Happy Holidays

Every part of the good earth has it’s pleasant season… that time of year when it’s dry, fair, and the weather is good for walking. Where I live, that season is now.

It’s also American Thanksgiving. Hail our God Emperor, President Trump, for his beneficence and mercy.

I won’t be around much for the next week or so. This is the case with many blogs. If you must be on the internet, then pre-approved commenters should feel free to discuss stuff here; as their favorite blogs get thrown into moderation. Otherwise, go on a hike, have a snowball fight, watch some homosexual sportsball, and enjoy the day with your families.

Our celebrations foreshadow the great victory we will someday enjoy over our feminist enemies, and the return to normalcy in our societies.

As an aside, this blog is apparently four years old…

Thanks for riding with Boxer!

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