Pulling A Fade

Day game is inferior to online dating in a quantitative sense. If you are merely looking for a woman to sex up, you will find one more quickly on Plenty of Fish or OK Cupid than you will in meatspace. This is the one and only consistent advantage of online dating.

Nearly every woman that seeks a man online may be described as difficult, in one way or another. The great majority of women who frequent the online dating sites have children. Those who don’t, will tend to want to have children — with your semen, and usually without your prior consent. The vast majority of them have questionable histories. Most of them are ensnared in bad habits: alcohol problems, smoking (marijuana or tobacco – often both), prescription painkillers… Some of them will have HPV, HSV, HIV, Hepatitis, or something similar. None of them will disclose any of this up front.

One of the most obvious problems with meeting women online is the ease with which such women can hide behind dishonest profiles. A sincere man will not realize the extent of any particular woman’s dysfunction before meeting her in person, and many women are able to mask their bad qualities for weeks. By this time, our brother has had sexual intercourse with her a dozen times, and has often met members of her family. Only when he is sufficiently invested will he get a glimpse of the actual woman behind the mask she has so carefully crafted for him. The persona slowly dissolves as the woman feels more and more comfortable in her conquest. She feels like she has you, or at least she has what she wants from you, before you ever really get to know her.

The woman who features herself on a dating site knows, better than you, that she is an inferior specimen. She assumes, due to the fact that you are receptive to her, that you are also inferior. You will play along with her charade, as she pretends to be normal, and as you do so, the conversation dries up, the sex gets progressively less interesting, and she begins to manifest the same sort of disrespect for you that she had for all the men who came before you. This is, at the very least, understandable. If you’re playing the game the correct way, and you’re convincing enough, she likely concludes you’re an idiot. (As she is a useless skank, and useless skanks don’t fool anyone but fools, your status is tautological).

If you’re anything like me, you tire quickly of that sort of nonsense, and you head it off by pulling a fade. This is my own term, but I didn’t invent the tactic. I’ve heard it described by others as a soft ghosting. You quit texting her. When she texts you twice, you text her once. You’re always polite, but equally noncommittal.

And as wimminz are wimminz, they will often reappear in your life when it is most convenient for them. Christmas, New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day. The specimen below is a good example. I met her online. We had fun for a couple of weeks, and as she got more and more nasty, I was less and less inclined to respond to her. She invited me to spend her birthday with her in early December. I declined. She pouted. I ignored.

Until New Year’s Eve, when (I must assume) she found herself without a date. She sent me a “what’s up” type message in mid-afternoon. Three hours later, when I didn’t respond with an invitation to meet, she needed “closure.”

Wimminz will often reappear to “get closure” — that is, to re-write the narrative. Apparently she wanted me to know that it was she who was breaking up with me, and not the other way around. Never mind the fact that no breakup was possible, given the ontological commitment never existed.

Pulling a fade is, objectively speaking, incredibly rude. Even so, it’s something of an unfortunate necessity with the emotionally stunted and brain-damaged women one is likely to meet through an online matchmaker. In the vindictive #metoo era, it seems generally preferable to let the unstable have the last word.

48 thoughts on “Pulling A Fade

  1. ‘Incidentally, do you ever hit the saturday evening services? In my area, it.s a lot less crowded, and skews more toward older people and intact families. Sort of a snapshot of what I.d like to see society look like in the future. I guess the single mom parishoners are out partying Saturday night. Something of an aesthetic delight, for guys like me.’

    I saw this from the other comment section but it was closed there.

    Yes the Saturday evening Mass is often like that.

  2. ‘Never mind the fact that no breakup was possible, given the ontological commitment never existed.’

    Whether it did or didn’t…other than in the case of divorce…if the woman is breaking up with you, that’s a good thing. There’s less chance of that nasty thing called scorn.

  3. Women still be scornful if they broke up with you because you .made them.break up with you Women are not logical creatures. women have logic we deal with our motions and if our emotions are not subject to the Holy Spirit they will rule us

  4. Nope. When I talk to guy usually a friend who has a friendzoned me it.s something like new movie coming out on Friday do you want to see it. I always pay for myself because it.s not a date. If the date I offered to pay for myself.

  5. Thank you sir but my father taught me well
    My dad taught me. You in Paris the boy if you were soon with the date and it.s not. And you should always have enough money to do what you want. If you.re leaving the house you to have enough money to get back home

  6. Apparently women don’t make their own decisions either.

    In any case…I’ve never had any scorn problems after the woman broke up with me. Probably because it was their own decision to do so.

  7. The best way to get rid of an unwanted female predator is to start displaying low SMV characteristics. For example, tell her you forgot your wallet and need her to pay for dinner, and act all upset and emotional about it. Be really dependent on her mood, or express enthusiasm for her dad’s 30 year old record collection, or call her and tell her you ran out of gas on the freeway and you need her to bring you some gas. If you’re a good actor, she’ll scramble to get away. You’ll also find out just how much she truly loves you.

  8. ‘The best way to get rid of an unwanted female predator is to start displaying low SMV characteristics.’

    Depends on what type of guy the predator wants to prey on. Some of those women are looking for a pushover.

    Easiest way is to either ignore them…

    Or be a man and lead the relationship. Tell them you believe in God and are looking for marriage where you are the patriarch. You don’t believe in birth control and sex should be in the confines of marriage. If saying that doesn’t trigger the same reaction a vampire would to garlic…you might have something there.

  9. Yo Boxer ..

    That soft fade will turn into a hard next in the very short future. You probably already know that though. Once you see the ugly (inside) .. it never matters afterwards what the outside looks like. And the process quickens as you date more. You’re a smart guy .. so you probably already see the upcoming horizon clearly.

    But .. regarding the example above .. well played .. well played indeed.


    I won’t rehash my bachelor life as an airline pilot .. and my withdraw from dating .. the best thing I can say is .. it tempered me .. and I’ll leave you to read this definition ..

    “Tempering is a heat treatment technique applied to ferrous alloys, such as steel or cast iron, to achieve greater toughness by decreasing the hardness of the alloy. The reduction in hardness is usually accompanied by an increase in ductility, thereby decreasing the brittleness of the metal.”

    All men get quenched (i.e. hardened .. HEH) as young men .. it’s the tempering process that gives you men like me (and it takes time) .. funny how my metallurgy classes actually have so much meaning now .. heh.

  10. Earl .. don’t take this the wrong way ..

    Tell them you believe in God and are looking for marriage where you are the patriarch. You don.t believe in birth control and sex should be in the confines of marriage. If saying that doesn.t trigger the same reaction a vampire would to garlic.you might have something there.

    If you have done this .. my question is ..

    How’s that working out for you?

  11. @earl

    It also could have the adverse effect of repelling ALL women lol

    Any woman who believes in God, and believes that the man should be the Patriarch, would be a very rare breed indeed

  12. @earlthomas786

    “Why would it repel all women?”

    Because I don’t believe there’s any western woman left on earth who truly believes with all her heart that PATRIARCHY is the only model of relationships that God approves of

    I dare any man, who is trying to get laid, to say upfront to a woman, “Unless you believe that I am your ruler, I am your Head, and that you are subservient to me, that you are to obey me in everything, that your whole life is to revolve around my life, you were created for me, I was not created for you…unless you believe in all those things, I cannot date you”

    I dare any man to say those things to a modern western woman, and to get back to me and tell me if he was able to get pussy from them or not

    I am willing to bet that 99.999% of women knowing those terms at the outset will run a mile

    Moral of my proposition is this: the modern western woman has been so thoroughly brainwashed by feminism’s lies, and she is so infected with the spirit of JEZEBEL to rebel against male authority, and to want her own independence, that there’s no way in hell she will accept those terms and conditions for relationships unless she was forced against her will

    As a Christian, I hate Islam with a holy hatred, YET as far as I’m concerned it is the ONLY religion on the face of this earth that has got it right when it comes to relationships and their treatment of women….Islam knows the wicked, hypergamous, defiant, contentious nature of women, and have taken extreme steps to insure that women never gain power and control in their culture and society

    Islam is smart….we are not

  13. So basically it would repel the women I said it would repel.

    Now if you are looking to get laid…that’s probably a loss.

    If you are looking to get married…that’s a win.

  14. Earl said ..

    If you are looking to get married.that.s a win.

    Sigh ..

    What if .. not a big if btw .. she has marked you for “beta bucks” and she “sez & doez” whatever it takes to fleece you after you sez I do?

    And before you say .. hey honeycomb, that would never happen .. check the stats & re-calibrate your meter’s first please .. thanks.


    And .. I gotta side with kryptonian51 and his very pointed comments about this issue.

  15. ‘What if .. not a big if btw .. she has marked you for .beta bucks. and she .sez & doez. whatever it takes to fleece you after you sez I do?’

    I don’t make enough money or outlandishly spend on women to be marked for beta bucks either. Uncle Sam would be a better sugar daddy to a Jezebel than I would.

  16. Have you guys ever point blank told women what your expectations are going into a relationship? The more you go the opposite direction of the accepted feminist blue pill let her lead ethos…the more you’ll repel the Jezebels. That’s what I’m getting at.

    If you just want them to get pleasure…there’s no need to think like that.

  17. Earl said ..

    Have you guys ever point blank told women what your expectations are going into a relationship?

    Yep .. (my entire adult life)

    I don’t want marriage or kids ..

    I also tell’em I’m a lot of fun for about 3 months and after that you will want more of my time / utility / resources / co-mit-mint .. and you will not get it.

    And it takes almist exaxtly 3 months and they start whinning .. I kick’em to the curb .. next!

    I ain’t youngz no mo brother .. themz dayz are longz gonez .. I haven’t cared what people think of me in so long I wouldn’t be able to give you a date .. probably in my pre-teen days I cared .. so not having dated (more than one meet-up) in over 9-10 years doesn’t phase me one lil bit.

    I’m the lone wolf .. so much so my first girlfriend bought me a wooden lone wolf figure for my desk / mantle.

    I love peace and quiet .. and my dog .. now that’s love .. (din’t get no idea’s you sick twisted freaks .. lol).

  18. ‘And it takes almist exaxtly 3 months and they start whinning .. I kick.em to the curb .. next!’

    It’s the same if you tell them you want to get married and have kids. They’ll leave after about 3 months if not sooner. And I still get peace and quiet while they lament ‘where are the good men?’

    The guys who let the women lead the relationship where she wants are the ones who face the biggest risk.

  19. she has marked you for .beta bucks. and she .sez & doez.

    It is possible to get to know a girl by dating her, not have sex with said girl before you get married, and actually have enough knowledge of her to know that she’s the genuine article. Shockingly, at least 50% of marriages don’t end in divorce. Just saying.

    din.t get no idea.s you sick twisted freaks .. lol

    At least the conversation is amusing.

  20. Derek Ramsey said ..

    It is possible to get to know a girl by dating her, not have sex with said girl before you get married, and actually have enough knowledge of her to know that she.s the genuine article. Shockingly, at least 50% of marriages don.t end in divorce. Just saying.

    I agree .. I don’t even have to meet her and I can give you a thumbs up or down on if she’s “the genuine article” .. heck I won’t charge ya extra to not have sex with her to give that die-ag-nose-us .. ..


    *99.99999999(carry the niner)% chance she gets a thumbs down on marriage material sight-unseen.

    *normal disclaimers apply .. 1) yes .. AWALT 2) exceptions don’t make the rule 3) I’ve probably already slept with her .. I did get around.

  21. @earl

    “And if celibacy is the .doctrine of devils..then what do you make of Jesus saying this:”

    There is no “IF” about it….those who teach celibacy today are enforcing a doctrine of DEVILS.

    What is meant by that verse by Jesus, is that VOLUNTARY celibacy (the 3rd category of Eunuch in the passage), ,is not imposed by others, it’s a CHOICE for a very select few, if they wish to choose to forego marriage in order to devote themselves to the “Kingdom” it is purely voluntary, is certainly NOT enforced by others, and is certainly NOT better than marriage….and according to Jesus, only a very select few are able to accept that lifestyle, as it is an unnatural state: “He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.”

    I would also add that Jesus’s words in Matthew 19:12-14 are to be taken with a grain of salt, as we are no longer under the dispensation of “preaching the Kingdom of Heaven”
    That time has long gone, and has NOW been superseded by preaching the gospel of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ….we don’t preach the Kingdom of Heaven any more, or we shouldn’t be

  22. @earlthomas786

    “If you are looking to get married.that.s a win”

    You’re kidding right?…..getting married is perhaps THE worse thing that a man could possibly do
    Men risk financial suicide by getting married, and they risk sexual suicide by getting married by the very FACT that marriage is the 1 place a man is guaranteed to NOT get sex
    Marriage is also the place where women finally reveal their chameleon, duplicitous nature, having concealed it from the man in order to ensnare him into marriage

    Marriage is the most disgusting, DANGEROUS, risky, and stupidest thing a man could ever do, so I’m really surprised you are recommending it to others

    You need to learn from the Professor Tom Leykis and watch and hear his material

    By the way, when I use the term “marriage” I’m using the legal definition where you need the state to grant you a marriage license/certificate, and the institution where you stand in front of each other and exchange vows/and have a priest/justice of the peace to declare you married

    That is NOT biblical marriage at all……I’m all for biblical marriage, but I reject entirely the fake/fraud legal term marriages that are indulged in today by 99% of the people in the west

  23. Have you guys ever point blank told women what your expectations are going into a relationship?

    No. What kind of crazy person jumps straight to “these are my expectations for marriage” on the first date instead of getting to know her a bit? And if you are online dating and insist on being crazy, why not just have those expectations clearly stated before the first date? Let the Jezebels filter themselves out.

    But what do I know? I’ve only ever dated two women in my life. I was best friends with my future wife for 3 years before we even started dating. By that point we didn’t have any trouble discussing expectations because we’d already set that foundation. The expectations had to be clearly delineated before engagement was an option. Saved a lot of grief once we were married.

  24. But what do I know? I.ve only ever dated two women in my life. I was best friends with my future wife for 3 years before we even started dating. By that point we didn.t have any trouble discussing expectations because we.d already set that foundation. The expectations had to be clearly delineated before engagement was an option. Saved a lot of grief once we were married.

    You are a very lucky man. While I’d like your situation to be common someday, it is incredibly uncommon in the current social environment.

  25. ‘and they risk sexual suicide by getting married by the very FACT that marriage is the 1 place a man is guaranteed to NOT get sex’

    The problem with your statement though is if you are following God’s will…marriage is the one place where sex is licit.

    So it’s either celibacy, risking your soul to damnation by having sex wherever you want, or getting married to have licit sex and taking on all those risks. It’s not like this life is all about roses and champagne.

  26. @earl

    “if you are following God.s will.marriage is the one place where sex is licit.”

    Rubbish! who said anything about whether sex is licit in marriage or not?….YOU brought it up not me, my concern is that there is an epidemic of sexless marriages out there, and that is backed up by hard data

    It’s no joke, but the sex pretty much stops when you get married because women are NOT under the biblical injunction to NOT defraud their husbands of sex, 1st Corinthians 7:5, so they will come up with every conceivable excuse to get out of sex

    “So it.s either celibacy,”

    Celibacy is NOT an option, celibacy is actually a doctrine of DEVILS 1st Timothy 4:3
    So please spare me your filthy, wicked Catholic garbage…..The heretical doctrine of a Celibate priesthood (and from extension, ALL people) is a demonic, wicked, Satanic, filthy, destructive damnable ideology that comes from the pit of HELL
    It has turned priests into Pedophiles in massive numbers, and locked in perpetual bondage, millions of souls in fear that their innate sexuality is somehow sinful

    “risking your soul to damnation by having sex wherever you want, or getting married to have licit sex”

    I’ll just ignore that as the typical rabid, anti-sexual ramblings of a celibate Catholic

    Also, who said that we are avoiding marriage?…..YOU did, I said I’m against the Pagan legal marriages that are performed today. I’m actually pro marriage that is defined by the bible

    Ahhhhh but there’s the catch, you and others believe that the only TRUE marriages, are those officiated by priests, pastors, Chaplin’s, justices of peace and which have licenses and marriage certificates and witnesses present at so called “weddings”

    Those type of marriages are not biblical,….. according to God, the moment your penis is inserted in a woman’s steamy vagina you are married: Genesis 2:24 and 1st Corinthians 6:16
    A man and a woman cohabitating together are married whether they recognize it or not

    So if the only 2 options are to to be 1: led into the wicked sin of Celibacy, or 2: to have licit sex in marriage as defined by you, I think I’ll avoid that and take the 3rd option, which is to find a nice girlfriend, get her married by having sex with her, and avoiding all the pitfalls of “modern marriages” which are against men

  27. ‘So please spare me your filthy, wicked Catholic garbage’

    You just had to go there didn’t ya.

    I suppose at some point pointing out that God is the one who determines where sex is licit and not licit brings out all the emotions.

    And if celibacy is the ‘doctrine of devils’…then what do you make of Jesus saying this:


    And besides I wasn’t forbidding marriage…I was forbidding sex outside of marriage. There is more than one definition of celibacy.

  28. In the debate above, I see that Kryptonian won the argument by using Toad’s definition of ‘marriage’, and by toying with the authority/influence of God. The validity of these techniques is debatable, according to one’s beliefs and values, which are subjective realities. I believe Earl would have prevailed if he stuck to a standard legal definition of ‘marriage’. I would still like to see where that argument would go. A lot of legally married people are interested.

  29. Earl said ..

    The guys who let the women lead the relationship where she wants are the ones who face the biggest risk.

    All men face the threatpoint from All wimminz equally.

    And, I’d say the worst act’u’say’shuns come wimminz you work with or date for a short time because you think it’s only men in marriage that have it bad / anything to worry about.

    Earl .. I am just saying be careful .. you have as much danger to you as do the men you think have the highest.

    Comm’place’in’see is the mis-application of actual to pre’see’veed risk.

  30. ‘No. What kind of crazy person jumps straight to .these are my expectations for marriage. on the first date instead of getting to know her a bit?’

    I never said first date…I said relationship.

  31. Would you rather have an ugly wife due to a disability who is sexually available and obedient or a beautiful wife who makes you live in tact will starvation and a disobedient

  32. Renee Harris said ..

    Would you rather have an ugly wife due to a disability who is sexually available and obedient or a beautiful wife who makes you live in tact will starvation and a disobedient

    That’s a great question.

    Life isn’t fair. I was born “socially short” and can’t do anything about it.

    I’m 5’8″ tall and I’m discriminated against daily in favor of 6’2″+ everyday. I’ve had great success but I understand I’m not their first choice. I also discriminate against certain traits too.

    First a woman has to be attractive (relative) to what a man desire’s .. and .. Second he has to put a priority on “available and obedient” over just available sex. In your example men will not pick you if they have more attractive options if it is just about available sex. Because right now .. th wimminz ™ are all sexually available.

  33. Oh fella’s ..

    We have exhibit one ..

    and now we have exhibit two ..

    We went to war (i.e. revo’lew’shun’airee) for one dick’tator dressed in black and now we have thousands of these lil’ punks making life for the princesses way to easy. She will probably get even a lighter sentence via another judge or jury in about a year. Enjoy the decline ™ fella’s.

  34. From the comments ..

    Magl00 ?16h
    she should expect a big lawsuit too because the boys she accused, lost their scholarships to the school because of her accusations.

    Our local university has had at least two false police reports of sexual assaults on campus….later when their stories started having big holes in the facts….did they admit they made it up.

    Haven’t heard what punishments they received…but I have a feeling they got off scott free…..

    that is why the current viral trend of “Accusations” with out police reports or FACTS…..are a JOKE IMO.

    Making accusations…40 years AFTER the fact….IS politically motivated….end the end. the Dems THINK it worked…and it may have…due to the close race.

    Moore wasn’t perfect…but he WAS on the GOP side.

    Exhibit three ..

  35. @honeycomb

    ‘All men face the threatpoint from All wimminz equally.’

    Yeah after all the #metoo nonsense, that’s probably true.

    The Pence rule is looking like the only option now.

  36. ‘Would you rather have an ugly wife due to a disability who is sexually available and obedient or a beautiful wife who makes you live in tact will starvation and a disobedient’

    I don’t know what disabilities would make a woman look ugly…but if it’s something like cerebral palsy I’d take that over the Jezebel.

  37. @Sigma Frame – “I see that Kryptonian won the argument by using Toad.s definition of .marriage., and by toying with the authority/influence of God.”

    My view was publicly stated elsewhere and is similar to Toad’s, but without all the logical problems. Without rehashing the details, the biblical evidence favors the traditional sexual morality in a sex=(obligation of)marriage context.

    The public declaration of marriage in a ceremony is important to the extent that your family and close community does its job to acknowledge and defend your marriage over time. Churches/family/community should be trying to protect marriage and rebuild broken marriages, not break them further. Cohabitation is justified if the support systems are completely broken or you are socially disconnected, in which case there is no purpose to the ceremony.

    With this in mind, if kryptonian wants to “marry” [one-flesh join] a woman by having sex with her, that’s not unbiblical. But it’s still a “marriage” [one-flesh joining] subject to the injunctions against divorce and adultery.

    @earl – “I never said first date.I said relationship.”

    In the context of this post on online dating, the first relationship is dating. If you meant something other than this assumption, please clarify.

  38. After you’ve dated the lady a while and both decide to enter into an exclusive relationship. My implication was you knew each other pretty well.

  39. @earl – “My implication was you knew each other pretty well.”

    I was mostly joking when I said a crazy person would lay out the expectations when they start dating (It’s just a little crazy). You’d be crazy not to discuss expectations once things got more serious. The last thing you want to do is get engaged or married without planning for the inevitable disagreements.

    We set down expectations while dating and while there were some expectations we missed, those that we did discuss were critical. For example, we agreed on the minimum number of children. Had I refused to have any children with her later, I don’t doubt she would have considered divorce. It never came to that, of course, and we have 5 kids now.

    “After you.ve dated the lady a while and both decide to enter into an exclusive relationship.”

    I’ve been married for 16 years and seen the world and yet what you said still makes no sense to me in my cultural framework. I can’t imagine dating not being synonymous with an exclusive relationship. You and I must come from different worlds.

  40. @Renee Harris

    I didn’t even have to think about my answer to your question

    I will take an ugly wife who is sexually available any day, any time of the year, rather than being with a beautiful wife who is a frigid shrew

    Don’t underestimate the power of being always sexually available, and enthusiastic when it comes to sex…It makes a woman more beautiful and attractive to us men
    A sexy, hot, beautiful wife who is frigid, cold, and unenthusiastic in bed is repulsive to me

  41. ‘ I can.t imagine dating not being synonymous with an exclusive relationship. ‘

    Is a first date an exclusive relationship, the second, the third….

  42. It’s odd that the school’s official response doesn’t match actual outcome of the young-men.

    I believe a chit-storm is’ah comin on college camp’eye.

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