Happy Revolution Day

I’m currently on holiday, but wanted to pop online and wish my readers (all five of them) a happy season. I am, on paper at least, a Canadian, so we’ll roll Canada Day and Independence day into one glorious week of subversive anti-feminist celebrations. Whether you are going to go do as your forefathers did, and topple some infrastructure, or whether you’re just going to get drunk poolside, I trust you’ll make it memorable.

And now to some business. Earlier I wrote about Ariana Gonzalez (here), and while I thought I had an accurate picture of her argument, it’s now clear that I unfairly impugned an innocent woman. This is an apology and retraction to Mrs. Gonzalez, who is not a single mom, but is, in fact, married to a nice fellow, who fathered her youngest child.

While we don’t know the whole story, ya boy Boxer read the “pregnant at 15” part and assumed the usual, which wasn’t the case.

Mrs. Gonzalez is an example of the type of turnaround an individual can do, if one wants to work hard, quit acting like an idiot, and start living a meaningful life. I do wish she’d quit shilling for the abortion clinic on national media, but I suppose we can’t have everything.

Credit to Richard P., who did the fact checking that I was too lazy to do. I owe him a case of beer, payable on demand.

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