The Roots of Feminism

Over on Dalrock, one of our fellow sociologists opines:


The social movement, to which Brother Oscar is no doubt referring, is feminism.

Feminism is certainly part of the constellation that includes plummeting birth rates, increased divorce rates, and general social problems. Even so, is that really the root cause?

I love to mock feminists. They’re easy targets and their lunacy is generally so transparent as to be endlessly entertaining. Even so, I think we give the feminist movement far too much credit, by dignifying them as socio-political movers-and-shakers. Most of them seem to be atomized, pathetic people. The typical feminist is poor/in debt, physically unhealthy and repulsive, with no friends. Feminist organizations don’t really exist any longer.

Feminism’s popularity spike happened, not coincidentally, at the same time that the era of mass migration was really taking off. Urbanization, moving across the continent to chase employment and marriage, and general loss of community (which are really extended-family) bonds had preceded its arrival.

I’m partial to the idea that broader social and economic changes made individuals and families more vulnerable to craziness like feminism. By the same metric, feminism arose at the same time widespread drug abuse, membership in gangs and armed cults, and crazy political movements (revolutionary communism, the KKK, etc.) were also becoming chic.

This is a particularly painful truth that men need to internalize, if we’re to realistically plot a return to a more sane social order. Defeating feminists isn’t going to do the trick. Reformers need to imagine a world in which nearly every institution is deconstructed and built back up, with strong incentives for maintaining social bonds, at the expense of “do your own thing” liberalism and libertarianism.

16 thoughts on “The Roots of Feminism

  1. Sir
    I like I like misogynistic men. What did they do you have for a 30-year-old virgin who is Who is not beautiful and was raise to wait until she married and like a a dumbass she actually did wait

  2. Renee: You’re not a dumbass. You’re playing it smart. You really ought to hurry it up and find a nice Christian dude to marry. You won’t stay cute for ever.

    There are tons of 30-something guys who would love to meet you. You likely have hundreds of options in every town. Lock down a nice guy, sex him up regular, and let him work to support you. It’s the best way for a woman.

  3. I am not sure a commitment to a close-knit community is necessary, but a broad commitment to a common set of wise values most certainly is.
    However, it is probably necessary for the close-knit community to exist for the common set of wise values to be transmitted to the next generation, so indirectly the close-knit community would be necessary.
    The me-first attitude prevalent in our culture, such as is shown by the welfare leech or a divorce profiteer, would be a problem whether feminism existed or not, so you definitely have a point. It seems to me however that the most egregious examples of selfishness come primarily from women — abortion/infanticide for convenience, welfare, divorce asset transfers, or kidnapping a man’s children so they can be used as “mutilated beggars” to beg for chilimony. Thus, if women were properly restrained, with men being trained to deny requests not in line with the wise principles from the Bible, the me-first attitude in our culture would be greatly diminished. So, get rid of feminism and much, but not all, of the problem has been mitigated.

    Your post image reminds me of the quote that keeps getting posted at Dalrock. Feminism allowed the natural weaknesses of women to be put on public display in a manner far more obvious than was previously possible.
    Does the woman in the foreground remind anyone else of a screaming banshee?

  4. Hello back Boxer.

    Great insights. As you saw over at Dalrock, the views you expose here are practically the same I did there. To me feminism has always been a rationalization of a number of societal changes. It is also worth exploring the point to which feminist tendencies are also part of the West’s nature, since it has been observed that northern European societies traditionally gave women a higher status than other cultures. We could call this a proto-feminism of sorts.

    In the end, and this something people like Dalrock and other manospherians need to understand, civilization implies a certain “pussification”. In Afghanistan they don’t have SJWs, but it is a very primitive country. Similarly, eastern European countries like Poland and Hungary, which many hail now as the last rempants of Western civilization, are actually much poorer than its Western counterparts (worth noting too that despite their alledged conservatism -I have heard there is no left-wing parties in the Polish parliament- birth rates are quite abysmal there as well).

    Also, although the malaise of our societies is real, I would not wax lyrical about a mythical past either. I am very skeptical regarding the “Alt Lite” / Breitbart types and their cries over “Western civilization”. Where was such civilization a century ago? Frenchmen and Englishmen would have felt literally insulted to be lumped together with Germans back then.

    It’s true we are fatter and softer now, but I would take that over dying in the trenches.

    Anyways, glad to see you are Alt-Left. It is a position I am quite close to.

  5. Dear Dale:

    Does the woman in the foreground remind anyone else of a screaming banshee?

    The feminist in the photo? Let’s be nice to the poor dear. She does the best she can.

  6. Dear Oscar C.:

    Also, although the malaise of our societies is real, I would not wax lyrical about a mythical past either. I am very skeptical regarding the “Alt Lite” / Breitbart types and their cries over “Western civilization”. Where was such civilization a century ago? Frenchmen and Englishmen would have felt literally insulted to be lumped together with Germans back then.

    The smart folks have a term for this sort of political delusion. They call it retrocultural nostalgia. It’s actually very common in North America, where people imagine the postwar era to be some ideal nirvana we need to get back to. Despite all the historical documentation you might throw at them, the true believers never want to give it up.

    Thanks for posting the link to Southwood over on Dalrock, by the way. I’ve never heard of him. Anyone who knows Rorty and Rawls is someone I’m interested in reading.



  7. Yes, exactly. I will keep the term for future use.

    About the Southwood guy, I think I found that by chance while looking at other things; sometimes some digging on old Twitter threads can be worth your while. I saved the tweet chain because it was a perfect expression of my same thoughts.

    I also recommend you this blog:

    I wish guys like him would gain more preeminence.

  8. Dear Oscar:

    I also recommend you this blog

    Probably too middlebrow for anyone who slums around with me, but it’s excellent material. Added to my links library on the right.

  9. You had a groupie forming there for a sec, Boxer.

    Best “lock her down” before she runs screaming out the co-ed corridor you two will be sharing during your Women’s Studies times.


  10. You had a groupie forming there for a sec, Boxer.

    Renee is welcome to comment here. I’m pretty sure she can do better than little ol’ me in the marriage department, and I wish her well.

    More generally, women are so horrible these days, that people like Renee have a huge advantage. A woman doesn’t need to be beautiful to snag a man. I see very decent men pushing strollers with plain jane types all the time. If Renee is feminine and decent, she can likely have her pick of eligible bachelors.

  11. Feminism is inextricably linked to left-wing secular American Jews: much in the same way that Sushi is linked to the Japanese, Tacos to Mexico, etc.

    Steinem, Abzug, Dworkin…to many to name really. There was a book entitled “Hole in the Sheet” by Evelyn Kaye that is a good read if we want to understand the psychological underpinnings of American Jewish women. In short, the book slams the treatment of women by Orthodox Jews (i.e. forces them to have sex via a Hole in the Sheet, and thus the title). Via this lens, you can see that American Jewish women are rebelling against the traditional norms of Judaism, using secular America as their testing ground.

    Here is a link to the book. I should do a review, but I don’t know if I could stomach it:

  12. Sir
    . I’m pretty sure she can do better than little ol’ me in the marriage department, and I wish her well.

    you don’t want to get married. I would never try to force you into doing something that you didn’t want. As why the people say how “wise” I am I am still a woman. I can be annoying and bratty at times I had thought the weird sounds of humor sense of humor that it took me three viewing to realize citizen Kane was not a comedy…

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