Plutarch’s Parallel Lives

From Plutarch’s Life of Alexander the Great (21)

7 But Alexander, as it would seem, considering the mastery of himself a more kingly thing than the conquest of his enemies, neither laid hands upon these women, nor did he know any other before marriage, except Barsiné.


8 This woman, Memnon’s widow, was taken prisoner at Damascus.


9 And since she had received a Greek education, and was of an agreeable disposition, and since her father, Artabazus, was son of a king’s daughter, Alexander determined (at Parmenio’s instigation, as Aristobulus says) to attach himself to a woman of such high birth and beauty.


10 But as for the other captive women, seeing that they were surpassingly stately and beautiful, he merely said jestingly that Persian women were torments to the eyes.


11 And displaying in rivalry with their fair looks the beauty of his own sobriety and self-control, he passed them by as though they were lifeless images for display.

Alexander, the greatest conqueror in human history, student of Aristotle: He only married after finding someone worthwhile, and he laughed at all the rest of the ho’s.

Be like Alexander.

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