Divorce Court Follies

Getting divorced has the potential to be a very expensive undertaking. Of course, it’s difficult to end up in the docks of the divorce court, if you never marry to begin with. That’s one of the primary reasons I started this blog: to encourage you fellas to think twice before signing on that dotted line.

Let’s examine one of the more recent victims of this predatory scam, shall we? I bet we can learn a bit from someone else’s misfortune.

Armando filed for divorce in June 2011 after almost 14 years of marriage…

Married in 1998, Armando Montelongo (the poor schlub pictured above) decided to divorce his wife in 2011. He’s still in-n-out of court at the end of 2017. Is there an end in sight? Not so long as he has some more money to steal.

Veronica was trying to collect the final payments of the couple’s original agreement, which promised her $4,000 a week in alimony plus an additional annual payment of $250,000 for five years, according to the couple’s “Agreement Incident to Divorce.” The agreement was referenced in an August court filing with the Bexar County district court.

So, let’s do the math. Armando is paying this ho’ 250,000 USD in a lump sum, every year (1 Jan?). Then he is forced to pay that same wimminz 4000 USD, every week, for the rest of the year.


That’s four hundred fifty eight thousand tax free USD per annum.

I dare say that’s much more than most of us make, working straight jobs. I also estimate that the average successful bookie, prostitute or crack dealer doesn’t make that much money, for all their hustling. Yet, there is a skank-ho in Bexar County, Texas, who expects this money (taxes paid on the back end, to be sure) to flow in for doing precisely… nothing.

In her August court filing, Veronica wanted her former beau locked up in Bexar County Jail if he failed to comply with a court order enforcing the divorce agreement. She also wanted him to pay $1,000 a day until he complied.

That’s what a loving wife does to her husband. She uses the state to extort money from him, under penalty of prison, while she plays the fool, runs with other men, and gets her nails done.

Doesn’t this make you boys want to get married? Me too!

It never came to that, however. Court records show the two reached an agreement that was signed by state District Judge Solomon J. Casseb III last week. No details of the agreement were disclosed in the court order, but it indicated that Armando had paid in full “all alimony, child support obligations and and all other obligations that have accrued to date.”

When I see a phrase like “no details of the agreement were disclosed” I chuckle. If I thought the poor guy got off easy, my misconception was dispelled in that sentence.

Read more at San Antonio Express-News (here)

3 thoughts on “Divorce Court Follies

  1. ‘ That’s what a loving wife does to her husband. She uses the state to extort money from him, under threat of prison, while she plays the fool, runs with other men, gets her nails done. Doesn’t this make you want to get married? Me too!’

    It makes me want to figure out how the Marxists got an iron clad stranglehold on the family/divorce court system.

    The wimminz wouldn’t have this incentive if they state didn’t give it to them.

  2. This stuff is so very sad for all of us men.

    Sigh ..

    Divorce should be so easy .. you split 50/50 what you both a complished while married. You share time with kids 50/50 .. no alimony or child support. And .. ALL pre’Nup’s are honored.

    It’s so easy a caveman could do it.

    Oh .. “th wimminz”(tm) want more than the original inch someone gave them years ago .. well then .. we can go back to caveman days too if you “wimminz” like .. jus sayin.

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