Another Heroic Single Mom

Jamie L. Jones, seen below, has been arrested for murdering her 6-year old son, a boy named Carl Rice.

best interests of the children…

For some strange reason, this skank-ho single mother took the corpse on a train ride to see relatives. Family members were disturbed by the fact that this wimminz had brought the corpse of her little child to the family reunion, and ended up calling authorities.

In keeping with media protocol, no mention of the boy’s father (we can assume his surname is ‘Rice’ – that’s about it) appears in the news release. He is erased, disappeared. His pain and his grief means nothing.

There’s really almost nothing else I can say about this depressing story. No sane society would put an individual of this calibre in charge of a child’s welfare, yet there are hundreds of thousands of these idiots out in the general population, waiting to snap and produce more corpses. Miss Jones is now in the jailhouse, due to receive a much lighter sentence than she deserves. Tomorrow it will be someone else.

Thanks to our brother Oscar, who is part of the Dalrock research team. Show him some love (here). Visit his blog (here). Read the full article at the Chicago Sun-Times (here).

5 thoughts on “Another Heroic Single Mom

  1. I recall years ago .. going to town with my mother to shop for clothes ..

    There was a jail-cell out in public and people i side of it.

    The sign read .. “I wrote a bad check.”

    I didn’t know what that meant .. but I knew I didn’t want to write a bad check.

    They had to spend 20 hours a weekend for a month in that cell plus pay back the amount due.

    And though the Dad couldn’t be reached for comment .. at least this hoez family was disturbed and called the cops.

    Very sad .. ugh.

    Now to finish my thought on public shaming .. this bitch needs a town stoning .. and in the lead-off position should be the Dad and his family.

  2. Paging Mr. Boxer:

    “Deputies arrested Santangela Turner, 26, of Laurel, after she allegedly sent photos of herself using a white cord to strangle her three-month-old daughter’s neck and of the infant with a knife aimed at her neck, the Daily Mail reported.

    The woman threatened to harm the infant in one of the text messages and added a photo of the baby with a cord wrapped around her neck, according to the Jones County Sheriff’s Office.”

    Again, no mention of a father anywhere. My guess is that she sent the photos to the baby’s father.

  3. I’m going to take a holiday moratorium on depressing and disgusting shit. I’ll post some comments on or about the 26th. Thanks for this. Keep it coming.

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