YHBT by Jake LaMotta

The great people over at the Gospel Coalition have posted a glowing review of the feminist cartoon Frozen. I had to reply:

Thank you so much for this wonderful review. Frozen is a fantastically empowering movie, which sends Jesus’ message to young women, that they shouldn’t be constrained by the patriarchy. As a Christian media outlet, Disney/ABC is fighting the good fight for children and families.


I’m so glad that Christians are finally coming around to the true message in the text of the bible. For over a thousand years, Christians have inverted the message in the text, which empowers single mothers, celebrates fatherless children, and redefines marriage around the scriptural “child support” model.


This biblical model of family has never been fully appreciated, much less implemented; but, thanks to true Christians like those at Disney and The Gospel Coalition, we are finally seeing positive changes!

Visit the faggots at The Gospel Coalition (here)

If you must screen “Frozen,” please consider getting it from a torrent server. Don’t send any of these feminists more money.

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