Where Do Babies Come From?

NOTE: This hastily written nonsense contains serious clickbait inaccuracies, that are nobody’s fault but mine. It remains up as a reminder to not believe everything you read (whether it’s ya boy Boxer or CNN who writes it). Credit to Richard P. for fact checking. A full retraction is contained (here).

Ariana Gonzalez, a skank-ho single mom, with two children, each by different fathers, is blaming the lack of an abortion clinic for her pregnancies. Teenage skanks are apparently ignorant of the simple facts of life… like one’s unwanted pregnancy being caused by her own irresponsible sexual behavior.

I found this story on CNN. I am going to link to it, because it accomplishes a number of different things. In the first place, it illustrates the entitled stupidity of contemporary females, and in the second, it is a good example of the wild spin on such propaganda emanating from the corporate media.

Before Planned Parenthood opened in the Imperial Valley two years ago, she became pregnant when she didn’t want to, and then later she couldn’t get pregnant when she did want to.

Read more (here)

12 thoughts on “Where Do Babies Come From?

  1. “Teenage skanks are apparently ignorant of the simple facts of life… like one’s unwanted pregnancy being caused by her own irresponsible sexual behavior.”

    Eliminate child support, welfare, WIC, and all forms of subsidies for single mommies and see how “ignorant” they are about the consequences of sex.

  2. Truth! You know what I think? People like this just get off on complaining. She got a chance to get on Fake News CNN, so she started babbling unintelligibly.

  3. To The Question,
    I used to think the same, but take a look at the Russell Moore quote from Darwinian Armenian at the end of the current Dalrock post. It makes it clear to me that even if you could make those changes without the church, we(the church) would still be providing incentives to those women to continue. In other words, there are two ships to turn now, the shore and the church. The time period you refer to, only the woman needed the societal pressure to act right.

  4. Boxer – the article you link to states that Ariana Gonzalez is married, not a single mom as you state. Also, she is also a high-school teacher, which suggests she has a bit more mental capacity than you imply. You state “she is blaming the lack of an abortion clinic for her pregnancies”. If by “abortion clinic” you mean a place where she could have obtained birth control, then maybe. If you meant “she is blaming … for her having to give birth”, she was offered an abortion and turned it down. At any rate, your statement “blaming the lack of an abortion clinic for her pregnancies” is an awkward statement as we can’t know what you meant.

    Your characterization of the woman and the article is misleading. I can’t tell whether is it on purpose or through carelessness. You usually write at a higher level than this.

    This is a defense of accurate communication, not a defense of Planned Parenthood.

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