your news, I suppose.

    Here’s the way I’d put it: Dems are NOT learning from their mistakes, and Repubs are not learning from their victories. Trump was an insurgent against the Republican establishment who reflected what the Republican rank and file really wanted . all that the establishment wanted was to continue their comfortable jobs playing for the Washington Generals. It wasn’t that the Republican establishment didn’t want Trump because of concerns about his electability, but because of his policies. The establishment didn’t want him before he was elected, and they don’t want him now. Trump has gotten a surprising amount of things done so far, but on the big ticket items that haven’t come to fruition, it’s certainly not because of Trump . it’s all because of Republicans in Congress, who have been taking turns in taking one for the team, tripping up the agenda to provide cover for the rest of the Washington Generals. They are globalists, just like the Democrats.

    While Trump was the Republican party’s insurgent, and managed to break through, Bernie was the insurgent over in the Democrat party . who is more like a modern day Vladimir Lenin (no, his supporters weren’t going for his views on guns and borders, they were going for his Leninism) . but he did not break through, nor will he. They didn’t want Berine to be the Democrat standard bearer and ensured that it wouldn’t happen. Hillary was predestined to run the show, just as Jeb Bush was predestined to win the Republican ticket and lose gracefully. Berine is far too much of a maverick and an idealist, and doesn’t understand where the grease for this globalist machine comes from (banksters). Not only that, but they are probably worried that he might do just like Lenin did towards the end, and roll back some of the hard Communism when it became apparent that it wasn’t working . no, we don’t know that for sure, but anything is possible because Bernie is an outsider, a wild card, and that’s against the point of what they’re trying to do here. I mean think about it: why would they run such an absolutely worthless candidate as Hillary Clinton? Any exploratory committee worth its salt would be able to tell you that she is completely unlikable to the voters, and unelectable, so why would they force someone like that through, against someone like Bernie, who energized their base and probably would have beat Trump? Because they thought they had it rigged. There was a cock-up somewhere.

    Since then, the Democrats have nothing to run on, except opposition to Trump. There are some factions within the party that are talking practicality, but don’t let them fool you . they are not the ones in charge. Tom Perez is a radical race-baiting freak, and all of the same party leadership is taking them in all the same directions of identity politics and all the rest. As for the Alabama race, despite being fringe, Moore still would have won, if it weren’t for that last-minute #MeToo banana peel placed by Gloria Allred and false accusers. I consider that to be an outlier.

    I used to believe the polls, even when they told me what I didn’t want to hear…that was before the 2016 election. I now see them for what they are: fraudulent, used to move the needle of public opinion through group-think psychology. As such, I predict that the Dems won’t retake the House this fall . I think that is loud, boisterous wishful thinking. There is a better chance that they’ll retake the Sentate, but that is far from a guarantee . there are about twice as many Democrat seats up for grabs in November as Republicans. It’s only mathematically possible for Dems to end up with 57 Sentate seats, even if they won every Senate race, so there will be no super-majority…well, except that we have to consider the Washington Generals . there are more than enough Republican turncoats in the Senate to pass every single bill that the Democrats want with 60+ Senate votes.

    I will grant you: the Trump presidency, even with a slight Republican Senate majority, depends on the House staying red. If the Dems did take back the House, they are going to do an impeachment vote on day #1, first order of business, and they’ll get it. Again, the only thing the Democrats have at this point is opposition to Trump, or “Resist” as it’s colloquially known. They’ll go strait for it the second they have enough votes. As for a slightly Republican Senate, I think a frighteningly large Republican Senators would just love the idea of a President Mike Pence, and so the Senate would convict him, guaranteed….

    …But I don’t see it happening. I see Trump likely winning a second term, in fact.

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