Alex Jones and Pizzagate

I usually like to link my readers to original sources, but I’ve decided I’m not going to do that in this case. In the first place, I don’t want to send Alex Jones any extra web-traffic. In the second, I don’t want anyone to harass his victims. Background on this story can probably start here, for the uninitiated.

Until recently, I had nothing against the people who listen to Alex Jones, he’s just not my cup o’ tea. That changed with the conspiracy theory popularly known as Pizza Gate. This is a story centered around a pizza parlor in Washington DC. Believers charge that it is some sort of a front for organized criminals to kidnap, rape and murder children.

The first problem with this theory — aside from the obvious: that there is no evidence — is that it’s centered around a public place. For years, tens of thousands of people have come and gone from the pizza shop in question, at all hours of the day and night. Is it reasonable to believe that children were being tortured, raped and murdered in this environment? No one saw anything as they were ordering and eating pizza?

Note: A quick dig through court records suggested that the only drama surrounding the pizza shop was a zoning complaint, by neighbors who were annoyed by late night drunks walking past their houses, to and from the restaurant. The pizza shop can probably be said to be guilty of being a mediocre neighbor… but this is not akin to being the front for a ring of organized child killers.

Jones and other conspiracy theorists mobilized a mob of people to investigate this joint, causing serious disruption to the business. On some of the youtube videos of people harassing patrons, the owner can be seen calmly asking the protestors to sit down and talk to him, at different times offering them free coffee and pizza. Eventually, a nutjob who was inspired by Jones’ “activism” went to the pizza shop with an AK-47 and started shooting furniture.

So, what’s the owner of such a business supposed to do? I suppose he could sue Alex Jones, which will entail years and years of paying his attorneys to file pleadings and motions in court. Long after this drama has been forgotten, the owner will be forced to relive this nonsense. Eventually, he’d probably win his case, and Jones would just as quickly move himself and all his assets to the Bahamas, to evade collection.

My astute readers will note that just by stating these obvious problems with the conspiracy theory, Brother Boxer is opening himself up to charges that he is part of the conspiracy. Should the wrong people read this blog post, it’s possible that I’ll be outed as a long-time friend of Crooked Hillary Clinton and John Podesta, and a guest at the parties at the pizza shop. Never mind the fact that I think the Clintons and Podestas are idiots, and I wouldn’t have anything to say to them if I ever actually did see them. It is how these witch-hunts work.

Over at Black Pill, commenter Boy Doesn’t Meet Girl (visit his blog) writes:

“The only people who ask “what a conspiracy theorist is” are conspiracy theorists.” According to whom, outside of this tribal blog of anonymous keyboard warriors?

As a guy with a math degree, I have a fetish for well-defined terms; but, “conspiracy theorist” is analytic.

I don’t disagree with you about conspiracy theorists in general. People are all the time scheming to enrich themselves (I do this almost every time I go to work) and often two-or-more folks will scheme together. It can be useful to try and figure out, after the fact, what happened when something seemingly random goes down. The problem, in this case, is Jones’ pattern of lying about people for the sake of his ratings, then making a halfhearted apology for the lunacy he’s ejaculated into the collective consciousness, after he’s already profited from his dishonesty.

Alex Jones is a man who fabricated tales of rape and murder in order to sell penis-enhancement pills, to his gullible listeners, on his kooky program. He’s also a man who, despite just losing custody of his children, is not lifting a finger to help divorced men in a similar situation.

Alex Jones is not a dissident. Alex Jones is not your friend. He’s a male feminist, who is loyal to the system in place, and he has grown rich by lying to you.

10 thoughts on “Alex Jones and Pizzagate

  1. Sir that’s when I thought of getting into conspiracy theories., I was listening to Alec the lot until I realize that he’s part of the very elite he criticizes. His interview with the guy who knows Nikki R it’s pretty interesting but you must watch it in its entirety. My non-imaginary friends make fun of me because I believe in conspiracy theories. My imaginary friends don’t really have a problem with it????

  2. Boxer, that’s a well-written, sharply worded post that gets to the point. I have ONE big agreement and ONE big disagreement.

    The agreement is that the conspiracy in this case is far-fetched. You laid it out nicely in your argument.

    The disagreement is that Alex Jones is unnecessary or some kind of wart on society. I don’t think banning him will serve any purpose. The thing is, banning is a drug you never stop taking. Once you do it once, you’re tempted to do it again and again.

  3. I have never bought any of Alex Jones’ products, so he hasn’t gotten rich off of me.

    There are plenty of people in this world who cannot stand Alex Jones. Some want to kill him. Some have tried. My problem isn’t with people who dislike him (well, I do have a problem with trying to kill him but anyway) and for the record, a response I posted to Omega Virgin Revolt about a month ago started out with a criticism of Alex Jones and how he gets a lot of stuff wrong. I can relate to a lot of the criticisms of Alex Jones.

    Despite this, OVR and his dingle-berries have made me out to be their enemy, a conspiracy theorist, probably a white nationalist or perhaps an operative of the gynocracy, all while they flung insult after angry insult…it reminds me of how things used to work on under the leadership of Nacho Vidal – very tribal, very conformist, very much an echo chamber. Look, I’m no stranger to flame wars on the internet, but discussion has to be higher quality for me than that. The OVR blog used to be a lot higher quality, but it has since become little more than a teenage-level hive of suckasses and their leader who himself is a conspiracy theorist, trying to make a name for himself in the manosphere. The blog has become something like a mix of MGTOW and Black Lives Matter. Do you read much of his stuff? He recently had a blog about Asians hiring white nationalists for security, and citing the writings of Dylan Roof of all people. I don’t think OVR is worth my time anymore, and probably not yours either.

  4. Dear Renee:

    I think you should consume whatever you want, entertainment wise. I just hope you’ll be skeptical of some of the more outrageous characters out there.

    Peace, Boxer

  5. Dear Sorc:

    The disagreement is that Alex Jones is unnecessary or some kind of wart on society. I don’t think banning him will serve any purpose. The thing is, banning is a drug you never stop taking. Once you do it once, you’re tempted to do it again and again.

    I actually come close to agreeing with you. As I tried to point out in the subtext, the libel torts (at least in the USA) have a high bar. People like Jones are the price we pay for a free society. I’d like to encourage people not to get swept up into groupthink, though. We should all be skeptical about accusations — particularly when the accusers don’t produce bodies.

    Best, Boxer

  6. Dear BDMG:

    This definitely wasn’t a critique of you, or really of your overall position. I was just giving my take on the matter.

    Despite this, OVR and his dingle-berries have made me out to be their enemy, a conspiracy theorist, probably a white nationalist or perhaps an operative of the gynocracy, all while they flung insult after angry insult…it reminds me of how things used to work on under the leadership of Nacho Vidal – very tribal, very conformist, very much an echo chamber.

    Well, the idiots did that to me last year. Read the comments here to get the low-down:

    One of the guys who is giving you trouble: “Stoner With A Boner” is a content thief, who indulges in copypasta from better thinkers to fill his blog. I believe you were around when I pointed that out, last summer, also.

    Personally, I like Black Pill’s blog and don’t care that he surrounds himself with sycophants. He makes pretty good points and isn’t afraid to criticize the people who consider themselves “thought leaders” (Spencer, Forney, etc.). Your mileage may vary, and it should. Every man has his own standards.

    Peace! Boxer

  7. I actually didn’t read anything stoner/boner said in that thread, so if he said anything critical of me, I didn’t notice. I’ve gotten along decently with him, probably because we had kind of a camaraderie with guitar/rock stuff. DrVN is apparently a debate megalomaniac, and I think Tamerlame has a beef with me over Islam, or something.

    I do have to make one correction to something I said: OVR wasn’t the one who quoted Dylan Roof, but rather it was survivingincel. Easy blog post to get confused with something OVR would write.

  8. Yes, little one. I realize that I disagree with him. Unlike you or SWAB, he can make valid points in a productive debate, and is thus worth my time.

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